前几天也碰到日志文件过大的问题,数据库实际大小为600m, 日志文件实际大小为33m, 但日志文件占用空间为2.8g!!!
试了多种方式,shirnk database, truncate log file, 都没办法将文件缩小。无论如何,这应该算sql server的一个bug吧。
set nocount on
declare @logicalfilename sysname,
@maxminutes int,
@newsize int
use marias -- 要操作的数据库名
select @logicalfilename = 'marias_log', -- 日志文件名
@maxminutes = 10, -- limit on time allowed to wrap log.
@newsize = 100 -- 你想设定的日志文件的大小(m)
-- setup / initialize
declare @originalsize int
select @originalsize = size
from sysfiles
where name = @logicalfilename
select 'original size of ' + db_name() + ' log is ' +
convert(varchar(30),@originalsize) + ' 8k pages or ' +
convert(varchar(30),(@originalsize*8/1024)) + 'mb'
from sysfiles
where name = @logicalfilename
create table dummytrans
(dummycolumn char (8000) not null)
declare @counter int,
@starttime datetime,
@trunclog varchar(255)
select @starttime = getdate(),
@trunclog = 'backup log ' + db_name() + ' with truncate_only'
dbcc shrinkfile (@logicalfilename, @newsize)
exec (@trunclog)
-- wrap the log if necessary.
while @maxminutes > datediff (mi, @starttime, getdate()) -- time has not expired
and @originalsize = (select size from sysfiles where name = @logicalfilename)
and (@originalsize * 8 /1024) > @newsize
begin -- outer loop.
select @counter = 0
while ((@counter < @originalsize / 16) and (@counter < 50000))
begin -- update
insert dummytrans values ('fill log')
delete dummytrans
select @counter = @counter + 1
exec (@trunclog)
select 'final size of ' + db_name() + ' log is ' +
convert(varchar(30),size) + ' 8k pages or ' +
convert(varchar(30),(size*8/1024)) + 'mb'
from sysfiles
where name = @logicalfilename
drop table dummytrans
set nocount off