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配置Oracle Name Server的完全步骤

2024-08-29 13:39:40

  安装Oracle name server必须安装net8和name server组件:
  1. First we must decide where the Oracle Names regional database will reside
  and create a user were the names tables will reside. Example:
  create user oname identified by oname
  default tablespace user_data
  temporary tablespace temporary_data;
  grant connect to oname;
  1a. Connect as 'oname' and run the namesini.sql script.
  2. Run Net8 Assistant
  3. Create a new Names Server: Select the Names folder and click on the add
  button. The Names Wizard should appear.
  4. Read the information that appears, then click Next.
  5. Read the information that appears, then click Next.
  6. Enter a name for this Oracle Names Server.
  7. Enter the Name Server listener details, then click Next.
  For Example: PRotocol TCP
  Host awhite-pc
  Port 1575 (Note: 1575 is the default port
  for Oracle Names)
  8. Click Next.
  9. Select "Use a region database." Click Next. Read the info. Click Next.
  10. Specify the listener details of were the region database will reside
  (IE - where the definitions are stored.) Click Next.
  11. Specify a user that you want to use to store the region database
  definitions: In this example, we will enter the user that we created in
  step one - oname. Click Next.
  12. Specify the passWord for the user. Click Next
  13. Select "Yes" if this is the first name server for the region. Click Next.
  14. Click Finish to save the entry.
  15. At this point you can modify the Name Server you just created, If required.
  Don t forget to save the changes.
  NOTE: You must configure the Server side SQLNET.ORA as though it is a client
  before the next steps will work correctly. See section "Configuring Net8
  clients to Use Oracle Names".
  16. Go to the Windows Control Panel. Select Services. Start the service named
  1、安装name server组件(该组件并非缺省安装),这样你才能找到namesini.sql 脚本

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