In one of our current measurement PRojects we are interested in the average values of important network parameters. For this purpose we collect data on the network activity over seven consecutive days. This data collection is only interrupted by down-time or maintenance of either the net or our collecting facility (the "late" Sigma-7 or, in future, the 360/91 at CCN).
The insight gained from the analysis of this data has been reported in Network Measurement Group Note 18 (NIC 20793):
L. Kleinrock and W. Naylor "On Measured Behavior of the ARPA Network"
This paper will be presented at the NCC '74 in Chicago.
In this RFCwe want to report the mean round-trip times (or delays) that were observed during these week-long measurements since we think these figures are of general interest to the ARPA community. Let us first define the term "round trip time" as it is used by the statistics gathering program in the IMPs. When a message is sent from a source HOST to a destination HOST, the following events, among others, can be distinguished (T(i) is the time of event i):
T(1): The message is passed from the user program to the NCP in the source HOST
T(2): The proper entry is made in the pending packet table (PPT) for single packet messages or the pending leader table (PLT) for multiple packet messages after the first packet is received by the source IMP
T(3): The first packet of the message is put on the proper output queue in the source IMP (at this time the input of the second packet is initiated)
T(4): The message is put on the HOST-output queue in the destination IMP (at this time the reassembly of the message is complete)
T(5): The RFNM is sent from the destination IMP to the source IMP
T(6): The RFNM arrives at the source IMP
T(7): The RFNM is accepted by the source HOST
The time intervals T(i)-T(i-1) are mainly due to the following delays and waiting times:
T(2)-T(1): -HOST processing delay -HOST-IMP transmission delay for the 32-bit leader -Waiting time for a message number to become free (only four messages can simultaneously be transmitted between any pair of source IMP - destination IMP) -Waiting time for a buffer to become free (there must be more than three buffers on the "free buffer list") -HOST-IMP transmission delay for the first packet -Waiting time for an entry in the PPT or PLT to become available (there are eight entries in the PPT and twelve in the PLT table)
T(3)-T(2): -Waiting time for a store-and-forward (S/F) buffer to become free (the maximum number of S/F-buffers is 20). -Waiting time for a logical ACK-channel to become free (there are 8 logical ACK-channels for each physical channel). -For multiple packet messages, waiting time until the ALLOCATE is received (unless an allocation from a previous multiple-packet message still exists; such an allocation is returned in the RFNM and eXPires after 125 msec)
T(4)-T(3): -Queuing delay, transmission delay, and propagation delay in all the IMPs and lines in the path from source IMP to destination IMP -Possibly retransmission delay due to transmission errors or lack of buffer space (for multiple packet messages the delays for the individual packets overlap)
T(5)-T(4): -Queuing delay in the destination IMP -IMP-HOST transmission delay for the first packet -For multiple-packet messages, waiting time for reassembly buffers to become free to piggy-back an ALLOCATE on the RFNM (if this waiting time exceeds one second then the RFNM is sent without the ALLOCATE)
T(6)-T(5): -Queuing delay, transmission delay, and propagation delay for the RFNM in all the IMPs and lines in the path from destination IMP to source IMP
T(7)-T(6): -Queuing delay for the RFNM in the source IMP -IMP-HOST transmission delay for the RFNM
IMP processing delays are not included in this table since they are usually very small. Also, some of the abovementioned waiting times reduce to zero in many cases, e.g. the waiting time for a message number to become available and the waiting time for a buffer to become free.
If the source and destination HOSTs are attached to the same IMP, this table can be simplified as follows:
T(2)-T(1): as before T(3)-T(2): for multiple packet messages: waiting time until reassembly space becomes available (there are up to 66 reassembly buffers) T(4)-T(3): for multiple packet messages: HOST-IMP transmission delay for packets 2,3,... T(5)-T(4): as before T(6)-T(5): 0 T(7)-T(6): as before
Up to now we have neglected the possibility that a single packet message is rejected at the destination IMP because of lack of reassembly space. If this occurs, the single packet message is treated as a request for buffer space allocation and the time interval T(3)-T(2) increased by the waiting time until the corresponding "ALLOCATE" is received.
The round trip time (RTT) is now defined as the time interval T(6)-T(2). Note that the RTT for multiple packet messages does include the waiting time until the ALLOCATE is received. It does, however, not include the source HOST processing delay (i.e. delays in the NCP), the HOST-IMP transmission delay, and the waiting time until a message number becomes available. Note also, that the RFNM is sent after the first packet of a multiple packet message has been received by the destination HOST.
Let us now turn to the presentation of the average round trip times as they were measured during continuous seven-day periods in August and December '73. In August, an average number of 2935 messages/minute were entering the ARPANET. The overall mean round trip delay for all these messages was 93 milliseconds (msec). The corresponding numbers for December were 2226 messages/minute and 200 msec. An obvious question that immediately arises is: why did the average round trip delay more than double while the rate of incoming messages decreased? The answer to this question can be found in the large round trip delays for the status reports that are sent from each IMP to the NCC. Each IMP sends, on the average, 2.29 status reports per minute to the NCC. Since there
were 45 sites connected to the net in December, a total of 103.05 status reports per minute were sent to the NCC. Thus 4.63 percent of all messages that entered the net were status reports.
The average round trip delay for all these status reports in December was 1.66 sec. This number is five to ten times larger than the average round-trip delay for status reports we observed in August. It is not yet clear what change in the collection of status reports caused this increase. One reason appears to be that the number of these reports was doubled between August and December. Since the large round-trip delays of these status reports distort the overall picture somewhat, we are going to present the December data - wherever appropriate - with and without the effect of these delays. (We should point out here that the traffic/delay picture is distorted by the accumulated statistics messages which were collected to produce this data. We have, however, ignored this effect since these measurement messages represent less than 0.3% of the total traffic.) The overall mean round trip delay without the status reports in December is 132 msec. This value is still more than 35 msec larger than the corresponding value for August. However, before we shall attempt to explain this difference we will first present the measured data.
Table 1 shows the mean round trip delay as a function of the number of hops over the minimum-hop path. This minimum number of hops was calculated from the (static) topology of the net as it existed in August and December of last year. The actual number of hops over which any given message travels may, of course, be larger due to network congestion, line failures or IMP failures. In fact, for August we observed a minimum mean path length of 3.24 while the actual measured mean path length was 3.30; in December we observed 4.02 and 4.40, respectively. (See Network Measurement Group Note #18 for an explanation of the computation of actual mean path length.) As expected we observe a sharp increase of the mean round trip delay as the minimum number of hops is increased. Note, however, that the mean round trip delay is not a strictly increasing function of the minimum number of hops.
Table 2 gives the mean round trip delay for messages from a given site. The December data is presented with and without the large delays incurred by the sending of status reports to the NCC. Table 3 shows the mean round trip delay for messages to a given site. The largest round trip delays, in December, were incurred by messages sent to the NCC-TIP since these messages include all the status reports.
Table 4, finally, gives for each site the mean round trip delays to those three destination IMP/TIP's to which the most messages were sent during the seven-day measurement period in December. Let us first say few Words about the traffic distribution which is dealt with in more
detail in Network Measurement Group Note #18. There are several sites which like to use their IMP as a kind of local multiplexer (UTAH, MIT, HARV, CMU, USCT, CCAT, XROX, HAWT, MIT2). For these sites the most favorite destination site is the source IMP itself. For several other sites the most favorite destination site is just one hop away (BBN, AMES, AMST, NCCT, RUTT). Nobody will be surprised that for many sites ISI (ILL, MTRT, ETAT, SDAT, ARPT, RMLT, LONT) or SRI (UCSB, RADT, NBST) is the most favorite site. There are several other sites (SDC, LL, CASE, DOCT, BELV, ABRD, FNWT, LBL, NSAT, TYMT, MOFF, WPAT) which were rather inactive in terms of generating traffic during the seven-day measurement period in December. Most of their messages were status reports sent to the NCC. (Those IMPs, for which the frequency of messages to the NCC-TIP is less than 2.2 messages per minute, were down for some time during the measurement period).
Let us now attempt to give a few explanations for the overall increase in the mean round trip delay between August and December. These explanations may also help to understand the differences in the mean round trip delays for any given source IMP-destination IMP pair as observed in Table 4.
1. Frequency of routing messages. Routing messages are the major source of queuing delay in a very lightly loaded net. In August, a routing message was sent every 640 msec. Since a routing message is 1160 bits long, 3.625 percent of the bandwidth of a 50 kbs circuit was used for the sending of routing messages. For randomly arriving packets this corresponds to a mean queuing delay of 0.42 msec per hop. Between August and December the frequency of sending routing messages was made dependent on line speed and line utilization. As a result, routing messages are now sent on a 50 kbs circuit with zero load every 128 msec. This corresponds to a line utilization of 18.125 percent and a mean queuing delay of 2.10 msec. The queuing delay due to routing messages in a very lightly loaded net in December was therefore five times as large as it was in August.
2. Traffic matrix. The overall mean round trip delay depends on the traffic matrix. If most of the messages are sent over distances of 0 or 1 hop the overall round trip delay will be small. The heavy traffic between AMES and AMST over a high-speed circuit in August contributed to the small overall mean round trip delay.
3. Network topology. The mean round trip delay depends on the number of hops between source-IMP and destination-IMP and therefore on the network topology. Disregarding line or IMP failures, the mean number of hops for a message in August and December was, respectively, 3.24 and 4.02.
4. Averaging. The network load, given in number or messages per minute, represents an average over a seven-day period. Even though this number may be small, considerable queuing delays could have been incurred during bursts of traffic.
5. Host delays. The round trip delay includes the transmission delay of the first packet from the destination-IMP to the destination- HOST; therefore, the mean round trip delay may be influenced by HOST delays that are independent of the network load.
Table 1 Mean Round Trip Delay as a Function of the Number of Hops
1 487.6 288.7 86 100 25 65 50
2 191.0 143.1 118 138 70 119 80
3 380.7 226.9 148 168 95 131 112
4 218.5 274.1 176 196 102 167 119
5 276.3 185.6 204 228 109 217 134
6 183.8 136.3 210 258 175 355 167
7 333.6 212.7 218 256 178 301 240
8 156.7 161.1 160 234 222 365 241
9 59.0 160.3 102 208 270 308 218
10 0.6 29.9 40 124 331 939 410
11 1.0 18.9 20 46 344 998 699
12 - 10.2 - 20 - 992 655
13 - 0.01 - 4 - 809 809
Table 2 Mean Round Trip Delays for Messages from a Given Site
[ This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry ] [ into the online RFCarchives by Alex McKenzie with ] [ support from GTE, formerly BBN Corp. 12/99 ]