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2024-08-29 13:40:04

  OBII: RDS 守护进程中断;重新创建Oracle 文件系统的数据列表
  在备份过程中或者在备份之后, OmniBack RDS 守护进程死掉。在进入GUI (图形用户界面)时出现下面的错误信息:
  raimas velocis daemon not running.
  omnisv.sh 状态显示确实如此,天天必须启动守护进程。
  在 RDS.log中显示:
  fatal resource manager error.
  DSM.3362 [cdbwrap.c:1360]
  db[1] internal error [-2009] the session is disconnected.
  操作系统 - HPUX
  版本 - 10.20
  硬件系统 - HP 9000
  系列 - K420
  在这个例子中,重新创建Oracle 文件系统的数据列表解决了RDS 守护进程中断的问题,此外还用purge减小了数据库的规模,然后writeascii/readascii。
  .........following with all English text ....
  OBII: RDS daemon dropping; recreate datalists for Oracle filesystems
  PRoblem Description
  I am having problems with the OmniBack RDS daemons dying during or right after a backup. When I go into the GUI (Graphical User Interface), I get the error message:
  raimas velocis daemon not running.
  omnisv.sh status shows this to be true and I have to
  start the daemons daily.
  I my RDS.log it shows:
  fatal resource manager error.
  The specific problem seeks to be a timeout in rm_fileSeekread
  terminating because of an error detected in thread server abort.
  In the debug.log file it shows:
  DSM.3362 [cdbwrap.c:1360]
  db[1] internal error [-2009] the session is disconnected.
  How do I resolve this issue?
  Configuration Info
  Operating System - HPUX
  Version - 10.20
  Hardware System - HP 9000
  Series - K420
  In this case recreating the datalists for the Oracle filesystems resolved the problem of the RDS daemon dropping. Also the size of the database was redUCed with purge, then writeascii/readascii.

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