PIX floppy loader (3.0) #0: Mon Oct 2 07:02:43 PDT 2000 Reading installation media..................................... PIX admin loader (3.0) #0: Mon Oct 2 07:02:44 PDT 2000 Flash=i28F640J5 Flash version 4.4.7, Install version 4.4.7 Do you want me to install new version onto flash? [n] No loading from flash...
C:/>rawrite RaWrite 1.2 - Write disk file to raw floppy diskette Enter source file name: bh59.bin Enter destination drive: a: Please insert a formatted diskette into drive A: and press -ENTER- : Number of sectors per track for this disk is 18. Writing image to drive A:. Press ^C to abort. Track: 11 Head: 1 Sector: 16 Done. C:/>0
Using 1: i82557 @ PCI(bus:0 dev:13 irq:11), MAC: 0002.b945.a23c monitor> address address monitor> server server monitor> file pix611.bin file pix611.bin monitor> ping Sending 5, 100-byte 0xcde2 ICMP Echoes to, timeout is 4 seconds: !!!!! SUCcess rate is 100 percent (5/5) monitor> tFTP tftp pix611.bin@ Received 2562048 bytes
Cisco Secure PIX Firewall admin loader (3.0) #0: Tue Dec 517:35:46 PST 2000 System Flash=E28F128J3 @ 0xfff00000 BIOS Flash=am29f400b @ 0xd8000 Flash version 6.1.1, Install version 6.1.1 Do you wish to copy the install image into flash? [n] y
Installing to flash
Serial Number: 480380761 (0x1ca20759) Activation Key: 760754d0 39f62229 a4a0245f b5b87e80
Do you want to enter a new activation key? [n] n Writing 2469944 bytes image into flash...