在这一篇文章里,我将介绍nginx关于location的处理,大家都知道Nginx配置文件里面会有很多的location,nginx的配置指令的作用域可以分为 main,server,location这3个种,实际上这3者不是依次包含的关系,而是相互独立的关系,比如一个只具有main级别作用域的指令,是不能写在某个server或者location内的,模块的某个指令可以同时具有main,server,location这3种作用域,另外每个模块有 main,srv,loc这3个级别的配置,一个模块的main级别的配置对所有的server和location都是共享的,srv级别的配置对所有 location都是共享的,location只有自己独立的loc级别的配置,这就是为什么一个模块的srv和loc级别的配置需要merge,而 main级别的配置不需要merge的原因。这里看起来有点绕,区分一下main,server,location分别作为一种作用域级别和一个主体,类似于形容词和名字的区别,nginx的配置关系还是不难理解的。
首先我来大概的介绍一下location的种类和匹配规则,以nginx wiki(http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpCoreModule#location)的例子做说明:
location = / { # matches the query / only. [ configuration A ] } location / { # matches any query, since all queries begin with /, but regular # expressions and any longer conventional blocks will be # matched first. [ configuration B ] } location ^~ /images/ { # matches any query beginning with /images/ and halts searching, # so regular expressions will not be checked. [ configuration C ] } location ~* /.(gif|jpg|jpeg)$ { # matches any request ending in gif, jpg, or jpeg. However, all # requests to the /images/ directory will be handled by # Configuration C. [ configuration D ] } location @named { # Such locations are not used during normal processing of requests, # they are intended only to process internally redirected requests (for example error_page, try_files). [ configuration E ] }
可以看到上面的例子中有5种不同类型的location,其中第4个带 “~” 号前缀的为需要正则匹配的location,nginx在进行url解析时对这5种不同类型的location具有不同的优先级规则,大致的规则如下: