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Add data to the Access database using ADO

2024-09-07 19:04:54
add data to the database using ado

tools used : visual c# .net

this program shows how to insert data in an access database using ado and sql query. i have an access 2000 database in project/bin/debug directory. my database name is mctest.mdb. you can create your own database and copy in your project's debug directory. i am not attaching database with this code because of size problem.

i have a table 'developer' in this database which has four columns. i am inserting values into two columns name and address in this code.

using system;
using system.data;   
using system.data.oledb;   
namespace adonetwritequery  
      /// <summary>
      /// summary description for class1.
      /// </summary>
      class class1
            static void main(string[] args)  
                  string strdsn = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data
                  string strsql = "insert into developer(name, address ) values(
'newname', 'newaddress')" ;  
                  // create objects of adoconnection and adocommand   
                  oledbconnection myconn = new oledbconnection(strdsn);  
                  oledbcommand mycmd = new oledbcommand( strsql, myconn );  
                  catch (exception e)  
                        console.writeline("oooops. i did it again:/n{0}", e.message);  

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