2 | 2 | 2 | 1 |
3 | 3 | 1 | 2 |
4 | 1 | 3 | 3 |
1 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
' min and max are the minimum and maximum indexes' of the items that might still be out of order.Sub BubbleSort (List() As Long, ByVal min As Integer, _ ByVal max As Integer)Dim last_swap As IntegerDim i As IntegerDim j As IntegerDim tmp As Long ' Repeat until we are done. Do While min < max ' Bubble up. last_swap = min - 1 ' For i = min + 1 To max i = min + 1 Do While i <= max ' Find a bubble. If List(i - 1) > List(i) Then ' See where to drop the bubble. tmp = List(i - 1) j = i Do List(j - 1) = List(j) j = j + 1 If j > max Then Exit Do Loop While List(j) < tmp List(j - 1) = tmp last_swap = j - 1 i = j + 1 Else i = i + 1 End If Loop ' Update max. max = last_swap - 1 ' Bubble down. last_swap = max + 1 ' For i = max - 1 To min Step -1 i = max - 1 Do While i >= min ' Find a bubble. If List(i + 1) < List(i) Then ' See where to drop the bubble. tmp = List(i + 1) j = i Do List(j + 1) = List(j) j = j - 1 If j < min Then Exit Do Loop While List(j) > tmp List(j + 1) = tmp last_swap = j + 1 i = j - 1 Else i = i - 1 End If Loop ' Update min. min = last_swap + 1 LoopEnd Sub |
选择排序法 选择排序法是一个很简单的算法。其原理是首先找到数据清单中的最小的数据,然后将这个数据同第一个数据交换位置;接下来找第二小的数据,再将其同第二个数据交换位置,以此类推。下面是VB代码实现该算法。
Sub Selectionsort (List() As Long, min As Integer, _ max As Integer)Dim i As IntegerDim j As IntegerDim best_value As LongDim best_j As Integer For i = min To max - 1 best_value = List(i) best_j = i For j = i + 1 To max If List(j) < best_value Then best_value = List(j) best_j = j End If Next j List(best_j) = List(i) List(i) = best_value Next iEnd Sub |
N + (N - 1) + (N - 2) + ... + 1 = N * (N + 1) / 2
通常分割点的数据是随机选取的。这样无论你的数据是否已被排列过,你所分割成的两个字列表的大小是差不多的。而只要两个子列表的大小差不多,该算法所需的步骤就是N * log(N) 步。对于使用比较法进行排序的算法来讲这是最快的方法。下面是用VB代码实现这一算法的例子。
Sub Quicksort (List() As Long, min As Integer, max As Integer)Dim med_value As LongDim hi As IntegerDim lo As IntegerDim i As Integer ' If the list has no more than 1 element, it's sorted. If min >= max Then Exit Sub ' Pick a dividing item. i = Int((max - min + 1) * Rnd + min) med_value = List(i) ' Swap it to the front so we can find it easily. List(i) = List(min) ' Move the items smaller than this into the left ' half of the list. Move the others into the right. lo = min hi = max Do ' Look down from hi for a value < med_value. Do While List(hi) >= med_value hi = hi - 1 If hi <= lo Then Exit Do Loop If hi <= lo Then List(lo) = med_value Exit Do End If ' Swap the lo and hi values. List(lo) = List(hi) ' Look up from lo for a value >= med_value. lo = lo + 1 Do While List(lo) < med_value lo = lo + 1 If lo >= hi Then Exit Do Loop If lo >= hi Then lo = hi List(hi) = med_value Exit Do End If ' Swap the lo and hi values. List(hi) = List(lo) Loop ' Sort the two sublists Quicksort List(), min, lo - 1 Quicksort List(), lo + 1, maxEnd Sub |
首先该算法创建一个整数类型的临时数组,该数组的上下标分别是要排序的数据的最大最小值。如果数据列表的最大最小值从min_item到max_item, 该算法就将数组创建成下面这样: Dim Counts() As Integer ReDim Counts(min_item To max_item)
接下来,算法检查列表中的每一个项目,并增加对应该项目的数组元素的值,当这一阶段完成后,Counts(I)的数值就是就是数值为I的基础上的个数。 For I = min To Max Counts(List(I)) = Counts(List(I)) + 1 Next I
程序扫描Counts数组,将counts转换成被排序列表中的偏移量。 next_spot = 1 For i = min_value To max_value this_count = counts(i) counts(i) = next_spot next_spot = next_spot + this_count Next i
Sub Countingsort (List() As Long, sorted_list() As Long, _ min As Integer, max As Integer, min_value As Long, _ max_value As Long)Dim counts() As IntegerDim i As IntegerDim this_count As IntegerDim next_offset As Integer ' Create the Counts array. ReDim counts(min_value To max_value) ' Count the items. For i = min To max counts(List(i)) = counts(List(i)) + 1 Next i ' Convert the counts into offsets. next_offset = min For i = min_value To max_value this_count = counts(i) counts(i) = next_offset next_offset = next_offset + this_count Next i ' Place the items in the sorted array. For i = min To max sorted_list(counts(List(i))) = List(i) counts(List(i)) = counts(List(i)) + 1 Next iEnd Sub |
算法 | 优点 | 缺点 |
汽泡排序法 | 对以初步排序的数据来说这种方法的速度很快 | 在其它情况下运行速度较慢 |
选择排序法 | 非常简单 | 对大量数据的排序速度很慢 |
容易明白 | ||
对于少量数据的排序来说速度很快 | ||
快速排序法 | 对大量数据的排序来说速度很快 | 如果有大量重复的数据就比较麻烦 |
计数排序法 | 当数据数值较小(1-1000之间)时,速度非常快 | 当数据数值较大时,速度较慢 |
需额外的内存 | ||
只能对整数类型的数据排序 |