该方式下, 首先将L2与L3的内部接口作成以太通道,然后,在L3上创建一个虚拟的通道接口,在该接口下开子接口为各个VLAN提供三层路由功能。 在广西城域网工程中,所有的4006交换机都是采用的这种方式。关于以太通道的介绍见上文。 配置步骤:(以下假设L3模去是插在第二槽上,且使用缺省的channel协议) ① L2:set port channel mod/ports 配置GE端口。 Cat4000> (enable) set port channel 2/1-2 mode on Ports 2/1-2 channel mode set to on. Cat4000> (enable) ②指定同一channel的端口为相同VLAN。 Cat4000> (enable) set vlan 1 2/1-2 <---端口2/1-2必须属于同一VLAN VLAN Mod/Ports ---- ----------------------- 1 2/1-4,2/6-48 3/1-6 Cat4000> (enable)
③用 set trunk mod_num/port_num 打开Trunk功能并且指定封装类型 Cat4000> (enable) set trunk 2/1 on dot1Q 1-10 <----只需要在其中一个端口指定trunk即可
Port(s) 2/1 trunk mode set to on Port(s) 2/1 trunk type set to dot1Q 1-10 Cat4000> (enable) ④利用 session mod_num 进入L3模块 Cat4000> (enable) session 2
Trying Router... Connected to Router. Escape character is /Q^]'. router>
重复以上步骤直到将所有的VLAN都封装完毕。 ⑧ 利用 native要害字封装一个本地VLAN的子接口。需要为Trunk干道来产生一个本地VLAN子接口。注重,该native要求与L2的native vlan号相同 router(config)# interface port-channel channel_number.vlan_id router(config-subif)# encapsulation dot1Q vlan_id native <-------native指明此接口为本地VLAN接口 router(config-subif)# ip address ip_address subnet_mask router(config-subif)# exit 以下是该方式的一个完整示例: L2:(采用PAgP协议) Set vlan 1 2/1-2 set port channel 2/1-2 mode on set trunk 2/1 on dot1q 1-1005 set trunk 2/2 on dot1q 1-1005 L3: version 12.0 no service pad service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime show-timezone service timestamps log datetime msec localtime show-timezone service passWord-encryption ! hostname M-4006R-NN ! boot system Flash bootflash:cat4232-in-mz.120-18.W5.22b.bin enable secret 5 ! interface Loopback0 ip address no ip directed-broadcast ! interface Port-channel1 no ip address no ip directed-broadcast hold-queue 300 in ! interface Port-channel1.1 description manage-vlan encapsulation dot1Q 1 native no ip directed-broadcast ! interface Port-channel1.2 description local Management encapsulation dot1Q 2 no ip directed-broadcast ! interface Port-channel1.76 description uplink to encapsulation dot1Q 76 ip address XXXX no ip directed-broadcast ! interface Port-channel1.201 description PPPoE test 2002.8.1 encapsulation dot1Q 201 ip address no ip directed-broadcast ! interface FastEthernet1 no ip address no ip directed-broadcast shutdown ! interface GigabitEthernet1 no ip address no ip directed-broadcast shutdown ! interface GigabitEthernet2 no ip address no ip directed-broadcast shutdown ! interface GigabitEthernet3 no ip address no ip directed-broadcast no negotiation auto channel-group 1 ! interface GigabitEthernet4 no ip address no ip directed-broadcast no negotiation auto channel-group 1 ! ip classless ip route end