Step 1 Before you can create a VLAN, the switch must be in VTP server mode or VTP transparent mode. If the switch is a VTP server, you must define a VTP domain name before you can add any VLANs. This has to be defined regardless of the number of switches in the network (one or many), or whether or not you will be using VTP to PRopagate VLANs to other switches in the network. For details on VTP, please refer to the Understanding and Configuring VLAN Trunk Protocol (VTP) document.
The default VTP configuration on the switch is as follows:
CatosSwitch> (enable) show vtp domain Domain Name Domain Index VTP Version Local Mode PassWord -------------------------------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ---------- 1 2 server -
Last Updater V2 Mode Pruning PruneEligible on Vlans --------------- -------- -------- ------------------------- disabled disabled 2-1000
Use the set vtp command to set the domain name and mode.
CatosSwitch> (enable) set vtp domain ? Domain name CatosSwitch> (enable) set vtp domain cisco ? mode Set VTP mode passwd Set VTP password pruning Set VTP pruning v2 Set VTP version 2 CatosSwitch> (enable) set vtp domain cisco mode ? client VTP client mode server VTP server mode transparent VTP transparent mode CatosSwitch> (enable) set vtp domain cisco mode server VTP domain cisco modified
Step 2 Verify VTP configuration by using the show vtp domain command.
CatosSwitch> (enable) show vtp domain Domain Name Domain Index VTP Version Local Mode Password -------------------------------- ------------ ----------- ----------- ---------- cisco 1 2 server -
Last Updater V2 Mode Pruning PruneEligible on Vlans --------------- -------- -------- ------------------------- disabled disabled 2-1000
If you have the output of a show vtp domain command from your Cisco device, you can use Output Interpreter to display potential issues and fixes. To use Output Interpreter , you must be a registered user, be logged in, and have javascript enabled.
Step 3 Once the VTP domain has been set and verified, you can begin to create VLANs on the switch. By default, there is only a single VLAN for all ports, and this VLAN is called the default. VLAN1 cannot be renamed or deleted.
You can use the show vlan command to display the parameters for all configured VLANs in the administrative domain, as shown below:
CatosSwitch> (enable) show vlan VLAN Name Status IfIndex Mod/Ports, Vlans ---- -------------------------------- --------- ------- ------------------------ 1 default active 5 1/1-2 3/1-48 4/1-16 1002 fddi-default active 6 1003 token-ring-default active 9 1004 fddinet-default active 7 1005 trnet-default active 8
To create VLANs, use the set vlan command, as show below:
CatosSwitch> (enable) set vlan Usage: set vlan (An example of mod/port is 1/1,2/1-12,3/1-2,4/1-12) set vlan [name ] [type ] [state ] [pvlan-type ] [said ] [mtu ] [ring ] [decring ] [bridge ] [parent ] [mode ] [stp ] [translation ] [backupcrf ] [aremaxhop ] [stemaxhop ] [rspan] (name = 1..32 characters, state = (active, suspend) type = (ethernet, fddi, fddinet, trcrf, trbrf) said = 1..4294967294, mtu = 576..18190 pvlan-type = (primary,isolated,community,none) hex_ring_number = 0x1..0xfff, decimal_ring_number = 1..4095 bridge_number = 0x1..0xf, parent = 2..1005, mode = (srt, srb) stp = (ieee, IBM, auto), translation = 1..1005 hopcount = 1..13) Set vlan commands: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- set vlan Set vlan information set vlan mapping Map an 802.1q vlan to an Ethernet vlan
CatosSwitch> (enable) set vlan 2 name cisco_vlan_2 Vlan 2 configuration sUCcessful
Note: You can verify the VLAN configuration by using the show vlan command, as shown below:
CatosSwitch> (enable) show vlan VLAN Name Status IfIndex Mod/Ports, Vlans ---- -------------------------------- --------- ------- ------------------------ 1 default active 5 1/1-2 3/1-48 4/1-16 2 cisco_vlan_2 active 75 1002 fddi-default active 6 1003 token-ring-default active 9 1004 fddinet-default active 7 1005 trnet-default active 8