The following is my interpretation of the exchange between NCP's which would be necessary to carry out the Initial Connection Protocol of RFC#123. (This note corrects an error pointed out by Eric Harslem of RAND).
Server NCP User NCP __________ ________
Listen for Connection L RTS, U, L, l A
STR, L, U, 32 ALL, l , 1, 32 A
Send 32 bits of data in 1 message on link l A
(value is S) Receive 32 bits of data from link l (value is S) A
STR, S+1, U+1, B STR, U+1, S, B s u
RTS, S, U+1, l RTS, U, S+1, l B C
wait for connection wait for connection ALL, l , m , b ALL, l , m , b B B B C C C
data sent to link l data sent on link l C B
data received on link data received on link l B C
l , l , and l , are links, m and m are messages allocations, b A B C B C B and b are bit allocations, and all other symbols are defined in C RFC#123.
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[ This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry ] [ into the online RFCarchives by Lorrie Shiota]