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<html><head><title>ocx</title><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312"><script language="javascript">var flag=truefunction showall(){ alist = new array(); newocx(); list1.value = ""; list2.value = ""; list1.value = ocxtype.outerhtml; j = 0; for (i in ocxtype) { alist[j] = i; j ; } for (i = 0; i < alist.length; i ) for (j = (alist.length-1); j > 0; j--) { if (alist[j] < alist[j-1]) { temps = alist[j]; alist[j] = alist[j-1]; alist[j-1] = temps; } } for (i = 0; i < alist.length; i ) list2.value = alist[i] "/n"; alert("共有 " alist.length " 个属性方法")}function newocx(){ ocxfield.innerhtml = "<object id='ocxtype' width='0px' height='0px'" "classid='clsid:" ocxid.value "'></object>";}</script></head>
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<div align="center"> <p>classid <input type="text" id="ocxid" style="width:400" value="f3a614dc-abe0-11d2-a441-00c04f795683" onchange="jscript:flag=true"> <input type="button" id="look" value="查看" onclick="showall()"> </p> <table width="75%" border="1"> <tr> <td height="24"> <div align="center">html中的写法</div> </td> <td height="24"> <div align="center">ocx中的属性事件</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <textarea id="list1" style="width: 500px; height: 400px;" readonly></textarea> </td> <td> <textarea id="list2" style="width:250px; height:400px;" readonly></textarea> </td> </tr> </table></div><div id="ocxfield"></div></body></html>
<script language="javascript">function showmessenger() { if (messengerui.object != null) { var msgrwindow if (messengerui.mystatus == 2) { msgrwindow = messengerui.window; msgrwindow.show(); } else messengerui.signin(0,"",""); } }
function showelement(element) { element.style.display=""; document.msn.offline.value="on"; } function hideelement(element) { //rowshow.style.visibility="hidden"; element.style.display="none"; document.msn.offline.value="off"; }
function showhide(element) { if (document.msn.offline.value=="on") { hideelement(element); } else { showelement(element); }
} </script> <style type="text/css"> |||<!-- .small { font-size: 11px; font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif} body { font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif} a { color:#3d55c4 ; text-decoration: none} a:link { color:#3d55c4 ; text-decoration: none} a:hover { color:#000000 ; text-decoration: none} --> </style> </head>
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" vlink="##3d55c4" onclick="(muser.innerhtml)"> <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#3d55c4" width="150" id="abc"> <script language="vbscript" id="mcvbs">' this script is loosely based on the original script from microsoft. ' various flags and such for god-knows what... dim a_ a_=false dim b_,c_,d_ b_=false c_=false d_=false dim e_,f_,g_ e_=false f_=false g_=3000 ' ooohhh! i know what this is! this is the amount of milliseconds for refresh dim h_(),i_ ' h_() is an object array of users. this is also the cache i_=0 ' variables for different links to different images representing state in messenger... i think dim j_,k_,l_,m_,n_,o_,p_,offl j_="<object classid="""&"clsid:fb7199ab-79bf-11d2-8d94-0000f875c541"""&" codetype=application/x-oleobject id=msgrapp width=0 height=0></object>" k_="<font class=""small"">" m_="<img align=absbottom width=16 height=17 border=0 src=" l_="<br><b> <a href=""vbscript:op(-1)"" class=""color""><img src='msn_icons/msn_ppl.gif' border='0' alt=''>"&" sign in now... "&"</a></b>" n_=m_&"msn_icons/online1.gif"&" alt="""&"online"&""">" o_=m_&"msn_icons/busy1.gif"&" alt="""&"busy"&""">" p_=m_&"msn_icons/idle1.gif"&" alt="""&"away"&""">" 'added by jh offl = m_&"msn_icons/offline1.gif"&" alt="""&"offline"&""">" m_="<img align=absbottom width=16 height=17 border=0 src=" dim q_ q_=false dim ttl ttl=0 ' added arrays for online and offline contacts dim ona() ' online contacts dim offa() ' offline contacts ' counters for amount of online and offline dim onctr onctr=0 dim offctr offctr=0 ' online/offline?
sub drawinitialstate on error resume next dim r_ r_=msgrobj.localstate if err then a_=false else a_=true end if err.clear if a_=true then document.all.getmsgr.style.display="none" drawcontacts else document.all.getmsgr.style.display="block" end if end sub
function hasmsgrapp() appload.innerhtml = j_ on error resume next dim r_ set r_=msgrapp if err.description="" then hasmsgrapp=true else hasmsgrapp=false end if err.clear end function
sub refreshmc() if a_ then if c_ then d_=true else d_=false drawcontacts setrefreshtimer end if end if end sub
sub setrefreshtimer() if not c_ then c_=true |||settimeout "dorefresh",g_,"vbscript" end if end sub
sub dorefresh() c_=false if d_ then refreshmc end if end sub
sub drawcontacts '******************************************************************** ' modified by jh ' drawcontacts: ' on error resume next ' new list of contacts to iterate thru ' ctr for list loop dim i i = 0 ' strings for output dim z, zz z="" zz="" ' for div visibility dim mu,mo,msgl,nonel,noton,onli mu="none" mo="none" msgl="none" nonel="none" noton="block" onli="block" if e_ then mcclearcache end if ' the heart of the matter if msgrobj.localstate and 2 then 'online if not f_ then mcloadcache end if if i_>0 then for i = 0 to ttl select case h_(i).state case 1 offctr = offctr 1 case else onctr = onctr 1 end select next redim ona(onctr) redim offa(offctr) onctr = 0 offctr = 0 ' loop to get friendlynames of contacts and put them in their respective arrays for i = 0 to ttl if h_(i).state=1 then set offa(offctr)=h_(i) offctr = offctr 1 else set ona(onctr) = h_(i) onctr = onctr 1 end if next ' sort online users sortusers2 0,onctr-1,true for i = 0 to onctr-1 dim onl dim h onl="" h="" h = " href='vbscript:op(" & i & ")'" onl = fixname(ona(i).friendlyname,17) z = z & "<a" & h & " class=""color"">" & getstateimage(ona(i).state) & "</a> " & "<a " & h & " title=""" z = z & "send an instant message to " & onl & "." z = z & """ class=""color"">" & k_ & onl z = z & "</font></a><br>" next ' sort offline users sortusers2 0,offctr-1,false for i = 0 to offctr-1 dim ofn ofn="" ofn = fixname(offa(i).friendlyname,17) zz = zz & getstateimage(offa(i).state) & " " zz = zz & k_ & ofn & "<br>" next if onctr > 0 then mu="block" mo="block" document.all.muser.innerhtml=z document.all.moff.innerhtml=zz else mu="block" mo="block" document.all.muser.innerhtml="<font class=""small"">none</font>" document.all.moff.innerhtml=zz end if else nonel="block" document.all.noneol.innerhtml=k_&"your contact list is empty. <br><a href=vbscript:op(-2) class=""color"">add contacts to your list.</a>"&"</font>" end if else if msgrobj.localstate=256 or msgrobj.localstate=512 then msgl="block" noton="none" onli="none" b_ = true document.all.statu.innerhtml = "<br> <img src='msn_icons/msn_ppl.gif' border='0' alt=''> <b>connecting...</b></div>" else msgl="block" noton="none" onli="none" if not b_ then document.all.statu.innerhtml = l_ end if end if end if document.all.online.style.display=onli |||document.all.muser.style.display=mu document.all.notonline.style.display=noton document.all.moff.style.display=mo document.all.msgrlogon.style.display=msgl document.all.noneol.style.display=nonel end sub
sub mcclearcache i_=0 erase h_ erase ona erase offa f_=false e_=false d_=true end sub
sub mcloadcache dim bb_
set bb_=msgrobj.list(0)
dim cb_ cb_=0 dim db_ db_=bb_.count ttl=db_ -1 redim h_(db_) for each u in bb_ set h_(cb_)=u cb_=cb_ 1 next i_=cb_ sortusers 0,i_-1 f_=true end sub
' added by jh ' sorts online/offline users sub sortusers2(eb_,fb_,ison) dim gb_ if(ison) then if fb_>eb_ then gb_=ptnon(eb_,fb_) sortusers2 eb_,gb_-1,true sortusers2 gb_ 1,fb_,true end if else if fb_>eb_ then gb_=ptnoff(eb_,fb_) sortusers2 eb_,gb_-1,false sortusers2 gb_ 1,fb_,false end if end if end sub
sub sortusers(eb_,fb_) dim gb_ if fb_>eb_ then gb_=ptn(eb_,fb_) sortusers eb_,gb_-1 sortusers gb_ 1,fb_ end if end sub
' added by jh ' function ptnon(eb_,fb_) dim hb_,tmp randomize hb_=int(rnd()mod(fb_-eb_ 1)) eb_ set tmp=ona(hb_) set ona(hb_)=ona(eb_) set ona(eb_)=tmp dim a,b a=eb_ b=fb_ while b>a if strcomp(ona(b).friendlyname,tmp.friendlyname,1)>=0 then b=b-1 else set ona(a)=ona(b) set ona(b)=ona(a 1) set ona(a 1)=tmp a=a 1 end if wend ptnon=a end function
' added by jh ' function ptnoff(eb_,fb_) dim hb_,tmp randomize hb_=int(rnd()mod(fb_-eb_ 1)) eb_ set tmp=offa(hb_) set offa(hb_)=offa(eb_) set offa(eb_)=tmp dim a,b a=eb_ b=fb_ while b>a if strcomp(offa(b).friendlyname,tmp.friendlyname,1)>=0 then b=b-1 else set offa(a)=offa(b) set offa(b)=offa(a 1) set offa(a 1)=tmp a=a 1 end if wend ptnoff=a end function
sub msgrobj_onlocalstatechangeresult(byval hr,byval mlocalstate,pservice) if 0=hr and err.description="" and a_ then if mlocalstate=256 or mlocalstate=512 then b_=true document.all.statu.innerhtml="signing in..." elseif mlocalstate=1024 then b_=true document.all.statu.innerhtml="signing out..." elseif mlocalstate=1 then b_=true document.all.statu.innerhtml=l_ end if refreshmc end if end sub
sub msgrobj_onuserstatechanged(puser,byval mprevstate,pfenabledefault) 'if err.description="" then mcclearcache b_=false refreshmc 'end if end sub
sub msgrobj_onlistremoveresult(byval hr,byval mlist,byval puser) if 0=hr and 0=mlist and err.description="" then e_=true refreshmc end if end sub
sub msgrobj_onlistaddresult(byval hr,byval mlist,byval puser) if 0=hr and 0=mlist and err.description="" then e_=true refreshmc end if |||end sub
sub msgrobj_onlogonresult(byval hr,byval pservice) if 0=hr and err.description="" then mcclearcache b_=false refreshmc else mcclearcache b_=false refreshmc end if end sub
sub msgrobj_onlogoff() mcclearcache b_=false refreshmc end sub
sub msgrobj_onappshutdown() refreshmc end sub
' launches chat window for a given user, or ' launches the logon window, or simply brings up ' messenger to show all contacts. function op(n) if hasmsgrapp then if n>=0 then document.all.mctrack.src="p/6/" on error resume next msgrapp.launchimui ona(n) elseif-1=n then msgrapp.launchlogonui else msgrapp.visible=1 end if end if end function
function htmlesc(str) str=replace(str,"&","&") str=replace(str,"<","<") htmlesc=replace(str,">",">") end function
function fixname(s,max) if len(s)>max then s=left(s,max-2)&"..." end if fixname=htmlesc(s) end function
function getstateimage(t) select case t case 1 getstateimage=offl 'offline case 2 getstateimage=n_ 'online case 10 getstateimage=o_ 'busy case 14 getstateimage=p_ 'brb case 18 getstateimage=p_ 'away case 34 getstateimage=p_ 'away... as well....... case 50 getstateimage=o_ 'on the phone case 66 getstateimage=o_ 'out to lunch end select end function </script>
<object id=msgrobj height=0 codetype=application/x-oleobject width=0 classid=clsid:f3a614dc-abe0-11d2-a441-00c04f795683> <span style="display:none;"> </span> </object>
<script language="vbscript" event="onreadystatechange" for="mcvbs"> if mcvbs.readystate="complete" and not isdrawn_ then isdrawn_=true drawinitialstate end if </script>
<script language="vbscript" event=" end if </script>
<tr bgcolor="#3d55c4"> <td class="small"> <div class="small" align=center id="msngrheading" style="width:100%; color: #eff7ff; background-color:#3d55c4; padding:3px; padding-left:0px;"><b>msn messenger</b></div>
</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#eff7ff" class="small"> <div id="getmsgr" class="small" align=center style="display:none;color:#000000;"><br>download<br><a href="windows'>http://messenger.msn.com/">windows messenger</a> <img id="mctrack" height="1" alt width="1"> </div> <div id="msgrlogon" class="small" style="display:none"> <div id="statu" class="small" style="color:#000000"></div> </div> <!--online--> <div id="online" class="small" style="display:none;color:#000000"></div> |||<div id="noneol" class="small" style="display:none;color:#000000"></div> <div id="muser" class="small" style="display:none;color:#000000"></div> <br> <!--offline--> <div id="notonline" class="small" style="display:none;color:#000000"><b><a href="javascript:void(null)" onclick="showhide(moff)" class="small"><img border="0" src="msn_icons/icon_messenger6.gif" width="16" height="16"> buddies offline</a></b> </div> <div id="moff" class="small" style="display:none; color:#000000"></div> <span id="appload" class="small" style="display: none"></span> </td> <form name="msn"> <input type="hidden" value="on" name="offline"> </form> </tr> </table> <br>
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