php数组的方便性,很容易令人过度使用,其中一种过度使用的场合,就是做缓存时不区分场合滥用数组,导致性能不高,主要是集中在对CPU性能的高占用消耗上[1],以下以phpcms v9举例说明.
phpcms v9中,作为模块设计的pc标签[2]其实是不错的,易于让人理解而且功能强大,但偏偏在关乎效率的缓存上似乎没有意识到一个问题,绝大部分的开发者使用pc标签的缓存参数,其实质是希望将该pc标签包围的模块进行缓存,故而从缓存实现来讲,作为一个视图层而言,应该缓存最终渲染的html才对;但phpcms却只是缓存了数据数组,每次读取缓存并还原为数组后,仍然要进行渲染运算,这样的结果,导致了pc标签的缓存效率,其实没有设计者想象的那么高.
- {pc:content action=”position” posid=”1″ thumb=”1″ order=”listorder DESC” num=”5″ cache=”500″}
- <div class=”content” id=”main-slide”>
- <div class=”changeDiv”>
- {loop $data $r}
- <a href=”{$r['url']}” title=”{str_cut($r['title'],30)}”><img src=”{thumb($r['thumb'],310,260)}” alt=”{$r['title']}” width=”310″ height=”260″ /></a>
- {/loop}
- </div>
- </div>
- {/pc}
- <?php if(defined(‘IN_ADMIN’) && !defined(‘HTML’)) {echo “<div class=/”admin_piao/” pc_action=/”content/” data=/”op=content&tag_md5=2e957216affd4b95207c8d8eabcfb7b8&action=position&posid=1&thumb=1&order=listorder+DESC&num=5&cache=500&htmlblockcache=1/”><a href=/”javascript:void(0)/” class=/”admin_piao_edit/”>编辑</a>”;}$tag_cache_name = md5(implode(‘&’,array(‘posid’=>’1′,’thumb’=>’1′,’order’=>’listorder DESC’,'htmlblockcache’=>’1′,)).’2e957216affd4b95207c8d8eabcfb7b8′);if(!$data = tpl_cache($tag_cache_name,500)){$content_tag = pc_base::load_app_class(“content_tag”, “content”);if (method_exists($content_tag, ‘position’)) {$data = $content_tag->position(array(‘posid’=>’1′,’thumb’=>’1′,’order’=>’listorder DESC’,'htmlblockcache’=>’1′,’limit’=>’5′,));}if(!emptyempty($data)){setcache($tag_cache_name, $data, ‘tpl_data’);}}?>
- <div class=”content” id=”main-slide”>
- <div class=”changeDiv”>
- <?php $n=1;if(is_array($data)) foreach($data AS $r) { ?>
- <a href=”<?php echo $r['url'];?>” title=”<?php echo str_cut($r['title'],30);?>”><img src=”<?php echo thumb($r['thumb'],310,260);?>” alt=”<?php echo $r['title'];?>” width=”310″ height=”260″ /></a>
- <?php $n++;}unset($n); ?> //
- </div>
- </div>
- <?php if(defined(‘IN_ADMIN’) && !defined(‘HTML’)) {echo ‘</div>’;}?>
- {pc:content action=”position” posid=”1″ thumb=”1″ order=”listorder DESC” num=”5″ cache=”500″ htmlblockcache=”1″}
- {/pc}
受条件所限,ab测试只能在本机实验。测试环境为:Win 2003 + IIS 6 + php 5.2,没有安装任何opcode缓存扩展。测试方法是:后台更新(删除)所有缓存后,在浏览器刷新首页一次,以便重新生成所需缓存;首次两轮-n 10 -c 10预热,接着两轮-n 600 -c 15正式测试,取第二次作对比。
- Document Path: /phpcmsv9/index.php
- Document Length: 41900 bytes
- Concurrency Level: 15
- Time taken for tests: 33.891 seconds
- Complete requests: 600
- Failed requests: 0
- Write errors: 0
- Total transferred: 25286400 bytes
- HTML transferred: 25140000 bytes
- Requests per second: 17.70 [#/sec] (mean)
- Time per request: 847.266 [ms] (mean)
- Time per request: 56.484 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
- Transfer rate: 728.63 [Kbytes/sec] received
- Connection Times (ms)
- min mean[+/-sd] median max
- Connect: 0 0 1.9 0 16
- Processing: 156 843 361.4 906 1875
- Waiting: 141 839 360.8 906 1875
- Total: 156 843 361.5 906 1875
- Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
- 50% 906
- 66% 1031
- 75% 1109
- 80% 1156
- 90% 1281
- 95% 1344
- 98% 1453
- 99% 1516
- 100% 1875 (longest request)
- 改造后(有htmlblockcache)的首页测试结果:
- Document Path: /phpcmsv9/index.php
- Document Length: 41328 bytes
- Concurrency Level: 15
- Time taken for tests: 23.156 seconds
- Complete requests: 600
- Failed requests: 0
- Write errors: 0
- Total transferred: 24943200 bytes
- HTML transferred: 24796800 bytes
- Requests per second: 25.91 [#/sec] (mean)
- Time per request: 578.906 [ms] (mean)
- Time per request: 38.594 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
- Transfer rate: 1051.92 [Kbytes/sec] received
- Connection Times (ms)
- min mean[+/-sd] median max
- Connect: 0 1 5.9 0 109
- Processing: 94 570 177.5 547 2297
- Waiting: 94 563 177.7 547 2297
- Total: 94 571 177.3 547 2297
- Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
- 50% 547
- 66% 594
- 75% 625
- 80% 641
- 90% 703
- 95% 813
- 98% 1016
- 99% 1266
- 100% 2297 (longest request)