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2019-11-05 01:11:03

The steps below describe how to recover a passWord on the Cisco 600 series of routers.

Step 1: Enter RMON mode.

To do this, follow the steps below:

Connect your PC to the console port of the router.

Set your Terminal access PRogram (sUCh as HyperTerminal in Windows) to the following settings:

Baud rate: 38400 bps recommended (standard 9600 bps possible)

Data bits: 8

Parity: None

Stop bits: 1

Flow control: None

Power cycle the router (turn the router off, then on using the router's power switch)

As soon as you see the Hello! prompt, type Ctrl-C.

You are now in RMON mode.  

Step 2: If you need to save the configuration file, execute the following command:

db fef80030 100

This command prints the configuration to the screen. The last number indicates the number of bytes to display. Use a value of 100 bytes or more for the number of bytes to display.

Note: You must use the enable password command for the password to display encrypted during password recovery.

Step 3: Look for your encrypted password.

The text of the password will be altered by two letters. For example, using the key a = c, b = d, c = e, and so on, the password "cisco" would be "agqam".

Step 4: (This step is optional.) Erase the current configuration.

An example is shown below:

=>es 6

Erasing sector 00000006...

Sector erased



CBOS v2.0.1.01

Note: This step reboots a Cisco 600 series router with no configuration. You will need to redo the configuration and then use the write command to save the changes to NVRAM.

Step: 5: Reboot the router.

An example is shown below:


发表评论 共有条评论
用户名: 密码:
验证码: 匿名发表