设备情况: * Cisco Catalyst 2950T-24交换机,Version 12.1(22)EA1b * 一台windows 2000 Server SP1服务器做为AD Server及CA Server * 一台Windows 2000 Server SP4服务器做为ACS Server * 一台Windows xp SP2工作站做为终端接入设备 * Cisco Secure ACS for Windows version 3.2.3
一、配置Secure ACS 1、在ACS服务器上申请证书 在AD Server上做好AD安装及证书服务设置后,在ACS服务器浏览器上键入http://进入证书WEB申请页面,登录用户采用域治理用户账号。 选择“Request a certificate→Advanced request→Submit a certificate request to this CA using a form”,接下来Certificate Template处选择“Web Server”,Name:处填入“TestACS”,Key Options:下的Key Size:填入“1024”,同时勾选“Mark keys as exportable”及“Use local machine store”两个选项,然后submit。出现安全警告时均选择“Yes”,进行到最后会有Certificate Installed的提示信息;
4、重启ACS服务并进行PEAP设置 选择“System Configuration→Service Control→Restart”重启服务; 选择“System Configuration→Global Authentication Setup”,勾选“Allow EAP-MSCHAPv2”及“Allow EAP-GTC”选项,同时勾选“Allow MS-CHAP Version 1 Authentication”及“Allow MS-CHAP Version 2 Authentication”选项;
5、配置AAA Client 选择“Network Configuration→Add Entry”,在“AAA Client”处输入交换机的主机名,“AAA Client IP Address”处输入C2950T的治理IP地址,在“Key”处输入RADIUS认证密钥,“Authenticate Using”处选择“RADIUS(IETF)”;
6、配置外部用户数据库 选择“External User Databases→Database Configuration→Windows Database→Create New Configuration→Configure”,在Configure Domain List处将ACS Server所在的域名移动到“Domain List”中。这里要注重的一点是ACS Server所在机器这时应已加入到域中,同时“Dialin Permission”中的默认勾选项应去掉,如不去掉的话,域治理用户和终端用户均需设置Dial-in访问权限。 同时在“Windows EAP Settings”的“Machine Authentication”下勾选“Enable PEAP machine authentication”选项,“EAP-TLS and PEAP machine authentication name PRefix.”处使用默认的“host/”不用改动。 再选择“External User Databases→Unknown User Policy→Check the following external user databases”,将“Windows Database from External Databases”移动到右边的Selected Databases窗口中。 做完修改后再在Service Control中重启服务;
二、配置AAA客户端及802.1x aaa new-model aaa authentication dot1x default group radius aaa authorization network default group radius !---和802.1x相关的AAA设置
3、在终端设备上手动安装根证书 如已配置“Certificate Machine Autoenrollment”,此步骤可忽略。 登录域后在浏览器上键入http://进入证书WEB申请页面,登录用户采用域治理用户账号。 选择“Retrieve the CA certificate or certificate revocation list→Download CA certificate→Install Certificate→Automatically select the certificate store based on the type of the certificate”,按下一步结束证书安装;
4、进行终端设备上的802.1x认证设置 在以太网卡的连接属性中选择“Authentication→Enable IEEE 802.1x authentication for this network”,EAP type选为“Protected EAP(PEAP)”,勾选“Authenticate as computer when computer information is available”,然后再点Properties,在EAP属性窗口中选择“Validate server certificate”,同时在“Trusted Root Certificastion Authorities:”窗口中选择对应的ROOT CA,这里为acs-ca,Authentication Method选成“Secure passWord (EAP-MSCHAP v2)”。再点Configure按钮确保“Automatically use my Windows logon name and password (and domain if any)”选项已被选中;
四、结果查看 所有配置完成后查看认证结果:
Switch#sh dot1x int f0/2 Supplicant MAC <Not Applicable> AuthSM State = CONNECTING BendSM State = IDLE PortStatus = UNAUTHORIZED MaxReq = 2 HostMode = Single Port Control = Auto QuietPeriod = 60 Seconds Re-authentication = Disabled ReAuthPeriod = 3600 Seconds ServerTimeout = 30 Seconds SuPPTimeout = 30 Seconds TxPeriod = 30 Seconds Guest-Vlan = 0
Switch#sh dot1x int f0/2 Supplicant MAC 000b.6a2a.03cb AuthSM State = AUTHENTICATING BendSM State = RESPONSE PortStatus = UNAUTHORIZED MaxReq = 2 HostMode = Single Port Control = Auto QuietPeriod = 60 Seconds Re-authentication = Disabled ReAuthPeriod = 3600 Seconds ServerTimeout = 30 Seconds SuppTimeout = 30 Seconds TxPeriod = 30 Seconds Guest-Vlan = 0
Switch#sh dot1x int f0/2 Supplicant MAC 000b.6a2a.03cb AuthSM State = AUTHENTICATED BendSM State = IDLE PortStatus = AUTHORIZED MaxReq = 2 HostMode = Single Port Control = Auto QuietPeriod = 60 Seconds Re-authentication = Disabled ReAuthPeriod = 3600 Seconds ServerTimeout = 30 Seconds SuppTimeout = 30 Seconds TxPeriod = 30 Seconds Guest-Vlan = 0 !---认证通过
查看终端设备网络连接提示,此时已为“Authentication sUCceeded.”
五、TIPS * 注重Windows客户端在安装根证书时应保持和网络的正常连接,如此时在端口上设置了802.1x,则网络是断开的; * AD Server上的证书服务应在IIS服务安装之后再装,否则certificate web enrollment不能成功; * MS QB323172 hotfix应在证书服务安装之后再进行,如已安装了此hotfix后才安装证书服务,则需在安装证书服务后再安装一遍此hotfix; * MS QB323172 hotfix是针对Windows SP3以前的补丁,如已安装了SP4则此hotfix不能安装。但我装了SP4后“Downloading ActiveX Control”出错信息仍然存在,只好用SP1的版本安装后再装此hotfix问题方消除,不知何故; * 如是在实际环境中使用,应确保AAA client到AAA server的UDP 1812/1813端口没被无意中被block; * ACS版本应尽量新,因为那个众所周知的java出错问题,安装ACS机器的OS最好是E文版的OS; * 配置ACS Server前先确保ACS Server已加入到域中; * ACS Server中的“Reports and Activity→Failed Attempts→Failed Attempts XXX.csv”能给你些认证出错上的帮助; * 最后的最后,ACS Server和Windows客户机上的安装证书可通过MMC中的Console Root→Certificates (Local Computer) →Trusted Root Certification Authorities→Certificates及Console Root→Certificates - Current User→Trusted Root Certification Authorities→Certificates进行校验。
3、为终端设备申请证书 在ACS服务器浏览器上键入http://进入证书WEB申请页面,登录用户采用当前用户账号。 选择“Request a certificate→Advanced request→Submit a certificate request to this CA using a form”,接下来Certificate Template处选择“User”,Key Options:下的Key Size:填入“1024”,然后submit。出现安全警告时均选择“Yes”,在CA Server上issue这个certificate,终端设备上会有Certificate Issued的提示信息,然后安装这个证书,如有需要安装CA自己的证书的提示信息,选择“Yes”;
4、进行终端设备上的802.1x认证设置 在以太网卡的连接属性中选择“Authentication→Enable IEEE 802.1x authentication for this network”,EAP type选为“Smart Card or other Certificate”,勾选“Authenticate as computer when computer information is available”,然后再点Properties,在Smart Card属性窗口中选择“Use a certificate on this computer”、“Use simple certificate selection(Recommended)”及“Validate server certificate”,同时在“Trusted Root Certificastion Authorities:”窗口中选择对应的ROOT CA,这里为acs-ca。