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RFC526 - Technical meeting: Digital image processing software systems

2019-11-04 11:21:18

  Network Working Group Dr. William K. PRatt
RFC# 526 USC
NIC # 17162 June 25, 1973

Technical Meeting
Digital Image Processing Software Systems
July 17-18, 1973
University of Southern California

The University of Southern California Image Processing Institute in
conjunction with the Advanced Research Projects Agency, Information
Processing Techniques Office is sponsoring a technical meeting on
digital image processing software systems. The meeting will be held at
USC on July 17-18, 1973. The purpose of the meeting is to consider the
existing hardware facilities and software systems suitable for large
scale image processing Operations over the ARPANET. Additionally,
preliminary consideration will be given to the potential development of
universal image processing software that will be of utility to the
entire image processing R & D community.

Representatives of interested organizations are invited to attend the
technical meeting. Attendees should contact:

Professor William K. Pratt
Olin Hall, Room 330H
University of Southern California
University Park
Los Angeles, California 90007
(213) 746-2694

Technical Meeting
July 17-18, 1973
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California


17 July 1973

Powell Hall - Room 101

1:00 IntrodUCtion; informal tour of USC image processing facilities

Seaver Science Center Conference Room

Image Processing Hardware and Software
Moderator: Bill Pratt - USC

2:00 ARPA Image Processing Programs
John Perry - ARPA/ipT

2:30 UCLA Campus Computer Network Computational Facilities
Bob Braden - UCLA

3:00 Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories Computational Facilities

3:30 ILLIAC IV Computational Facilities
Clark Oliphant - Computer Center Corp.

4:00 Coffee Break

4:30 VICAR Image Processing Software
John Krasner - JPL

5:00 LARSYS Image Processing Software

5:30 PAZ II Image Processing Software
Azriel Rosenfeld - University of Maryland (tentative)

Faculty Center

6:30 Cocktail Hour

7:30 Dinner

8:30 Discussions of Other Image Processing Software
PECOS - - ESL, Inc.
LADIES - Bob Hunt - Los Alamos
KANDIDATS - R. Haralick - Kansas

18 July 1973

Seaver Science Center Conference Room

9:00 Group discussion

Moderator: John Perry
- requirements of user community
- advantages and disadvantages of existing software systems
- desired properties of a software system

10:30 Coffee Break

11: 00 Group discussion continuation
- proposals for adoption of a universal image processing

12:00 Meeting ends

[ This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry ]
[ into the online RFCarchives by Alex McKenzie with ]
[ support from GTE, formerly BBN Corp. 10/99 ]

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