ARPA Network Information Center Jeanne North Stanford Research Institute SRI NIC Menlo Park, California 94025 23 May 1973
RFC511 NIC 16442 Updates NIC 7554, NIC 7732
EnterPRise Phone Service to NIC From ARPANET Sites
In September 1971, NIC arranged for all Sites then on the Network to have phone service to NIC with all tolls billed to NIC. (7554,). In October, (7732,) a revised list of numbers established for Sites was issued. Since then, some Sites have requested the service, and further arrangements have been made. A list of present Enterprise and Zenith numbers is attached. This list is accessible online through <NIC>LOCATOR.
NIC has considered consolidating to one 800 number, but this service would be mUCh more eXPensive. Enterprise numbers (Zenith in California) are billing arrangements which must be made separately for each prefix, not just each area code, so that even users in the same area usually need a special arrangement. Although admittedly more awkward than an 800 number, the present arrangement costs about $800 per month; an 800 number would cost about $2200 per month.
NIC would be interested in response from users as to their satisfaction with the present arrangement. Any Site actually on the Network which does not have an Enterprise number and would like to have one, is invited to call NIC to request one.
NIC also arranged for an answering service on the Enterprise or Zenith numbers for calls that are received from 5pm to 8am. We apologize to any users who have found this service faulty recently. We have reinstituted the service and assume it will be satisfactory in supplying information on the status of NIC Operations at times other than 8 to 5 when our full staff is here. Your comments on this would be appreciated.
Ident Site Phone
ABERDEEN Aberdeen R & D Center Enterprise 0740
AMES-67 NASA Ames Research Center dial (415) 329-0740 -Tip
ARPA Network Information Center Jeanne North
ARPA-TIP Adv Research Projects Agency Enterprise 1-0740 -NCC -NET
BBN-NCC BBN--Network Group Enterprise 0740
CASE-10 Case Western Reserve Enterprise 0740
CCA Computer Corp. of America Enterprise 0740
CMU-CC Carnegie-Mellon Univ. Enterprise 9074 -10
DOCB Dept. of Commerce, Boulder Enterprise 0740
ETAC-TIP Washington, D.C. Enterprise 1-0740
HARV-1 Harvard University Enterprise 0740 -10 -11
ILL-ANTS University of Illinois Enterprise 1-0740 -CAC
ILLIAC NASA Ames--ILLIAC Group dial (415) 329-0740
LL-67 Lincoln Lab Enterprise 0740 -TX2 -TSP
MIT-DMCG MIT Enterprise 0740 -AI
MIT-ML MIT Enterprise 0740
MIT-MULTICS MIT Enterprise 0740
MITRE-TIP MITRE Corporation Enterprise 1-0740
NBS-TIP Nat'l Bureau of Standards Enterprise 1-0740
[ This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry ] [ into the online RFCarchives by Tony Hansen 11/98 ] [ The nroff source file of this document was created by ] [ Alex McKenzie with support from GTE, formerly BBN ] [ Corp. 10/99 ]