Network Working Group J. Bouknight Request for Comments: 156 26 APRil 1971 Category: G.5 Illinois Obsoletes: None Updates: None
Status of the Illinois Site (Response to RFC0116)
As of the date of the report, 26 April, the Illinois Site has complete Operational hardware connecting the PDP-11 system with the IMP.
Due to mUCh trouble with the Burroughs B6500 computer, final checkout of the operating system plus the network control program for the PDP-11 has been seriously curtailed. Current eXPectations are:
--checkout of the NCP by the latter part of May
--installation of the PDP-11 system in Paoli, PA (the operating link between Illinois and Burroughs in Paoli) so that the system will be operational during June
[ This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry ] [ into the online RFCarchives by Tom McGhan 7/97 ]