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2024-09-05 20:55:51


<%@ import namespace="system.io" %>
<%@ import namespace="system.data" %>
<script language="vb" runat="server">

sub page_load(src as object, e as eventargs)
        if not (ispostback)
        end if
end sub

sub dataload(parmsort as string)
         dim ds as new dataset
        dim fs as new filestream(server.mappath("books.xml"), filemode.open)
        mydatagrid.datasource = new dataview(ds.tables(0))
end sub

sub datasort(src as object, e as datagridsortcommandeventargs)
    ' bug if we sort, then edit item becomes wrong
    if mydatagrid.edititemindex=-1 then
        response.write ("can't sort until editing is done!")
    end if
end sub   

sub datadelete(sender as object, e as datagridcommandeventargs)
    dim deletekey as string
    if mydatagrid.edititemindex=-1 then
        response.write ("deleted " & deletekey)
        response.write ("can't delete until editing is done!")
    end if
end sub

sub dataedit(sender as object, e as datagridcommandeventargs)
        dim editkey as string
        mydatagrid.edititemindex = cint(e.item.itemindex)
        'response.write ("to be edited" & editkey)
end sub

sub datacancel(sender as object, e as datagridcommandeventargs)
        mydatagrid.edititemindex = -1
        response.write ("edit was cancelled")
end sub

sub dataupdate(sender as object, e as datagridcommandeventargs)
        dim editkey as string
        mydatagrid.edititemindex = -1
       editkey = mydatagrid.datakeys(cint(e.item.itemindex))
       response.write ("to be updated " & editkey)
       ' howmanycols = e.item.cells.count
end sub



<h3><font face="verdana">the best books ever</font>
<span runat="server" id="myspan"/></h3>

<form runat="server">
<asp:datagrid id="mydatagrid" runat="server"



      <asp:buttoncolumn text="delete book" commandname="delete"/>
      <asp:editcommandcolumn edittext="edit" canceltext="cancel" updatetext="update" itemstyle-wrap="false"/>


by the way, here is the xml source for this example:
run this code

    <author>jack trout, steve rivkin</author>
    <title>the power of simplicity</title>
    <comments>a real fun read</comments>
    <author>al reiss, jack trout</author>
    <title>22 immutable laws of marketing</title>
    <comments>this team offers more profound advice about creating world class marketing campaigns that will be viable for a hundred years.</comments>

    <author>al reiss, laura reiss</author>
    <title>22 immutable laws of branding</title>
    <comments>this book is great for people who used 22 immutable laws of marketing to build a brand and now want to strengthen that brand.</comments>
    <author>tom peters</author>
    <title>circle of innovation</title>
    <comments>his most recent book is his best by far!</comments>
    <author>eli goldthrait</author>
    <title>the goal</title>
    <comments>advocate of theory of constraints as applied to managment and optimization.</comments>

    <author>jeff cox, howard stevens</author>
    <title>selling the wheel</title>
    <comments>excellent treatise/novel on the entire sales cycle</comments>

    <author>alan cooper</author>
    <title>the inmates are running the asylum</title>
    <comments>the father of visual basic and creator of the new art of interaction design - very valuable in designing websites. basically the worlds most  cutting edge thinker in user interface design aimed at simplifying software use.</comments>

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