NWG/RFC#289 21-DEC-71 16:29 8295 What We Hope Is An Official List of Host Names Richard W. Watson SRI-ARC
The enclosed is what we hope will be accepted as a list of official formal host names and nicknames. As no other subject worked on by the NWG has generated so mUCh comment, it is worthwhile to review briefly how this list came into being.
The need for some standard set of names recognized by NCP's and Telnets and usable on hardcopy to designate a persons affiliation had been recognized for some time and several sets of names were in use.
Peggy Karp issued the first formal PRoposal of a set of standard names in RFC226, NIC 7625. This proposal was answered by a number of counter proposals and culminated in RFC247, NIC 7688. People still were not happy with this proposal as names normally associated with hosts or projects were not used.
At the last NWG meeting a number of people discussed the name problem and agreed that the only reasonable compromise solution was to have both formal names and nicknames and to let the people at the hosts choose their own names within the guideline which the previous dialog had seemed to agree on.
The guidelines were summarized in RFC273, NIC 7837 and the NIC agreed to collect and publish the names that the people at each host indicated they desired. A number of names were received and a tentative list was published as RFC280, NIC 8060. More people responded with their desired names or changed the ones in the above list.
Almost all sites have since responded and the following list resulted.
I think people should feel free to change their host name when ever the situation warrants.