function jdsj()
n = cstr(right(year(date()),2)) + "-"
y = cstr
xxsj = cstr(year(date())) + "年" + cstr(month(date())) + "月" + cstr(day(date())) + "日 " + weekdayname(weekday(now))
Function WHY()
mytime = hour(now())
if mytime>=5 and mytime<9 then why = "早上好!"
if mytime>=9 and mytime<11 then why = "上午好!"
if mytime>=11 and mytime<13 then why = "中午好!"
if mytime>=13 and mytime<18 then why = "下午好!"
if mytime>=18 and mytime<24 then why = "晚上好!"
if mytime>=00 and mytime<5 then why = "挺晚了,注意休息啊!"
End Function