Menu options: --------------3Com SuperStack 3 Switch 3300--------------- bridge - Administer bridging/VLANS ethernet - Administer Ethernet ports feature - Administer system features ip - Administer IP logout - Logout of the Command Line Interface snmp - Administer SNMP system - Administer system-level functions
Type ? for help. -----------------------------------Switch 3300 (1)---------------------- Select menu option: bri //选择bridge菜单
Menu options: --------------3Com SuperStack 3 Switch 3300--------------- agingTime - Set the bridge address aging time display - Display bridge information multicastFiltering - Administer multicast filtering port - Administer bridge ports stpForwardDelay - Set the bridge Spanning Tree forward delay stpHelloTime - Set the bridge Spanning Tree hello timer stpMaxAge - Set the bridge Spanning Tree maximum age stpPriority - Set the Spanning Tree bridge Priority stpState - Enable/Disable Spanning Tree on a bridge vlan - Administer VLANs
Type "q" to return to the previous menu or ? for help. -----------------------------------Switch 3300 (1)---------------------- Select menu option (bridge): dis //选择display菜单
Menu options: --------------[1m3Com SuperStack 3 Switch 3300[0m--------------- agingTime - Set the bridge address aging time display - Display bridge information multicastFiltering - Administer multicast filtering port - Administer bridge ports stpForwardDelay - Set the bridge Spanning Tree forward delay stpHelloTime - Set the bridge Spanning Tree hello timer stpMaxAge - Set the bridge Spanning Tree maximum age stpPriority - Set the Spanning Tree bridge Priority stpState - Enable/Disable Spanning Tree on a bridge vlan - Administer VLANs
Type "q" to return to the previous menu or ? for help. -----------------------------------[1mprimary3300 (1)[0m---------------------- Select menu option (bridge): stpsta //选择stpState菜单 Enter new value (disable, enable)[disable]: en //enable STP协议
Select menu option (bridge): dis //display状态
stpState: enabled agingTime: 1800
Time since topology change: 0 hrs 0 mins 6 seconds Topology Changes: 0 Bridge Identifier: 8000 00051a612eb8 Designated Root: 8000 00051a612eb8
Select menu option (bridge): stppri //选择stpPriority菜单 Enter new hexadecimal value (0x0-0xffff) [0x8000]: 0x6000 //将优先值设为十六进制的6000,这将导致该交换机成为根交换机
Select menu option (bridge): stpfor //选择stpForwardDelay菜单 Enter new value in seconds (4-30) [15]: 9 //想改变ForwardDelay值为9,但不成功 Failed to Set value due to dependencies //forward值是一个端口从它的spanning-tree协议的学习和聆听状态转到转发状态所等待的秒数。 此举主要是考虑参照CISCO的手册,此时网络直径为3,即任意两终端结点之间的最大跳数,执行spanning-tree vlan 1 root primary diameter 3将导致以下3条语句的出现,这是自动优化的结果 spanning-tree vlan 1 priority 24576 spanning-tree vlan 1 forward-time 9 spanning-tree vlan 1 max-age 12
Select menu option (bridge): stpmax //选择stpMaxAge菜单 Enter new value (6-40) [20]: 12 //maximum-aging time值是交换机在拓扑变化时在接收spanning-tree配置信息之前所等待的秒数。 Select menu option (bridge): dis //display状态
stpState: enabled agingTime: 1800
Time since topology change: 0 hrs 4 mins 8 seconds Topology Changes: 0 Bridge Identifier: 6000 00051a612eb8 Designated Root: 6000 00051a612eb8
-----------------------------------[1mprimary3300 (1)[0m---------------------- Select menu option (bridge): stpmax //为了稳妥起见,maxujum-aging time还是用缺省的20 Enter new value (6-40) [12]: 20
Select menu option (bridge): dis //再display状态
stpState: enabled agingTime: 1800
Time since topology change: 0 hrs 6 mins 2 seconds Topology Changes: 0 Bridge Identifier: 6000 00051a612eb8 Designated Root: 6000 00051a612eb8
Menu options: --------------[1m3Com SuperStack 3 Switch 3300[0m--------------- bridge - Administer bridging/VLANS ethernet - Administer Ethernet ports feature - Administer system features ip - Administer IP logout - Logout of the Command Line Interface snmp - Administer SNMP system - Administer system-level functions
Type ? for help. ----------------------------------[1msecondary3300 (1)[0m--------------------- Select menu option: bri //选择bridge菜单
Menu options: --------------[1m3Com SuperStack 3 Switch 3300[0m--------------- agingTime - Set the bridge address aging time display - Display bridge information multicastFiltering - Administer multicast filtering port - Administer bridge ports stpForwardDelay - Set the bridge Spanning Tree forward delay stpHelloTime - Set the bridge Spanning Tree hello timer stpMaxAge - Set the bridge Spanning Tree maximum age stpPriority - Set the Spanning Tree bridge Priority stpState - Enable/Disable Spanning Tree on a bridge vlan - Administer VLANs
Type "q" to return to the previous menu or ? for help. ----------------------------------[1msecondary3300 (1)[0m--------------------- Select menu option (bridge): port //选择port菜单
Menu options: --------------[1m3Com SuperStack 3 Switch 3300[0m--------------- address - Administer bridge addresses detail - Display detail information stpCost - Set the Spanning Tree path cost stpFastStart - Enable/Disable Fast Start per port summary - Display summary information vltMode - Enable/Disable VLT tagging on a port
Type "q" to return to the previous menu or ? for help. ----------------------------------[1msecondary3300 (1)[0m--------------------- Select menu option (bridge/port): summ //选择summary菜单 Select bridge port (1-24,all) [all]: all //查看所有端口STP状态
----------------------------------[1msecondary3300 (1)[0m--------------------- Select menu option (bridge/port): summ Select bridge port (1-24,all) [all]: all
------------------------------------------------------------------- 将第20端口连上,再调整第24端口费用,可以看到第24端口处于learning状态。 Select menu option (bridge/port):
Menu options: --------------[1m3Com SuperStack 3 Switch 3300[0m--------------- address - Administer bridge addresses detail - Display detail information stpCost - Set the Spanning Tree path cost stpFastStart - Enable/Disable Fast Start per port summary - Display summary information vltMode - Enable/Disable VLT tagging on a port
Type "q" to return to the previous menu or ? for help. ----------------------------------[1msecondary3300 (1)[0m--------------------- Select menu option (bridge/port): stpcost //选择stpcost菜单 Select bridge port (1-24): 24 //选择第24端口 Enter new value (1-65535) [18]: 12 //调整端口费用为12
Select menu option (bridge/port):
Menu options: --------------[1m3Com SuperStack 3 Switch 3300[0m--------------- address - Administer bridge addresses detail - Display detail information stpCost - Set the Spanning Tree path cost stpFastStart - Enable/Disable Fast Start per port summary - Display summary information vltMode - Enable/Disable VLT tagging on a port
Type "q" to return to the previous menu or ? for help. ----------------------------------[1msecondary3300 (1)[0m--------------------- Select menu option (bridge/port): summ Select bridge port (1-24,all) [all]:
Menu options: --------------3Com SuperStack 3 Switch 3300--------------- address - Administer bridge addresses detail - Display detail information stpCost - Set the Spanning Tree path cost stpFastStart - Enable/Disable Fast Start per port summary - Display summary information vltMode - Enable/Disable VLT tagging on a port
Type "q" to return to the previous menu or ? for help. -----------------------------------primary3300 (1)---------------------- Select menu option (bridge/port): stpfa //选择stpfaststart菜单 Select bridge port (1-24) [1]: 1 //选择端口1 Enter new value (disabled,enabled) [disabled]: enable
至此,设置完成。将主交换机电源拨掉,ping 服务器备份网卡,大约经过43秒恢复连通,相比起来收敛时间较长。(我的经验是全CISCO网络启用标准STP协议(相对于RSTP而言)和uplinkfast功能需时4-5秒,全3com网络的resilient links功能几乎是瞬时)不过这也是很好解释的,forward time 15秒加上maximum-aging time 20秒都需要35秒时间。将主交换机电源重新插上,大致需要相同时间恢复。反复试了两次,没有出现产生环路的情况。