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python 采用paramiko 远程执行命令及报错解决

2024-09-09 19:02:14

这篇文章主要介绍了python 采用paramiko 远程执行命令及报错解决,文中通过示例代码介绍的非常详细,对大家的学习或者工作具有一定的参考学习价值,需要的朋友可以参考下

import sysimport paramikoimport config_readerfrom check_utils import standout_print, parse_remainsize_response_lines, error_out_printfrom time import timeclass RemoteModel:  """ remote options model  execute remote command  """  def __init__(self, host, port=22):    self.hostname = host    self.port = port    self.username, self.password = self.load_conf()    self.s = None    self.session = None    self.init_conn()  def load_conf(self):    """      read config get the login info of remote host machine    :return:      login username and password of SSH login of this host    """    if self.hostname.find("") != -1:      error_out_print("Error : the remote machine of KOR can not provide. please know")      sys.exit(-1)    username, password = config_reader.read_login_config(self.hostname)    if not username or not password:      error_out_print(        'Error: can not find ssh login info in this host[%s]. check need ' % self.hostname)      sys.exit(-1)    return username, password  def init_conn(self):    """      make a connection with the remote machine    :return:    """    try:      paramiko.util.log_to_file("paramiko_log.log")      self.s = paramiko.SSHClient()      self.s.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())      self.s.connect(hostname=self.hostname, port=self.port, username=self.username, password=self.password)      standout_print('success connect the remote machine [host=%s]' % self.hostname)    except Exception, e:      standout_print(str(e))      standout_print(        'connect failed.in host[%s] user[%s] or pwd[%s] maybe wrong. ' % (          self.hostname, self.username, self.password))      sys.exit(-1)  def close(self):    """    close    if close can not use this connection    :return:    """    if self.s:      self.s.close()      self = None  def execute_command(self, command):    """    :param command:      execute cmd    :return:      the response lines    """    standout_print("Info: execute command [%s]" % command)    stdin, stdout, stderr = self.s.exec_command(command)    stdin.write("pwd"+"/n")    stdin.flush()    response_lines = stdout.readlines()    error_info = stderr.read()    if error_info and error_info.strip():      error_out_print(' remote command error info : %s' % stderr.read())      error_out_print(error_info)      return None    # info_arr = response_info.split('/n')    return response_lines  def remain_space_size(self, directory_path):    """    :param directory_path:    :return:      free size of the directory      unit size : MB    """    cmd = 'sudo df -m %s 1>&2' % directory_path # /usr/local/pgsql/data/ssd1    response_lines = self.execute_command(cmd)    # response_lines = self.execute_command_channel(cmd)    return parse_remainsize_response_lines(response_lines)  def execute(self, command, sudo=False):    feed_password = False    if sudo and self.username != "root":      command = "sudo %s" % command      feed_password = "pwd"    stdin, stdout, stderr = self.s.exec_command(command, get_pty=True)    if feed_password:      stdin.write(self.password + "/n")      stdin.flush()    return {'out': stdout.readlines(),        'err': stderr.readlines(),        'retval': stdout.channel.recv_exit_status()}if __name__ == '__main__':  host = ""  hostname = ""  command = "sudo df -m /data/pgsql94/data"  rm = RemoteModel(host=hostname)  print rm.execute_command(command)  # print rm.execute("df -m /data/pgsql94/data 1>&2", True)
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