This RFCcorrects numerous inaccuracies in RFC#633. Rather than trying to list all the changes, I urge all Liaisons and other interested parties to look carefully at the times now listed for the sites they are interested in.
This note presents the current IMP/TIP Preventive Maintenance schedule. Preventive Maintenance is scheduled on a monthly basis and a given machine is normally scheduled at the same time each month; wherever possible the time is chosen to coincide with the PM time for the Host(s) at the site.
It is sometimes necessary to reschedule PM's because of network connectivity considerations or for other reasons. Whenever this is necessary we will follow the usual procedure for scheduling down time with our "primary contact" at the site. Permanent changes to the schedule will he announced via the RFCmechanism.
PM's normally do not require the IMP/TIP to be taken down. However, machines must be taken down in some cases, so no one should rely on the machine remaining available through the PM period.
All times shown below are Eastern Time.
First Monday (of each month)
5 BBN IMP [0830-1130]
40 NCC TIP [1130-1430]
47 WRIGHT-PATTERSON [1300-1700]
First Tuesday
30 BBN TIP [0830-1130]
3 UCSB [1130-1430]
First Wednesday
14 CARNEGIE [0830-1130]
2 SRI [1200-1500]
First Thursday
26 SDAC [0830-1130]
4 UTAH [1030-1330]
41 NORSAR [0830-1130]
42 LONDON [0830-1130]
Second Monday
6 MIT-MAC [0830-1130]
44 MIT-IPC [1200-1500]
25 DOCB [1030-1330]
Second Tuesday
17 MITRE [0830-1130]
23 USC [1130-1430]
Second Wednesday
31 CCA [0830-1130]
11 STANFORD [1200-1500]
32 XEROX [1400-1700]
18 RADC [0900-1200]
Second Thursday
27 BELVOIR [0830-1130]
35 UCSD [1130-1430]
37 RML [0930-1230]
Second Friday
43 TYMSHARE [1200-1500]
Third Monday
9 HARVARD [0830-1130]
1 UCLA [1000-1300]
48 KIRTLAND [1600-1900]
Third Tuesday
7 RAND [1130-1430]
8 SDC [1530-1830]
Third Wednesday
12 ILLINOIS [0930-1230]
28 ARPA [1700-2000]
15 AMES IMP [1200-1500]
16 AMES TIP [1300-1600]
36 HAWAII [1430-1730]
45 MOFFETT [1400-1700]
Third Thursday
20 ETAC [0830-1130]
33 FNWC [1300-1600]
Third Friday
21 LLL [1230-1530]
Fourth Monday
13 CASE [0830-1130]
Fourth Tuesday
19 NBS [0830-1130]
Fourth Wednesday
10 LINCOLN [0830-1130]
46 RUTGERS [1000-1400]
Fourth Thursday
24 GWC [1500-1800]
22 ISI [1300-1600]
29 ABERDEEN [1300-1600]
[ This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry ] [ into the online RFCarchives by Alex McKenzie with ] [ support from GTE, formerly BBN Corp. 2/2000 ]