Linux 下的 Apache+JServ+ojsp+SSL+PHP(IMAP+LDAP+MYSQL
2024-08-27 18:28:35
以下为我的jserv.conf 以及,
# cat jserv.conf
# apache jserv configuration file
# note: this file should be appended or included into your httpd.conf
# tell apache on win32 to load the apache jserv communication module
#loadmodule jserv_module modules/apachemodulejserv.dll
# tell apache on unix to load the apache jserv communication module
# for shared object builds only!!!
#loadmodule jserv_module /usr/local/apache/jserv/libexec/
# whether apache must start apache jserv or not (on=manual off=autosta
# syntax: apjservmanual [on/off]
# default: "off"
apjservmanual off
# properties filename for apache jserv in automatic mode.
# in manual mode this directive is ignored
# syntax: apjservproperties [filename]
# default: "./conf/"
apjservproperties /usr/local/apache/jserv/etc/
# log file for this module operation relative to apache root directory
# set the name of the trace/log file. to avoid possible confusion abo
# the location of this file, an absolute pathname is recommended.
# this log file is different than the log file that is in the
# file. this is the log file for the c portion of apa
# jserv.
# on unix, this file must have write permissions by the owner of the j
# process. in other words, if you are running apache jserv in manual m
# and apache is running as user nobody, then the file must have its
# permissions set so that that user can write to it.
# syntax: apjservlogfile [filename]
# default: "./logs/mod_jserv.log"
# note: when set to "disabled", the log will be redirected to apache e
rror log
apjservlogfile /usr/local/apache/logs/mod_jserv.log
# log level for this module
# syntax: apjservloglevel [debug|info|notice|warn|error|crit|alert|eme
# default: info (unless compiled w/ jserv_debug, in which case it's
apjservloglevel notice
# protocol used by this host to connect to apache jserv
# (see documentation for more details on available protocols)
# syntax: apjservdefaultprotocol [name]
# default: "ajpv12"
apjservdefaultprotocol ajpv12
# default host on which apache jserv is running
# syntax: apjservdefaulthost [hostname]
# default: "localhost"
# default port that apache jserv is listening to
# syntax: apjservdefaultport [number]
# default: protocol-dependant (for ajpv12 protocol this is "8007")
apjservdefaultport 8007
# the amount of time to give to the jvm to start up as well
# as the amount of time to wait to ping the jvm to see if it
# is alive. slow or heavily loaded machines might want to
# increase this value.
# default: 10 seconds
# apjservvmtimeout 10
# passes parameter and value to specified protocol.
# syntax: apjservprotocolparameter [name] [parameter] [value]
# default: none
# note: currently no protocols handle this. introduced for future prot
# apache jserv secret key file relative to apache root directory.
# syntax: apjservsecretkey [filename]
# default: "./conf/jserv.secret.key"
# warning: if authentication is disabled, everyone on this machine (no
t just
# this module) may connect to your servlet engine and execute servlet
# bypassing web server restrictions. see the documentation for more in
#apjservsecretkey /usr/local/apache/jserv/etc/jserv.secret.key
apjservsecretkey disabled
# mount point for servlet zones
# (see documentation for more information on servlet zones)
# syntax: apjservmount [name] [jserv-url]
# default: none
# note: [name] is the name of the apache uri path to mount jserv-url o
# [jserv-url] is something like "protocol://host:port/zone"
# if protocol, host or port are not specified, the values from
# "apjservdefaultprotocol", "apjservdefaulthost" or "apjservdefaultpo
# will be used.
# if zone is not specified, the zone name will be the first subdirect
ory of
# the called servlet.
# example: "apjservmount /servlets /myservlets"
# if user requests "http://host/servlets/testservlet"
# the servlet "testservlet" in zone "myservlets" on default host
# thru default protocol on defaul port will be requested
# example: "apjservmount /servlets ajpv12://localhost:8007"
# if user requests "http://host/servlets/myservlets/testservlet"
# the servlet "testservlet" in zone "myservlets" will be requested
# example: "apjservmount /servlets ajpv12://
# if user requests "http://host/servlets/testservlet" the servlet
# "testservlet" in zone "myservlets" on host "" usi
# "ajpv12" protocol on port "15643" will be executed
apjservmount /servlets /root
apjservmount /servlet /root
# whether inherits base host mount points or not
# syntax: apjservmountcopy [on/off]
# default: "on"
# note: this directive is meaninful only when virtual hosts are being
apjservmountcopy on
# executes a servlet passing filename with proper extension in path_tr
# property of servlet request.
# syntax: apjservaction [extension] [servlet-uri]
# defaults: none
# notes: this is used for external tools.
#apjservaction .jsp /servlets/org.gjt.jsp.jspservlet
#apjservaction .gsp /servlets/com.bitmechanic.gsp.gspservlet
#apjservaction .jhtml /servlets/org.apache.servlet.ssi.ssi
#apjservaction .xml /servlets/org.apache.cocoon.cocoon
#apjservaction .jsp /alph/gnujsp
apjservaction .jsp /servlets/oracle.jsp.jspservlet
apjservaction .jhtml /servlets/org.apache.servlet.ssi.ssi
# enable the apache jserv status handler with the url of
# "http://servername/jserv/" (note the trailing slash!)
# change the "deny" directive to restrict access to this status page.
sethandler jserv-status
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from
############################## w a r n i n g #########################
# remember to disable or otherwise protect the execution of the apache
jserv #
# status handler (see right above) on a production environment since t
his may #
# give untrusted users the ability to obtain restricted information on
your #
# servlets and their initialization arguments such as jdbc passwords a
nd #
# other important information. the apache jserv status handler should
be #
# accessible only by system administrators.