…… hostname center ;路由器名 ! username remote passWord 7 xxxxxx ;远程用户名及握手密码 …… ip subnet-zero ;答应使用第0子网 isdn switch-type PRimary-net5 ;适应中国PRI标准 ! controller E1 0 ;对E1板进行时隙配置 pri-group timeslots 1-31 ! …… interface Serial0:15 ;对PRI端口进行配置 ip address ;RPI口的IP地址 …… encapsulation ppp ;无数据流通时该端口的激活时间 dialer idle-timeout 7200 ;规定远程用户 dialer map ip name remote dialer-group 1 ;答应使用带宽聚合 no fair-queue ;规定验证协议 ppp multilink ppp authentication chap ! ;静态路由 …… ip route ;权限限制 …… dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit …… ! end
1003参考设置: …… hostname remote ;远程用户名 ! username center password 7 xxxxxxxx ;中心路由器名及握手密码 …… ip subnet-zero ;答应使用第0子网 isdn switch-type basic-net3 ;适应中国BRI标准 ! …… interface Ethernet0 ;对以太端口设置 ip address ! ;对BRI口设置 interface BRIO ip address ;指明B道速率 encapsulation ppp bandwidth 64 …… dialer idle-timeout 300 ;指明拨号号码 dialer wait-for-carrier-time 60 dialer map ip name center broadcast…… dialer load-threshold 1 dialer-group 1 no fair-queue ppp multilink ppp authentication chap ! ;静态路由 …… ip route …… dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit …… ! end
2、按动态IP用户配置 图 图三 按动态IP用户配置的网络范例 这个例子与上例不同,用户是采用动态IP上网,更适合实际组网需要。 …… hostname center ! username remote password 7 xxxxxx …… ip subent-zero isdn switch-type primary net5 ! controller E1 0 pri-group timeslots 1-31 ! …… interface Serial0:15 ip address …… encapsulation ppp ;规定用地址池分配IP peer default ip address pool isdn dialer idle-timeout 7200 dialer-group 1 no fair-queue ppp multilink ppp authentication chap ! …… ! ;设置地址池 ip local pool isdn …… dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit …… end
200卡的驱动程序有基于DOS、windows3.1、windows95的版本,其中DOS与win31版本推荐使用Novel Netware ODI Client方式,默义采用ipx包,假如用户要用TCP/IP包,则需添加TCP/IP协议栈,win95自带TCP/IP栈,因此使用起来较方便,为了充分利用200卡所遵循的RFC171MultiLink PPP功能,最好安装微软公司提供的ISDN补丁软件MSISDN11.EXE。
3、混合IP用户配置 例3说明了1003GN 200卡共存的例子。 图 图三 按混合IP用户配置的网络范例 在这个例子中,4500的PRI口同时处理静态IP与动态IP用户。 hostname center ! username remote password 7 xxxxxx …… ip subnet-zero isdn switch-type primary-net5 ! controller E1 0 pri-group timeslots 1-31 ! …… interface Serial0:15 ip address …… encapsulation ppp peer default ip address pool isdn dialer idle-timeout 7200 dialer map ip name remote dialer-group 1 no fair-queue ppp multilink ppp authentication chap ! …… ! ip local pool isdn …… ip route …… dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit …… ! end 在上面的配置中,注重静态IP与地址池不要有冲突。
1003参考设置: …… hostname remote ! username center password 7 xxxxxxxx …… ip subnet-zero isdn switch-type basic-net3 ! …… interface Ethernet0 ip address ! interface BRIO ip address encapsulation ppp bandwidth 64 …… dialer idle-timeout 300 dialer wait-for-carrier-time 60 dialer map ip name center broadcast…… dialer load-threshold 1 dialer-group 1 no fair-queue ppp multilink ppp authentication chap ! …… ip route …… disler-list 1 protocol ip permit …… ! end
以1003为例: ISDN BR0:RX←RRp sapi=0 tei=67 nr=44 ISDN BR0:RX←SABMEp sapi=0 tei=67 ISDN BR0:RX←IDREM ri=0 ai=67 ISDN BR0:RX←RRF sapi=0 tei=66 nr=1 ISDN BR0:Event: Call to 96300 at 64 Kb/s ISDN BR0: TX→INFOc sapi=0 tei=66 ns=1 nr=1 i=0x08010F050402889 01801837006803936333030 SETUP pd=8 callref=0x0F Bearer Capability I=0x8890 Channel ID I=0x83 Called Party Number I=0x80,’96300’ ISDN BR0:RX←RRr sapi=0 tei=66 nr=2 ISDN BR0:RX←INF0C sapi=0 tei=66 ns=1 nr=2 I=0x08018F02180189 CALL-PROC pd=8 callref=0x8F Channel ID I=0x89 ISDN BR0:RX←INF0C sapi=0 tei=66 ns=2 nr=2 I=0x08108F01 ALERTING pd=8 callref=0x8F ISDN BR0:RX←INF0c sapi=0 tei=66 ns=3 nr=2 I=0x0818F07 CONNECT pd=8 callref=0x8F ISDN BR0:TX→RRr sapi=0 tei=66 nr=2 ISDN BR0:TX→RRr sapi=0 tei=66 nr=3 ISDN BR0:received HOST-PROCEEDING Channel ID i=0x0101 ---------------------- Channel ID i=0x89 ISDN BR0:received HOST-ALERTING ---------------------- ISDN BR0: received HOST-CONNECT Channel ID i=0x0101 ---------------------- %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface BRI0:B-Channel 1, changed state to up BRI 0 B1:Set bandwidth to 64Kb ISDN BR0:Event:Connected to 96300 on B1 at 64 Kb/s ISDN BR0:TX→INF0c sapi=0 tei=66 ns=2 nr=4 I=0x08010F0F CONNECT-ACK pd=8 callref=0x0F ISDN BR0:RX←RRr sapi=0 tei=66 nr=3 %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN:Line protocol on Interface BRIO:B-Channel 1, changed state to up ISDN BR0: Event:Call to 96300 at 64Kb/s ISDN BR0:TX→INF0c sapi=0 tei=66 ns=3 nr=4 i=0x080110050402889 01801837006803936333030 SETUP pd=8 callref=0x10 Bearer Capability I=0x890 Channel ID i=0x83 Called Party Number i=0x80,’96300’ ISDN BR0:RX←RRr sapi=0 tei=66 nr=4 %ISDN-6-CONNECT: Interface BRI1: B-Channel 1 is now connected to 96300 gz-isdntr -1 ISDN BR0:RX←INF0c sapi=0 tei=66 ns=4 i=0x0801900218018A CALL-PROC pd=8 callref=0x90 Channel ID i=0x8A ISDN BR0:RX←INF0C sapi=0 tei=66 ns=5 i=0x08019001 ALERTING pd=8 callref=0x90 ISDN BR0:RX←INF0c sapi=0 tei=66 ns=6 i=0x08019007 CONNECT pd=8 callref=0x90 ISDN BR0:TX→RRr sapi=0 tei=66 nr=5 ISDN BR0:TX→RRr sapi=0 tei=66 nr=6 ISDN BR0:received HOST-RPOCEEDING Channel ID i=0x0102 ------------------- Channel ID i=0x8A ISDN BR0:TX→RRr sapi=0 tei=66 nr=7 ISDN BR0:received HOST-ALERTING ------------------- ISDN BR0: received HOST-CONNECT Channel ID i=0x0102 ------------------- %LINK-3-UPDOWN:Interface BRI0: B-Channel 2, changed state to up BRI 0 B2: Set bandwidth to 64Kb
ISDN BR0:Event:Connected to 96300 on B2 at 64Kb/s ISDN BR0:TX→INF0c sapi=1 tei=66 ns=4 nr=7 I=0x0801100F CONNECT-ACK pd=8 callref=0x10 ISDN BRO:RX←RRr sapi=0 tei=66 nr=5 %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN:Line protocol on Interface BRI0:B-Channel 2, changed state to up %ISDN-6-CONNECT: Interface BRI0: B-Channel 2 is now connected to 96300 gz-isdntr -1 ISDN BR0:TX→RRp sapi=0 tei=66 nr=7 ISDN BR0:RX←RRf sapi=0 tei=66 nr=5
7、show dialer 以4500为例: Serial0:0-dialer type = ISDN Idle timer (7200 secs), Fast idle timer(20 secs) Wait for carrier (30 secs), Re-enable(15 secs) Time until disconnect 7199 secs Connected to <unknow phone number>(bm-jiaochangxi)
Serial0:1-dialer type = ISDN Idle timer (7200 secs), Fast idle timer(20 secs) Wait for carrier (30 secs), Re-enable(15 secs) Time until disconnect 7198 secs Connected to <unknow phone number>(bm-jiaochangxi)
Serial0:2-dialer type = ISDN Idle timer (7200 secs), Fast idle timer(20 secs) Wait for carrier (30 secs), Re-enable(15 secs) . …… Seria10:15-dialer type = ISDN
Dial String SUCcesses Failures Last called Last status 0 0 never 0 incoming call(s) have been screened