SQL> create table T_PEEKING (a NUMBER, b char(1), c char(2000)); Table created. SQL>SQL> create index T_PEEKING_IDX1 on T_PEEKING(b); Index created. SQL> begin 2 for i in 1..1000 loop 3 insert into T_PEEKING values (i, 'A', i); 4 end loop; 5 6 insert into T_PEEKING values (1001, 'B', 1001); 7 insert into T_PEEKING values (1002, 'B', 1002); 8 insert into T_PEEKING values (1003, 'C', 1003); 9 10 commit; 11 end; 12 / PL/SQL PRocedure sUCcessfully completed.
SQL>SQL> analyze table T_PEEKING compute statistics for table for all indexes for all indexed columns; Table analyzed. SQL>
SQL> show parameter OPTIMIZER_INDEX_COST_ADJ NAME TYPE VALUE------------------------------------ ----------- ------optimizer_index_cost_adj integer 100 SQL> delete from plan_table; 0 rows deleted. SQL> SQL> eXPlain plan for select /*+index(a T_PEEKING_IDX1)*/ * from T_PEEKING a where b = :V; Explained. SQL> select lpad(' ', 2*(level-1))Operation' 'options' ' 2 object_name' 'decode(id, 0, 'Cost='position) "Query 3 Plan_Table" 4 from plan_table 5 start with id = 0 6 connect by prior id = parent_id 7 ; QueryPlan_Table-----------------------------------------------------SELECT STATEMENT Cost=113 TABLE access BY INDEX ROWID T_PEEKING INDEX RANGE SCAN T_PEEKING_IDX1 SQL>
SQL> delete from plan_table; 3 rows deleted. SQL>SQL> explain plan for select /*+full(a)*/ * from T_PEEKING a where b = :V; Explained. SQL>SQL> select lpad(' ', 2*(level-1))operation' 'options' ' 2 object_name' 'decode(id, 0, 'Cost='position) "Query 3 Plan_Table" 4 from plan_table 5 start with id = 0 6 connect by prior id = parent_id 7 ; QueryPlan_Table----------------------------------------------------SELECT STATEMENT Cost=75 TABLE ACCESS FULL T_PEEKING SQL>
SQL> alter system set OPTIMIZER_INDEX_COST_ADJ=67; System altered. SQL>SQL> delete from plan_table; 2 rows deleted. SQL>SQL> explain plan for select * from T_PEEKING a where b = :V; Explained. SQL>SQL> select lpad(' ', 2*(level-1))operation' 'options' ' 2 object_name' 'decode(id, 0, 'Cost='position) "Query 3 Plan_Table" 4 from plan_table 5 start with id = 0 6 connect by prior id = parent_id; QueryPlan_Table-----------------------------------------------------------------SELECT STATEMENT Cost=75 TABLE ACCESS FULL T_PEEKING SQL>SQL>SQL> alter system set OPTIMIZER_INDEX_COST_ADJ=66; System altered. SQL>SQL> delete from plan_table; 2 rows deleted. SQL>SQL> explain plan for select * from T_PEEKING a where b = :V; Explained. SQL>SQL> select lpad(' ', 2*(level-1))operation' 'options' ' 2 object_name' 'decode(id, 0, 'Cost='position) "Query 3 Plan_Table" 4 from plan_table 5 start with id = 0 6 connect by prior id = parent_id; QueryPlan_Table---------------------------------------------------------SELECT STATEMENT Cost=75 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID T_PEEKING INDEX RANGE SCAN T_PEEKING_IDX1
SQL> alter system set OPTIMIZER_INDEX_COST_ADJ=100; System altered. SQL>SQL> delete from plan_table; 2 rows deleted. SQL>SQL> explain plan for select /*+index(a T_PEEKING_IDX1)*/* from T_PEEKING a where b = 'A'; Explained. SQL>SQL> select lpad(' ', 2*(level-1))operation' 'options' ' 2 object_name' 'decode(id, 0, 'Cost='position) "Query 3 Plan_Table" 4 from plan_table 5 start with id = 0 6 connect by prior id = parent_id; QueryPlan_Table--------------------------------------------------------------SELECT STATEMENT Cost=336 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID T_PEEKING INDEX RANGE SCAN T_PEEKING_IDX1
SQL> alter system set OPTIMIZER_INDEX_COST_ADJ=100; System altered. SQL>SQL> delete from plan_table; 3 rows deleted. SQL>SQL> explain plan for select /*+index(a T_PEEKING_IDX1)*/* from T_PEEKING a where b = 'B'; Explained. SQL>SQL> select lpad(' ', 2*(level-1))operation' 'options' ' 2 object_name' 'decode(id, 0, 'Cost='position) "Query 3 Plan_Table" 4 from plan_table 5 start with id = 0 6 connect by prior id = parent_id; QueryPlan_Table---------------------------------------------------------------SELECT STATEMENT Cost=2 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID T_PEEKING INDEX RANGE SCAN T_PEEKING_IDX1
SQL> conn sys/sys as sysdbaConnected.SQL>SQL> alter system set OPTIMIZER_INDEX_COST_ADJ=60; System altered. SQL> analyze table T_PEEKING compute statistics for table for all indexes for all indexed columns; Table analyzed. SQL>SQL> set autot traceSQL>SQL> alter session set sql_trace = true; Session altered. SQL>SQL> var v char(1)SQL>SQL> exec :v := 'A'; PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL>SQL> select * from T_PEEKING a where b = :V; 1000 rows selected. SQL>SQL> alter session set sql_trace = false; Session altered.
SQL> conn sys/sys as sysdbaConnected.SQL>SQL>SQL> set autot traceSQL>SQL> alter session set sql_trace = true; Session altered. SQL>SQL> var v char(1)SQL>SQL> exec :v := 'B'; PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL>SQL> select * from T_PEEKING a where b = :V; 1000 rows selected. SQL>SQL> alter session set sql_trace = false; Session altered.