Network Working Group Jon Postel Request for Comments: #236 UCLA-NMC NIC 7661 Computer Science Categories: D.3 27 September 71 Related: #226, 229 Obsoletes: 229
In RFC#226, Peggy Karp suggested that there be a set of standard host names, that the names be 6 characters in length, and gave a partial list. In RFC #229, I suggested 8 character names and gave a longer list. Here I PResent my list again with some modifications.
I also suggest that as far as possible the Standard host names be consistent with the site names used by the Network Information Center. It also seems to me to be a good idea to consult with each host's technical liaison Officer before assigning that host's name.
It has been brought to my attention that programmers are lazy and don't like to deal with character strings longer than one computer Word or containing characters other than the capital letters A-Z or the digits 0-9. Thus, I have included an alternate list which is limited to 4 character names using only the alphanumerics.
Site Standard Name Alternate Name ---- ------------- --------------