既然jsp用来提供动态web内容并且对于从表现层中分离内容很不错,一些人也许想知道为什么servlet要从jsp中脱离出来与它并列。servlet的功用没有问题。它对于服务端处理干得很好,而且,由于它重要的已安装基础,就适合这个。实际上,从结构上说,你可以把jsp看作实现为servlet 2.1 api的扩展的servlet高级抽象。仍然不应该不加区别地使用servlet;它可能不会适用于每一个人。举个例子来说,尽管页面设计者能够很容易地使用常规html或者xml工具编写jsp页面,而servlet通常更适合后台开发者,他们通常使用某种ide——一个通常需要高层次的编程专门知识的过程。当发布servlet时,即使开发者也必须留意和确认在内容和表现之间没有紧耦合。通常,你可以通过加入第三方的html封装包比如htmlkona来做这个。即使这样做了,尽管带来了一些简单的对于屏幕变化的伸缩性,仍然不能为你防止免受表现格式自身的变化的影响。例如,如果你的表现形式从html转变到dhtml,你将仍然需要确认你的封装包是否兼容这种新格式。在最坏的情况下,如果封装包不能用了,你可能最终会在动态内容内部硬编码表现形式。那么,解决办法是什么?就像你你将要看到的,一个办法将会同时使用jsp和servlet来创建应用系统。
主视图,或者说表现层,对于我们的音乐无界由jsp页面eshop.jsp产生(见清单1)。你会注意到这个页面几乎仅仅处理这个应用的主要用户界面,而且没有做任何处理工作——一个最佳的jsp脚本。也注意一下另一个jsp页面,cart.jsp(见清单2),通过指令<jsp:include page="cart.jsp" flush="true" />包含在eshop.jsp之内。
清单1 eshop.jsp |
<%@ page session="true" %> <html> <head> <title>music without borders</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#33ccff"> <font face="times new roman,times" size="+3"> music without borders </font> <hr><p> <center> <form name="shoppingform" action="/examples/servlet/shoppingservlet" method="post"> <b>cd:</b> <select name=cd> <option>yuan | the guo brothers | china | $14.95</option> <option>drums of passion | babatunde olatunji | nigeria | $16.95</option> <option>kaira | tounami diabate| mali | $16.95</option> <option>the lion is loose | eliades ochoa | cuba | $13.95</option> <option>dance the devil away | outback | australia | $14.95</option> <option>record of changes | samulnori | korea | $12.95</option> <option>djelika | tounami diabate | mali | $14.95</option> <option>rapture | nusrat fateh ali khan | pakistan | $12.95</option> <option>cesaria evora | cesaria evora | cape verde | $16.95</option> <option>ibuki | kodo | japan | $13.95</option> </select> <b>quantity: </b><input type="text" name="qty" size="3" value=1> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="add"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="add to cart"> </form> </center> <p> <jsp:include page="cart.jsp" flush="true" /> </body> </html> |
清单2 cart.jsp |
<%@ page session="true" import="java.util.*, shopping.cd" %> <% vector buylist = (vector) session.getvalue("shopping.shoppingcart"); if (buylist != null && (buylist.size() > 0)) { %> <center> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" bgcolor="#ffffff"> <tr> <td><b>album</b></td> <td><b>artist</b></td> <td><b>country</b></td> <td><b>price</b></td> <td><b>quantity</b></td> <td></td> </tr> <% for (int index=0; index < buylist.size();index++) { cd anorder = (cd) buylist.elementat(index); %> <tr> <td><b><%= anorder.getalbum() %></b></td> <td><b><%= anorder.getartist() %></b></td> <td><b><%= anorder.getcountry() %></b></td> <td><b><%= anorder.getprice() %></b></td> <td><b><%= anorder.getquantity() %></b></td> <td> <form name="deleteform" action="/examples/servlet/shoppingservlet" method="post"> <input type="submit" value="delete"> <input type="hidden" name= "delindex" value='<%= index %>'> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="delete"> </form> </td> </tr> <% } %> </table> <p> <form name="checkoutform" action="/examples/servlet/shoppingservlet" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="checkout"> <input type="submit" name="checkout" value="checkout"> </form> </center> <% } %> |
vector buylist = (vector) session.getvalue("shopping.shoppingcart");
if (buylist != null && (buylist.size() > 0)) {
for (int index=0; index < buylist.size(); index++) {
cd anorder = (cd) buylist.elementat(index);
清单3 shoppingservlet.java |
import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; import shopping.cd; public class shoppingservlet extends httpservlet { public void init(servletconfig conf) throws servletexception { super.init(conf); } public void dopost (httpservletrequest req, httpservletresponse res) throws servletexception, ioexception { httpsession session = req.getsession(false); if (session == null) { res.sendredirect("http://localhost:8080/error.html"); } vector buylist= (vector)session.getvalue("shopping.shoppingcart"); string action = req.getparameter("action"); if (!action.equals("checkout")) { if (action.equals("delete")) { string del = req.getparameter("delindex"); int d = (new integer(del)).intvalue(); buylist.removeelementat(d); } else if (action.equals("add")) { //any previous buys of same cd? boolean match=false; cd acd = getcd(req); if (buylist==null) { //add first cd to the cart buylist = new vector(); //first order buylist.addelement(acd); } else { // not first buy for (int i=0; i< buylist.size(); i++) { cd cd = (cd) buylist.elementat(i); if (cd.getalbum().equals(acd.getalbum())) { cd.setquantity(cd.getquantity()+acd.getquantity()); buylist.setelementat(cd,i); match = true; } //end of if name matches } // end of for if (!match) buylist.addelement(acd); } } session.putvalue("shopping.shoppingcart", buylist); string url="/jsp/shopping/eshop.jsp"; servletcontext sc = getservletcontext(); requestdispatcher rd = sc.getrequestdispatcher(url); rd.forward(req, res); } else if (action.equals("checkout")) { float total =0; for (int i=0; i< buylist.size();i++) { cd anorder = (cd) buylist.elementat(i); float price= anorder.getprice(); int qty = anorder.getquantity(); total += (price * qty); } total += 0.005; string amount = new float(total).tostring(); int n = amount.indexof('.'); amount = amount.substring(0,n+3); req.setattribute("amount",amount); string url="/jsp/shopping/checkout.jsp"; servletcontext sc = getservletcontext(); requestdispatcher rd = sc.getrequestdispatcher(url); rd.forward(req,res); } } private cd getcd(httpservletrequest req) { //imagine if all this was in a scriptlet...ugly, eh? string mycd = req.getparameter("cd"); string qty = req.getparameter("qty"); stringtokenizer t = new stringtokenizer(mycd,"|"); string album= t.nexttoken(); string artist = t.nexttoken(); string country = t.nexttoken(); string price = t.nexttoken(); price = price.replace('$',' ').trim(); cd cd = new cd(); cd.setalbum(album); cd.setartist(artist); cd.setcountry(country); cd.setprice((new float(price)).floatvalue()); cd.setquantity((new integer(qty)).intvalue()); return cd; } } |
清单4 cd.java |
package shopping; public class cd { string album; string artist; string country; float price; int quantity; public cd() { album=""; artist=""; country=""; price=0; quantity=0; } public void setalbum(string title) { album=title; } public string getalbum() { return album; } public void setartist(string group) { artist=group; } public string getartist() { return artist; } public void setcountry(string cty) { country=cty; } public string getcountry() { return country; } public void setprice(float p) { price=p; } public float getprice() { return price; } public void setquantity(int q) { quantity=q; } public int getquantity() { return quantity; } } |
注意我们在这个servlet中还包括了额外的智能,因此它能够知道如果选择了一张已在购物车中的cd,那么应该简单地增加session中cd bean的计数。它也处理从cart.jsp中触发的动作,比如用户从购物车中删除物品,或是继续去收银台结帐。注意控制器总是对哪个资源应该被调用来对特定的动作产生回馈有完全的控制权。例如,对购物车状态的改变,像增加和删除,会引起控制器将请求处理后转发给eshop.jsp页面。这样引起该页面依照已更新的购物车依次重新显示主视图。如果用户决定结帐,则请求被处理后转发给checkout.jsp(见清单5),通过后面的请求分配器,象下面显示的这样:
string url="/jsp/shopping/checkout.jsp";
servletcontext sc = getservletcontext();
requestdispatcher rd = sc.getrequestdispatcher(url);
清单5 checkout.jsp |
<%@ page session="true" import="java.util.*, shopping.cd" %> <html> <head> <title>music without borders checkout</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#33ccff"> <font face="times new roman,times" size=+3> music without borders checkout </font> <hr><p> <center> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" bgcolor="#ffffff"> <tr> <td><b>album</b></td> <td><b>artist</b></td> <td><b>country</b></td> <td><b>price</b></td> <td><b>quantity</b></td> <td></td> </tr> <% vector buylist = (vector) session.getvalue("shopping.shoppingcart"); string amount = (string) request.getattribute("amount"); for (int i=0; i < buylist.size();i++) { cd anorder = (cd) buylist.elementat(i); %> <tr> <td><b><%= anorder.getalbum() %></b></td> <td><b><%= anorder.getartist() %></b></td> <td><b><%= anorder.getcountry() %></b></td> <td><b><%= anorder.getprice() %></b></td> <td><b><%= anorder.getquantity() %></b></td> </tr> <% } session.invalidate(); %> <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td><b>total</b></td> <td><b>$<%= amount %></b></td> <td> </td> </tr> </table> <p> <a href="/examples/jsp/shopping/eshop.jsp">shop some more!</a> </center> </body> </html> |
列表6 error.html |
<html> <body> <h1> sorry, there was an unrecoverable error! <br> please try <a href="/examples/jsp/shopping/eshop.jsp">again</a>. </h1> </body> </html> |
我假定你正在使用来自sun的最新版本的javaserver web development kit (jswdk)来运行这个例子。如果不是,参看资源小节去看看到哪里取得它。假设服务器安装在/jswdk-1.0.1,这是microsoft windows系统下的缺省路径,可以象下面这样部署音乐无界应用:
create shopping directory under /jswdk-1.0.1/examples/jsp
copy eshop.jsp to /jswdk-1.0.1/examples/jsp/shopping
copy cart.jsp to /jswdk-1.0.1/examples/jsp/shopping
copy checkout.jsp to /jswdk-1.0.1/examples/jsp/shopping
compile the .java files by typing javac *.java
copy shoppingservlet.class to /jswdk-1.0.1/webpages/web-inf/servlets
create shopping directory under /jswdk-1.0.1/examples/web-inf/jsp/beans
copy cd.class to /jswdk-1.0.1/examples/web-inf/jsp/beans/shopping
copy error.html to /jswdk-1.0.1/webpages
once your server has been started, you should be able to access the application using http://localhost:8080/examples/jsp/shopping/eshop.jsp as the url
只要你的服务器启动,你应该可以使用url http://localhost:8080/examples/jsp/shopping/eshop.jsp来访问这个应用程序。