Network Working Group C. Adams Request for Comments: 2144 Entrust Technologies Category: Informational May 1997
The CAST-128 Encryption Algorithm
Status of this Memo
This memo PRovides information for the Internet community. This memo does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
There is a need in the Internet community for an unencumbered encryption algorithm with a range of key sizes that can provide security for a variety of cryptographic applications and protocols.
This document describes an existing algorithm that can be used to satisfy this requirement. Included are a description of the cipher and the key scheduling algorithm (Section 2), the s-boxes (Appendix A), and a set of test vectors (Appendix B).
STATUS OF THIS MEMO.............................................1 ABSTRACT........................................................1 1. INTRODUCTION.................................................1 2. DESCRIPTION OF ALGORITHM.....................................2 3. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CONSIDERATIONS.........................8 4. SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS......................................8 5. REFERENCES...................................................8 6. AUTHOR'S ADDRESS.............................................8 APPENDICES A. S-BOXES......................................................9 B. TEST VECTORS................................................15
1. Introduction
This document describes the CAST-128 encryption algorithm, a DES-like Substitution-Permutation Network (SPN) cryptosystem which appears to have good resistance to differential cryptanalysis, linear cryptanalysis, and related-key cryptanalysis. This cipher also possesses a number of other desirable cryptographic properties, including avalanche, Strict Avalanche Criterion (SAC), Bit Independence Criterion (BIC), no complementation property, and an absence of weak and semi-weak keys. It thus appears to be a good
candidate for general-purpose use throughout the Internet community wherever a cryptographically-strong, freely-available encryption algorithm is required.
Adams [Adams] discusses the CAST design procedure in some detail; analyses can also be oBTained on-line (see, for example, [Web1] or [Web2]).
2. Description of Algorithm
CAST-128 belongs to the class of encryption algorithms known as Feistel ciphers; overall Operation is thus similar to the Data Encryption Standard (DES). The full encryption algorithm is given in the following four steps.
INPUT: plaintext m1...m64; key K = k1...k128. OUTPUT: ciphertext c1...c64.
1. (key schedule) Compute 16 pairs of subkeys {Kmi, Kri} from K (see Sections 2.1 and 2.4). 2. (L0,R0) <-- (m1...m64). (Split the plaintext into left and right 32-bit halves L0 = m1...m32 and R0 = m33...m64.) 3. (16 rounds) for i from 1 to 16, compute Li and Ri as follows: Li = Ri-1; Ri = Li-1 ^ f(Ri-1,Kmi,Kri), where f is defined in Section 2.2 (f is of Type 1, Type 2, or Type 3, depending on i). 4. c1...c64 <-- (R16,L16). (Exchange final blocks L16, R16 and concatenate to form the ciphertext.)
Decryption is identical to the encryption algorithm given above, except that the rounds (and therefore the subkey pairs) are used in reverse order to compute (L0,R0) from (R16,L16).
See Appendix B for test vectors which can be used to verify correctness of an implementation of this algorithm.
2.1. Pairs of Round Keys
CAST-128 uses a pair of subkeys per round: a 32-bit quantity Km is used as a "maSKINg" key and a 5-bit quantity Kr is used as a "rotation" key.
2.2. Non-Identical Rounds
Three different round functions are used in CAST-128. The rounds are as follows (where "D" is the data input to the f function and "Ia" - "Id" are the most significant byte through least significant byte of I, respectively). Note that "+" and "-" are addition and subtraction modulo 2**32, "^" is bitwise XOR, and "<<<" is the circular left- shift operation.
Type 1: I = ((Kmi + D) <<< Kri) f = ((S1[Ia] ^ S2[Ib]) - S3[Ic]) + S4[Id]
Type 2: I = ((Kmi ^ D) <<< Kri) f = ((S1[Ia] - S2[Ib]) + S3[Ic]) ^ S4[Id]
Type 3: I = ((Kmi - D) <<< Kri) f = ((S1[Ia] + S2[Ib]) ^ S3[Ic]) - S4[Id]
Rounds 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, and 16 use f function Type 1. Rounds 2, 5, 8, 11, and 14 use f function Type 2. Rounds 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 use f function Type 3.
2.3. Substitution Boxes
CAST-128 uses eight substitution boxes: s-boxes S1, S2, S3, and S4 are round function s-boxes; S5, S6, S7, and S8 are key schedule s- boxes. Although 8 s-boxes require a total of 8 KBytes of storage, note that only 4 KBytes are required during actual encryption / decryption since subkey generation is typically done prior to any data input.
See Appendix A for the contents of s-boxes S1 - S8.
2.4. Key Schedule
Let the 128-bit key be x0x1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8x9xAxBxCxDxExF, where x0 represents the most significant byte and xF represents the least significant byte.
Let z0..zF be intermediate (temporary) bytes. Let Si[] represent s-box i and let "^" represent XOR addition.
The subkeys are formed from the key x0x1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8x9xAxBxCxDxExF as follows.
Let Km1, ..., Km16 be 32-bit masking subkeys (one per round). Let Kr1, , Kr16 be 32-bit rotate subkeys (one per round); only the least significant 5 bits are used in each round.
for (i=1; i<=16; i++) { Kmi = Ki; Kri = K16+i; }
2.5. Variable Keysize
The CAST-128 encryption algorithm has been designed to allow a key size that can vary from 40 bits to 128 bits, in 8-bit increments (that is, the allowable key sizes are 40, 48, 56, 64, ..., 112, 120, and 128 bits. For variable keysize operation, the specification is as follows:
1) For key sizes up to and including 80 bits (i.e., 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, and 80 bits), the algorithm is exactly as specified but uses 12 rounds instead of 16;
2) For key sizes greater than 80 bits, the algorithm uses the full 16 rounds;
3) For key sizes less than 128 bits, the key is padded with zero bytes (in the rightmost, or least significant, positions) out to 128 bits (since the CAST-128 key schedule assumes an input key of 128 bits).
Note that although CAST-128 can support all 12 key sizes listed above, 40 bits, 64 bits, 80 bits, and 128 bits are the sizes that find utility in typical environments. Therefore, it will likely be sufficient for most implementations to support some subset of only these four sizes.
In order to avoid confusion when variable keysize operation is used, the name CAST-128 is to be considered synonymous with the name CAST5; this allows a keysize to be appended without ambiguity. Thus, for example, CAST-128 with a 40-bit key is to be referred to as CAST5-40; where a 128-bit key is eXPlicitly intended, the name CAST5-128 should be used.
2.6. CAST5 Object Identifiers
For those who may be using CAST in algorithm negotiation within a protocol, or in any other context which may require the use of OBJECT IDENTIFIERs, the following OIDs have been defined.
Parameters ::= SEQUENCE { iv OCTET STRING DEFAULT 0, -- Initialization vector keyLength INTEGER -- Key length, in bits }
Note: The iv is optional and defaults to all-zero. On the encoding end, if an all-zero iv is used, then it should absent from the Parameters. On the decoding end, an absent iv should be interpreted as meaning all-zeros.
This is encryption and decryption in CBC mode using the CAST-128 symmetric block cipher algorithm.
Parameters ::= SEQUENCE { salt OCTET STRING, iterationCount INTEGER, -- Total number of hash iterations keyLength INTEGER -- Key length, in bits }
Note: The IV is derived from the hashing procedure and therefore need not be included in Parameters.
This is passWord-based encryption and decryption in CBC mode using MD5 and the CAST-128 symmetric block cipher . See PKCS #5 (which uses the DES cipher) for details of the PBE computation.
2.7. Discussion
CAST-128 is a 12- or 16-round Feistel cipher that has a blocksize of 64 bits and a keysize of up to 128 bits; it uses rotation to provide intrinsic immunity to linear and differential attacks; it uses a mixture of XOR, addition and subtraction (modulo 2**32) in the round function; and it uses three variations of the round function itself throughout the cipher. Finally, the 8x32 s-boxes used in the round function each have a minimum nonlinearity of 74 and a maximum entry of 2 in the difference distribution table.
This cipher appears to have cryptographic strength in accordance with its keysize (128 bits) and has very good encryption / decryption performance: 3.3 MBytes/sec on a 150 MHz Pentium processor.
3. Intellectual Property Considerations
The CAST-128 cipher described in this document is available worldwide on a royalty-free basis for commercial and non-commercial uses.
4. Security Considerations
This entire memo is about security since it describes an algorithm which is specifically intended for cryptographic purposes.
5. References
[Adams] Adams, C., "Constructing Symmetric Ciphers using the CAST Design Procedure", Designs, Codes, and Cryptography (to appear).
[Web1] "Constructing Symmetric Ciphers using the CAST Design Procedure" (identical to [Adams] but available on-line) and "CAST Design Procedure Addendum",
[Web2] "CAST Encryption Algorithm Related Publications",
This appendix provides test vectors for the CAST-128 cipher described this document.
B.1. Single Plaintext-Key-Ciphertext Sets
In order to ensure that the algorithm is implemented correctly, the following test vectors can be used for verification (values given in hexadecimal notation).
128-bit key = 01 23 45 67 12 34 56 78 23 45 67 89 34 56 78 9A plaintext = 01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF ciphertext = 23 8B 4F E5 84 7E 44 B2
40-bit key = 01 23 45 67 12 = 01 23 45 67 12 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 plaintext = 01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF ciphertext = 7A C8 16 D1 6E 9B 30 2E
B.2. Full Maintenance Test
A maintenance test for CAST-128 has been defined to verify the correctness of implementations. It is defined in pseudo-code as follows, where a and b are 128-bit vectors, aL and aR are the leftmost and rightmost halves of a, bL and bR are the leftmost and rightmost halves of b, and encrypt(d,k) is the encryption in ECB mode of block d under key k.