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2024-08-29 13:40:04

  Netscape FastTrack: 如何启动服务器和治理工具问题描述
  我想要在我的新的HP-UX 10.20 Instant Ignition服务器上使用 Netscape FastTrack 服务器。在我的新机器上,该软件已经进行了预安装。
  2. 我应该如何设置服务器使它在系统重新启动时打开?
  3. 我应该如何打开治理工具?
  4. ADMIN 服务器是否需要一直运行?
  操作系统 - HP-UX
  版本 - 10.20
  硬件系统 - HP9000
  系列 -K460
  1. 执行 /opt/ns-ftrack/httpd-default/start 命令来打开Netscape FastTrack Server 3.01。
  2. 将/etc/rc.config.d/ns-ftrack 文件中的NS_FTRACK 变量设置为1来配置 Netscape FastTrack服务器让它在系统启动时打开。
  3. 执行 /opt/ns-ftrack/start-admin 命令来打开Netscape FastTrack ADMIN 服务器。
  4.不用,ADMIN 服务器并不需要一直运行。
  注重: 对于ADMIN 服务器不需要一直运行这一点有例外情况。假如服务器在执行非凡的任务,如检索集合,循环服务记录,或安排的其它定期维护任务,ADMIN 服务器便需要一直运行。
  .........following with all English text ....Netscape FastTrack: how to start server and admin toolPRoblem Description
  I am trying to use the Netscape FastTrack server on my new HP-UX 10.20 Instant Ignition server. The software came pre-installed on my new machine.
  I have the following questions:
   1. How do I start the server?
   2. How do I set the server to start on system reboot?
   3. How do I start the administration tool?
   4. Does the ADMIN server need to be running all the time?
  Configuration Info
  Operating System - HP-UX
  Version - 10.20
  Hardware System - HP9000
  Series - K460
  Here are the answers to your questions:
   1. Execute the /opt/ns-ftrack/httpd-default/start command to start the Netscape FastTrack Server 3.01.
   2. Set the NS_FTRACK variable to one in the
   /etc/rc.config.d/ns-ftrack file to configure the Netscape FastTrack server to start up when the system boots up.
   3. Execute the /opt/ns-ftrack/start-admin command to start the Netscape FastTrack ADMIN server.
  4. No, the ADMIN server does not need to be running all the time.
  Note: There are exceptions to the ADMIN server not running at all
  times. If the server is performing specific tasks sUCh as indexing collections, rotating server logs, and other scheduled periodic maintenance tasks, the ADMIN should be running at all times.

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