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CCIE Lab Suggestions

2019-11-05 00:02:59

  May 9, 2003, 7:35pm PST
  Here are the books I studied for passing the CCIE Lab: Name .Author .Publisher
  1. Cisco OSPF Command and Configuration Handbook .Parkhurst .Cisco PRess
  2. Cisco BGP-4 Command and Configuration Handbook .Parkhurst .Cisco Press
  3. CCIE Practical Studies, Volume I .Solie .Cisco Press (download the errata!!!!)
  4. Internet Routing Architectures .Halabi .Cisco Press
  5. Routing TCP/ip, Volume 1 .Doyle .Cisco Press
  6. Routing TCP/IP, Volume 2 .Doyle .Cisco Press
  7. All-in-One Cisco CCIE Lab Study Guide, 2nd Edition .Hutnik/Satterlee .McGraw Hill
  8. Cisco Certification, Second Edition .Caslow .Prentice Hall
  Also, LEARN HOW TO PROPERLY USE THE DOC CD! I cannot stress this enough.
  Here's my methodology on using the Doc CD:
  Open the Doc CD
  Under the Cisco IOS Software,pull down menu, choose IOS 12.1.
  On the next page, RIGHT CLICK on the Cisco IOS Release 12.1 Master Indexes,and
  On the page that comes up, CLICK on the Cisco IOS Configuration Guides Master Index,
  Leave this page up and go back to the other window.
  On the first window you had open, click on Supporting Documents.
  Here you will find another treasure trove of information.
  Now that you have the two windows open, here is how you use the CD.
  On the Master Indexes window, press CTRL-F to open the browser find function. Type
  in the keyWord you wish to search for sUCh as Syslog,and press . You can
  click the little Up or Down direction buttons to search up and down the page.
  When you find what you are looking for, RIGHT CLICK on the link and choose Open in a
  New Window. Never directly click on a link on the index page. Always open it in a
  new window. This is to save you time. Play around with this and get the feel for it.
  It WILL save you time.
  Back on the Supporting Documents page, right click a link and search through the
  books. Learn where EVERY topic can be found on those books from LAN Mobility to
  EIGRP to RIP to DLSW to Switching.Basically, every thing that you know where to
  find, you wont have to use the browser find function on the master indexes page.
  Above all... DO NOT USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION ON THE CD. It will cost you time and is
  not helpful. Use the CTRL-F (browser find function) on the Master Indexes page to do
  your searching instead.
  Hope you find this helpful!
  Raymond Jett, CCIE 10036

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