Console> (enable) set system name bg-sw-01 /设备名称 Bg-sw-01> (enable) set passWord Enter old password: Enter new password: test /设备口令 Retype new password: test
Bg-sw-01> (enable) set enablepass Enter old password: Enter new password: test /设备口令 Retype new password: test
Bg-sw-01> (enable) set banner motd % Welcome to the c6509 in the Office % /提示文本
Bg-sw-01> (enable) set interface sc0 /设置治理接口 #sh int Bg-sw-01> (enable) set ip route default /设置默认网关 #sh ip route
Bg-sw-01> (enable) set vtp mode server /设置VTP模式 #sh vtp domain Bg-sw-01> (enable) set vtp domain Core_Net /设置VTP域名 Bg-sw-01> (enable) set vlan 31 name ZhongSanLu /创建VLAN #sh vlan Bg-sw-01> (enable) set vlan 32 name YiYang Bg-sw-01> (enable) set vlan 33 name JianXiu Bg-sw-01> (enable) set vlan 34 name RaoDian Bg-sw-01> (enable) set vlan 35 name JinSanLou Bg-sw-01> (enable) set vlan 36 name WuZi
Bg-sw-01> (enable) set port channel 1/1-2 on /设置Channel #sh port channel Bg-sw-01> (enable) set trunk 1/1 on dot1q 1-1005
Bg-sw-01> (enable) set trunk 2/2 on dot1q 1-1005 /设置trunk口 #sh trunk # Bg-sw-01> (enable) set trunk 2/3 on dot1q 1-1005 Bg-sw-01> (enable) set trunk 2/4 on dot1q 1-1005 Bg-sw-01> (enable) set trunk 2/5 on dot1q 1-1005 Bg-sw-01> (enable) set trunk 2/6 on dot1q 1-1005 Bg-sw-01> (enable) set trunk 2/7 on dot1q 1-1005
Bg-sw-01> (enable) set spantree root 1-40 dia 4 /设为spantree的根 #sh spantree Bg-sw-01> (enable) set spantree portfast 1/1-2 enable /设spantree端口快速启用 Bg-sw-01> (enable) set spantree portfast 2/1-8 enable Bg-sw-01> (enable) set spantree uplinkfast enable /设spantree端口快速切换 Bg-sw-01> (enable) set spantree backbonefast enable /设spantree端口快速定位根
Console> (enable) set system name bg-sw-02 /设备名称 Bg-sw-02> (enable) set password Enter old password: Enter new password: test /设备口令 Retype new password: test
Bg-sw-02> (enable) set enablepass Enter old password: Enter new password: test /设备口令 Retype new password: test
Bg-sw-02> (enable) set banner motd % Welcome to the c4006 in the office % /提示文本
Bg-sw-02> (enable) set interface sc0 /设置治理接口 #sh int Bg-sw-02> (enable) set ip route default /设置默认网关 #sh ip route
Bg-sw-02> (enable) set vtp mode server /设置VTP模式 #sh vtp domain Bg-sw-02> (enable) set vtp domain Core_Net /设置VTP域名 Bg-sw-02> (enable) set vlan 31 name ZhongSanLu /创建VLAN #sh vlan Bg-sw-02> (enable) set vlan 32 name YiYang Bg-sw-02> (enable) set vlan 33 name JianXiu Bg-sw-02> (enable) set vlan 34 name RaoDian Bg-sw-02> (enable) set vlan 35 name JinSanLou Bg-sw-02> (enable) set vlan 36 name WuZi
Bg-sw-02> (enable) set port channel 1/1-2 on /设置Channel #sh port channel Bg-sw-02> (enable) set trunk 1/1 on dot1q 1-1005 Bg-sw-02> (enable) set port channel 2/1-2 on /设置Channel #sh port channel Bg-sw-02> (enable) set trunk 2/1 on dot1q 1-1005
Bg-sw-02> (enable) set trunk 4/1 on dot1q 1-1005 /设置trunk口 #sh trunk # Bg-sw-02> (enable) set trunk 4/3 on dot1q 1-1005 Bg-sw-02> (enable) set trunk 4/4 on dot1q 1-1005
Bg-sw-02> (enable) set spantree root secondary 1-40 dia 4 Bg-sw-02> (enable) set spantree portfast 1/1-2 enable /设spantree端口快速启用 Bg-sw-02> (enable) set spantree portfast 2/1-34 enable Bg-sw-02> (enable) set spantree portfast 3/1-32 enable Bg-sw-02> (enable) set spantree portfast 4/1-6 enable Bg-sw-02> (enable) set spantree uplinkfast enable /设spantree端口快速切换 Bg-sw-02> (enable) set spantree backbonefast enable /设spantree端口快速定位根
Router(config)# hostname c4006-L3 /设备名 c4006-L3 (config)# enable password test /设口令 c4006-L3 (config)# enable secret test c4006-L3(config)# banner motd % Welcome to the c4006-l3 in the Office % /设提示文本
c4006-L3 (config)# line vty 0 4 / 进入VTY模式 c4006-L3 (config-line)#login / 登入提示 c4006-L3 (config-line)#password test / 设用户级口令 c4006-L3 (config-line)# end
C4006-L3#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. C4006-L3(config)# interface port-channel 1 /建内部虚端口 C4006-L3(config)# interface g3 /进入接口模式 C4006-L3(config-if)# channel-group 1 / 加入到channel组中 C4006-L3(config-if)# exit C4006-L3(config)# interface g4 /进入接口模式 C4006-L3(config-if)# channel-group 1 / 加入到channel组中 C4006-L3(config-if)# exit
第一台Catalyst 3548 switch#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. switch(config)#hostname bg-sw-03 /设备名 bg-sw-03(config)#enable password test /设口令 bg-sw-03(config)#enable secret test bg-sw-03(config)#banner motd % Welcome to the C3548 in the Office % /提示文本 bg-sw-03(config)#line vty 0 4 / 进入VTY模式 bg-sw-03(config.line)#login / 登入提示 bg-sw-03(config.line)#password test / 设用户级口令 bg-sw-03(config.line)#exit
switch#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. switch(config)#hostname bg-sw-04 /设备名 bg-sw-04(config)#enable password test /设口令 bg-sw-04(config)#enable secret test bg-sw-04(config)#banner motd % Welcome to the C3548 in the Office % /提示文本 bg-sw-04(config)#line vty 0 4 / 进入VTY模式 bg-sw-04(config.line)#login / 登入提示 bg-sw-04(config.line)#password test / 设用户级口令 bg-sw-04(config.line)#exit / 进入内部治理接口
switch#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. switch(config)#hostname zsr-sw-01 zsr-sw-01(config)#enable password test zsr-sw-01(config)#enable secret test zsr-sw-01(config)#banner motd % Welcome to the C3548 in the Zhong San Lu ban Gong Lou % zsr-sw-01(config)#line vty 0 4 zsr-sw-01(config.line)#login zsr-sw-01(config.line)#password test zsr-sw-01(config.line)#exit
switch#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. switch(config)#hostname yy-sw-01 yy-sw-01(config)#enable password test yy-sw-01(config)#enable secret test yy-sw-01(config)#banner motd % Welcome to the C3548 in the Yi Yang Fen Ju % yy-sw-01(config)#line vty 0 4 yy-sw-01(config.line)#login yy-sw-01(config.line)#password test yy-sw-01(config.line)#exit
switch#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. switch(config)#hostname jxsj-sw-01 jxsj-sw-01(config)#enable password test jxsj-sw-01(config)#enable secret test jxsj-sw-01(config)#banner motd % Welcome to the C3548 in the Jian Xiu She Ji Fen Ju % jxsj-sw-01(config)#line vty 0 4 jxsj-sw-01(config.line)#login jxsj-sw-01(config.line)#password test jxsj-sw-01(config.line)#exit
switch#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. switch(config)#hostname rd-sw-01 rd-sw-01(config)#enable password test rd-sw-01(config)#enable secret test rd-sw-01(config)#banner motd % Welcome to the C3524 in the Rao Dian Zong Gong Si % rd-sw-01(config)#line vty 0 4 rd-sw-01(config.line)#login rd-sw-01(config.line)#password test rd-sw-01(config.line)#exit
switch#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. switch(config)#hostname jsl-sw-01 jsl-sw-01(config)#enable password test jsl-sw-01(config)#enable secret test jsl-sw-01(config)#banner motd % Welcome to the C3524 in the Jin San Lou % jsl-sw-01(config)#line vty 0 4 jsl-sw-01(config.line)#login jsl-sw-01(config.line)#password test jsl-sw-01(config.line)#exit
switch#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. switch(config)#hostname wz-sw-01 wz-sw-01(config)#enable password test wz-sw-01(config)#enable secret test wz-sw-01(config)#banner motd % Welcome to the C3524 in the Wu Zi Gong Si % wz-sw-01(config)#line vty 0 4 wz-sw-01(config.line)#login wz-sw-01(config.line)#password test wz-sw-01(config.line)#exit
2、使用6509和4006是因为考虑spantree啊,保证在6509down掉后使用4006接管吗,你没看到在6509上Bg-sw-01> (enable) set spantree root 1-40 dia 4 /设为spantree的根,但是你说的子交换机可以通过两根光纤连接到6509上,但是这里6509没有配置双引擎啊,做不到自身冗余啊。