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Oracle Database FAQ

2024-08-29 13:36:26

  The following topics are addressed in this FAQ:
   1. Where is the Oracle FAQ located?
   2. What is in the Oracle FAQ?
   3. Who should use the Oracle FAQ?
   4. Where can one post Oracle related questions?
   5. How does one add information to the Oracle FAQ?
   6. Can I add my own FAQ to the Oracle FAQ site?
   7. Are there any translation PRojects for this FAQ?
   8. Legal stuff
  1) Where is the Oracle FAQ located?
  The Oracle FAQ is available on the Web at the following addresses:
   http://orafaq.cs.rmit.edu.au/- Australia
   http://www.doag.org/orafaq/ - Germany
   http://www.ibi.co.za/frank/ - South Africa
   http://www.orafaq.org/ - USA (Michigan)
   http://www.orafaq.com/ - USA (Texas)
  We recommend you select the site closest to you to prevent
  congestion on the Internet and overloading of any particular server. If one of the above servers is inaccessible, please use one of the other mirror sites.
  2) What is in the Oracle FAQ?
  The Oracle FAQ contains independent Oracle prodUCt related FAQs for DBAs and developers. The FAQ also contains scripts, white papers, news, jobs, forums, message boards, tips and training on Oracle and SQL. It is a valuable resource for all Oracle professionals. You may not get the Oracle company line, but will surely get an answer to just about any question concerning the software giant and its products.
  3) Who should use the Oracle FAQ?
  The Oracle FAQ is primarily intended for "newbie" users trying to get up to speed with Oracle, but also includes information for the more seasoned Oracle Professionals. It should be
  referenced before aSKINg questions on the Oracle-L mailing list or USENET newsgroups.
  4) Where can one post Oracle related questions?
  If after reading the appropriate FAQs, you still cannot find the answer to your question, you may post your question to the ORACLE-L list, appropriate USENET newsgroup or FAQ
  Message Forum:
   USENET Newsgroups (using a Newsreader program or dejanews.com):
   ORACLE-L List (using an E-Mail program):
   To subscribe, send an e-mail message to
   ListGuru@fatcity.com. In the body of the message
   write "SUBSCRIBE ORACLE-L your_real_name".
   FAQ Message Forum (using a Web Browser):
   See http://www.orafaq.com/faqmessb.htm
  Make sure you understand the Netiquette Guidelines before
  posting your message (www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1855.Html).
  When you receive your answer, it is recommended that you
  post a summary to the list/newsgroup. It might also be nice to notify the ORACLE FAQ maintainers of the answer so that they can update the Oracle FAQ accordingly (keep in mind
  that they do not always have the time to scan the lists/
  newsgroups for new information).
  5) How does one add information to the Oracle FAQ?

  We try our best to constantly improve the Oracle FAQ. However,we rely on the good will and support of our readers to notice problems and omissions. Please e-mail any suggestions,contributions and corrections to orafaq@ibi.co.za.If you submission is accepted, your name will be featured with the content.NOTE: Please do not send us questions without detailed answers. Read question 4 (where can one post Oracle related questions?).
  6) Can I add my own FAQ to the Oracle FAQ site?
  Sure, design your FAQ page(s) and send it to us for inclusion into the Oracle FAQ. Try to stick to the look, feel and style used in the rest of the FAQ.
  7) Are there any translation projects for this FAQ?
  There was a Japanese translation of the Oracle FAQ some time ago. Maybe it is still out there (difficult to tell). If youwant to translate one of the FAQs, or know about some cool
  translation techniques, please let us know.
  8) Legal stuff All information on the Oracle FAQ is offered in good faith and in the hope that it may be of use, but is not guaranteed to be correct, up to date or suitable for any particular purpose. The author (and contributors) accepts no liability in respect of this information or its use.The Oracle FAQ is independent of and does not represent OracleCorporation in any way. Oracle does not officially sponsor,approve, or endorse this FAQ or its content.Best regards The Oracle FAQ Team orafaq@ibi.co.za

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