set echo off Rem Drop and recreate PLAN_TABLE for EXPLAIN PLAN drop table plan_table; create table PLAN_TABLE ( statement_id varchar2(30), timestamp date, remarks varchar2(80), operation varchar2(30), options varchar2(255), object_node varchar2(128), object_owner varchar2(30), object_name varchar2(30), object_instance numeric, object_type varchar2(30), optimizer varchar2(255), search_columns number, id numeric, parent_id numeric, position numeric, cost numeric, cardinality numeric, bytes numeric, other_tag varchar2(255), partition_start varchar2(255), partition_stop varchar2(255), partition_id numeric, other long, distribution varchar2(30), cpu_cost numeric, io_cost numeric, temp_space numeric, access_PRedicates varchar2(4000), filter_predicates varchar2(4000)); Rem Drop and recreate SQLTEMP for taking a snapshot of the SQLAREA drop table sqltemp; create table sqltemp ( ADDR VARCHAR2 (16), SQL_TEXT VARCHAR2 (2000), DISK_READS NUMBER, EXECUTIONS NUMBER, PARSE_CALLS NUMBER); set echo on Rem Create procedure to populate the plan_table by executing Rem explain plan...for 'sqltext' dynamically create or replace procedure do_explain ( addr IN varchar2, sqltext IN varchar2) as dummy varchar2 (1100); mycursor integer; ret integer; my_sqlerrm varchar2 (85); begin dummy:='EXPLAIN PLAN SET STATEMENT_ID=' ; dummy:=dummy''''addr''''' FOR 'sqltext; mycursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor; dbms_sql.parse(mycursor,dummy,dbms_sql.v7); ret := dbms_sql.execute(mycursor); dbms_sql.close_cursor(mycursor); commit; exception -- Insert errors into PLAN_TABLE... when others then my_sqlerrm := substr(sqlerrm,1,80); insert into plan_table(statement_id,remarks) values (addr,my_sqlerrm); -- close cursor if exception raised on EXPLAIN PLAN dbms_sql.close_cursor(mycursor); end; / Rem Start EXPLAINing all S/I/U/D statements in the shared pool declare -- exclude statements with v$sqlarea.parsing_schema_id = 0 (SYS) cursor c1 is select address, sql_text, DISK_READS, EXECUTIONS, PARSE_CALLS from v$sqlarea where command_type in (2,3,6,7) and parsing_schema_id != 0; cursor c2 is select addr, sql_text from sqltemp; addr2 varchar(16); sqltext v$sqlarea.sql_text%type; dreads v$sqlarea.disk_reads%type; execs v$sqlarea.executions%type; pcalls v$sqlarea.parse_calls%type; begin open c1; fetch c1 into addr2,sqltext,dreads,execs,pcalls; while (c1%found) loop insert into sqltemp values(addr2,sqltext,dreads,execs,pcalls); commit; fetch c1 into addr2,sqltext,dreads,execs,pcalls; end loop; close c1; open c2; fetch c2 into addr2, sqltext; while (c2%found) loop do_explain(addr2,sqltext); fetch c2 into addr2, sqltext; end loop; close c2; end; / Rem Generate a report of index usage based on the number of times Rem a SQL statement using that index was executed select p.owner,, sum(s.executions) totexec from sqltemp s, (select distinct statement_id stid, object_owner owner, object_name name from plan_table where operation = 'INDEX') p where s.addr = p.stid group by p.owner, order by 2 desc; Rem Perform cleanup on exit (optional) delete from plan_table where statement_id in ( select addr from sqltemp ); drop table sqltemp; |