Network Working Group N. Neigus Request for Comment: 597 J. Feinler NIC: 20826 12 December 1973
Host Status
Attached are the latest network maps -- geographic and logical -- and a list of Hosts connected to the ARPANET.
The geographic map shows all IMPs and Tips currently installed in the subnetwork.
The logical map diagrams the current (as of Dec. 10, 1973) status of all computers on the net, with the exception of MIT-MULTICS which is shown in the advanced state of being attached to IMP #44 rather than IMP #5. (My apologies for not rePRinting the map.) Hosts with interfaces to the subnet are shown with intersected ovals; the small "v" represents a Very Distant Host (VDH) interface to the IMP; IMPs are the solid black circles and TIPs the circles with "T" enclosed. The two jagged lines represent satellite links.
Note: The names listed on this map are unofficial IMP names, NOT official Host names.
The list of Hosts includes current sites as well as those projected to come onto the net within the next two months. At the end is an incomplete list of installations to be connected further in the future. Dates for connection have been included only for the next few months to prevent gross inaccuracy.
The Host's network address is given in octal and decimal.
Interfaces from the subnet to the particular computer are listed in parentheses and may be ignored.
A site is considered a Server or User of the network based on self-proclamation. Limited Server implies the site performs service functions but for a restricted group of users dedicated Servers implies the type of service is restricted, not the user group. In all cases normal site access restrictions are observed. Included in the status column is any special Operating system available for that Host, that is not supplied by the computer manufacturer.
This RFCcontains official Host names as of December, 1973. Naming conventions and an official Hostname list, which will be maintained at the NIC by Jake Feinler (FEINLER@NIC), will be published in the
ARPANEWS. A version of this list will be available online at the NIC, the location to be announced with the official Hostname list. (Other sites are encouraged to make copies of this list available on their own systems.) In addition, a printed version will be issued periodically as part of the Resource Notebook
Host Address Hostname (Interface)-> Status/ (8) (10) Computer System ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 001 UCLA-NMC Sigma 7 Server till 12/31/73 SEX PDP-11/45 User 1/1/74 ANTS
101 65 UCLA-CCn IBM 360/91 Server
201 129 UCLA-CCBS (PDP-15)-> limited Server PDP-10
002 2 SRI-ARC PDP-10 dedicated Server TENEX, NLS
102 66 SRI-AI (PDP-15)-> limited Server PDP-10 TENEX
202 130 SU-DSL (VDH)-> User 1/74 PDP-11/20 ANTS
003 3 UCSB-MOD75 IBM 360/75 Server OLS
103 67 SCRL (VDH)-> User PDP-11/45 ANTS
004 4 UTAH-10 PDP-10 limited Server TENEX
204 132 UTAH-TIP TIP
005 5 BBN-11X PDP-11 Peripheral processor for #69, 12/73
105 69 BBN-TENEX PDP-10 Server TENEX
205 133 BBN-TENEXB PDP-10 limited Server TENEX
006 6 MIT-MULTICS H-6180 Server till 12/17/73 Multics
017 15 I4-TENEX PDP-10 limited Server ILLIAC IV TENEX
117 79 I4-TENEX PDP-11 Peripheral processor for #15
020 16 AMES-67 IBM 360/67 Server
220 144 AMES-TIP TIP
320 208 AMES-11 PDP-11/45 User 12/73
222 146 RADC-TIP TIP
023 19 NBS-ICST PDP-11/45 User ANTS
223 147 NBS-TIP TIP
224 148 ETAC-TIP TIP
025 21 LLL-RISOS PDP-11/45 User RATS
026 22 ISI-SPEECH11 PDP-11/45 User 1/74
126 86 USC-ISI PDP-10 Server TENEX
226 150 ISI-DEVTENEX PDP-10 User 1/74 TENEX
027 23 USC-44 IBM 360/44 Server
227 151 USC-TIP TIP
230 152 GWC-TIP TIP
231 153 DOCB-TIP TIP
032 26 SDAC-44 IBM 360/44 User
232 154 SDAC-TIP TIP
034 28 ARPA-DMS PDP-15 User
234 156 ARPA-TIP TIP
035 29 BRL PDP-11/40 User ANTS
037 31 CCA-TENEX PDP-10 dedicated Server TENEX, Datacomputer
137 95 LL-LANTS (VDH)-> User 2/74 PDP-11/40 ANTS
237 159 CCA-TIP TIP
040 32 PARC-MAXC (Nova)-> limited Server MAXC TENEX
140 96 PARC-VTS Nova 800 User
240 160 PARC-11 PDP-11 User 1/74
041 33 FNWC (CDC 3200)-> 2/74 CDC 6500
241 161 FNWC-TIP TIP
142 98 UCB (VDH)-> User 1/74 PDP-11/45
043 35 UCSD-CC (Micro 810)-> Server B6700
044 36 HAWAII-ALOHA HP 2100 12/73
144 100 HAWAII- 500 BCC 500 1/74
245 165 RML-TIP TIP
050 40 BBN-NCC H-316 User
250 168 NCC-TIP TIP
350 232 BBN-1D PDP-1 User
052 42 UKICS-360 (PDP-9)-> limited Server IBM 360/195
053 43 Office-1 PDP-10 dedicated Server TENEX, NLS
054 44 MIT-MULTICS H-6180 Server 12/17/73 Multics
The following hosts are scheduled to come onto the ARPANET in the Spring of 1974 or later. Since their schedule was less firm they were not listed above.
110 72 SDC-CC IBM 370/158
216 142 CMU-11 C.mmp
316 206 CMU-CC (PDP-11)-> IBM 360/67 & UNIVAC 1108
024 20 ETAC PDP-11/45
033 27 BELVOIR (PDP-11)-> CDC 6600
041 33 FNWC (CDC 3200)-> CDC 6500
042 34 LBL (CDC 6200)-> CDC 7600
055 45 SCI SCL-85
260 176 AFWL-TIP TIP
(Maps omitted: ARPA Network, Geographic Map, November 1973; and ARPA Network, Logical Map, December 1973.)