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<!DOCTYPE HTML><html>        <head>        <meta charset="utf-8" />        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1" />        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, target-densitydpi=high-dpi, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"        />        <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />        <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black" />        <meta content="telephone=no" name="format-detection" />        <meta name="keywords" content="seokeywords" />        <meta name="description" content="seodescription" />        <title>            H5手指滑动切换图片        </title>        <style>            ul,li{margin:0;padding:0;} @media screen and (min-width:240px) { html,            body{ font-size:9px; } } @media screen and (min-width:320px) { html, body{            font-size:12px; } } @media screen and (min-width:480px) { html, body{ font-size:18px;            } } @media screen and (min-width:640px) { html, body{ font-size:24px; }            } @media screen and (min-width:960px) { html, body{ font-size:36px; } }            div.imgbox{width:25rem;height:16.5rem;overflow:hidden;margin:0 auto;} div.imgbox            ul{clear:both;width:75rem;display: inline-block;} div.imgbox ul li{float:left;width:25rem;height:16.5rem;overflow:hidden;text-align:center;}            div.imgbox ul li img{width:24rem;height:16.5rem;} #page{color:red;}        </style>                       </head>                                           <body>        <div class="imgbox">            <ul>                <li>                    <a href="#">                        <img src="http://y2.ifengimg.com/df84c07b46e03f8e/2014/0512/rdn_53708f3d8533e.jpg">                        </img>                    </a>                </li>                <li>                                          <a href="#">                        <img src="http://y2.ifengimg.com/df84c07b46e03f8e/2014/0512/rdn_53708f23aad06.jpg">                        </img>                    </a>                </li>                <li>                    <a href="#">                        <img src="http://y2.ifengimg.com/df84c07b46e03f8e/2014/0512/rdn_53708f345282b.jpg">                        </img>                    </a>                </li>            </ul>        </div>        <div>            这里通过回调显示当前滚动到多少页:            <span id="page">                0            </span>        </div>        <script src="jquery-1.10.2yuan.js">        </script>        <script src="slider-H5.js">        </script>        <script>            (function() {                /*    注意:$.mggScrollImg返回的scrollImg对象上有            next,prev,go三个方法,可以实现外部对滚动索引的控制。    如:scrollImg.next();//会切换到下一张图片        scrollImg.go(0);//会切换到第一张图片*/                var scrollImg = $.mggScrollImg('.imgbox ul', {                    loop: true,                    //循环切换                    auto: true,                    //自动切换                    auto_wait_time: 3000,                    //轮播间隔                    scroll_time: 300,                    //滚动时长                    callback: function(ind) { //这里传过来的是索引值                        $('#page').text(ind + 1);                    }                });            })()        </script>    </body></html>  

slider-H5.js 代码:

(function($) {    /*        图片滚动效果        @jQuery or @String box : 滚动列表jQuery对象或者选择器 如:滚动元素为li的外层ul        @object config : {                @Number width : 一次滚动宽度,默认为box里面第一个一级子元素宽度[如果子元素宽度不均匀则滚动效果会错乱]                @Number size : 列表长度,默认为box里面所有一级子元素个数[如果size不等于一级子元素个数,则不支持循环滚动]                @Boolean loop : 是否支持循环滚动 默认 true                @Boolean auto : 是否自动滚动,支持自动滚动时必须支持循环滚动,否则设置无效,默认为true                @Number auto_wait_time : 自动轮播一次时间间隔,默认为:3000ms                @Function callback : 滚动完回调函数,参入一个参数当前滚动节点索引值            }    */    function mggScrollImg(box, config) {        this.box = $(box);        this.config = $.extend({},        config || {});        this.width = this.config.width || this.box.children().eq(0).width(); //一次滚动的宽度        this.size = this.config.size || this.box.children().length;        this.loop = this.config.loop !== undefined ? (this.config.loop == true ? true: false) : true; //默认能循环滚动        this.auto = this.config.auto !== undefined ? (this.config.auto == true ? true: false) : true; //默认自动滚动        this.auto_wait_time = this.config.auto_wait_time || 3000; //轮播间隔        this.scroll_time = this.config.scroll_time !== undefined ? (this.config.scroll_time > 0 ? this.config.scroll_time: 0) : 300; //滚动时长        this.minleft = -this.width * (this.size - 1); //最小left值,注意是负数[不循环情况下的值]        this.maxleft = 0; //最大lfet值[不循环情况下的值]        this.now_left = 0; //初始位置信息[不循环情况下的值]        this.point_x = null; //记录一个x坐标        this.point_y = null; //记录一个y坐标        this.move_left = false; //记录向哪边滑动        this.index = 0;        this.busy = false;        this.timer;        this.init();    }                                         $.extend(mggScrollImg.prototype, {        init: function() {            this.bind_event();            this.init_loop();            this.auto_scroll();        },        bind_event: function() {            var self = this;            self.box.bind('touchstart',            function(e) {                var t = e.touches ? e.touches: e.originalEvent.targetTouches;                if (t.length == 1 && !self.busy) {                    self.point_x = t[0].screenX;                    self.point_y = t[0].screenY;                }            }).bind('touchmove',            function(e) {                var t = e.touches ? e.touches: e.originalEvent.targetTouches;                if (t.length == 1 && !self.busy) {                    return self.move(t[0].screenX, t[0].screenY); //这里根据返回值觉得是否阻止默认touch事件                }            }).bind('touchend',            function(e) { ! self.busy && self.move_end();            });        },        /*            初始化循环滚动,当一次性需要滚动多个子元素时,暂不支持循环滚动效果,            如果想实现一次性滚动多个子元素效果,可以通过页面结构实现            循环滚动思路:复制首尾节点到尾首        */        init_loop: function() {            if (this.box.children().length > 1 && this.box.children().length == this.size && this.loop) { //暂时只支持size和子节点数相等情况的循环                this.now_left = -this.width; //设置初始位置信息                this.minleft = -this.width * this.size; //最小left值                this.maxleft = -this.width;                this.box.prepend(this.box.children().eq(this.size - 1).clone()).append(this.box.children().eq(1).clone()).css(this.get_style(2));                this.box.css('width', this.width * (this.size + 2));            } else {                this.loop = false;                this.box.css('width', this.width * this.size);            }                                   },        auto_scroll: function() { //自动滚动            var self = this;            if (!self.auto) return;            clearTimeout(self.timer);            self.timer = setTimeout(function() {                self.go_index(self.index + 1);            },            self.auto_wait_time);        },        go_index: function(ind) { //滚动到指定索引页面            var self = this;            if (self.busy) return;            clearTimeout(self.timer);            self.busy = true;            if (self.loop) { //如果循环                ind = ind < 0 ? -1 : ind;                ind = ind > self.size ? self.size: ind;            } else {                ind = ind < 0 ? 0 : ind;                ind = ind >= self.size ? (self.size - 1) : ind;            }            if (!self.loop && (self.now_left == -(self.width * ind))) {                self.complete(ind);            } else if (self.loop && (self.now_left == -self.width * (ind + 1))) {                self.complete(ind);            } else {                if (ind == -1 || ind == self.size) { //循环滚动边界                    self.index = ind == -1 ? (self.size - 1) : 0;                    self.now_left = ind == -1 ? 0 : -self.width * (self.size + 1);                } else {                    self.index = ind;                    self.now_left = -(self.width * (self.index + (self.loop ? 1 : 0)));                }                self.box.css(this.get_style(1));                setTimeout(function() {                    self.complete(ind);                },                self.scroll_time);            }        },        complete: function(ind) { //动画完成回调            var self = this;            self.busy = false;            self.config.callback && self.config.callback(self.index);            if (ind == -1) {                self.now_left = self.minleft;            } else if (ind == self.size) {                self.now_left = self.maxleft;            }            self.box.css(this.get_style(2));            self.auto_scroll();        },        next: function() { //下一页滚动            if (!this.busy) {                this.go_index(this.index + 1);            }        },        prev: function() { //上一页滚动            if (!this.busy) {                this.go_index(this.index - 1);            }                                     },        move: function(point_x, point_y) { //滑动屏幕处理函数            var changeX = point_x - (this.point_x === null ? point_x: this.point_x),            changeY = point_y - (this.point_y === null ? point_y: this.point_y),            marginleft = this.now_left,            return_value = false,            sin = changeY / Math.sqrt(changeX * changeX + changeY * changeY);            this.now_left = marginleft + changeX;            this.move_left = changeX < 0;            if (sin > Math.sin(Math.PI / 3) || sin < -Math.sin(Math.PI / 3)) { //滑动屏幕角度范围:PI/3  -- 2PI/3                return_value = true; //不阻止默认行为            }            this.point_x = point_x;            this.point_y = point_y;            this.box.css(this.get_style(2));            return return_value;        },        move_end: function() {            var changeX = this.now_left % this.width,            ind;            if (this.now_left < this.minleft) { //手指向左滑动                ind = this.index + 1;            } else if (this.now_left > this.maxleft) { //手指向右滑动                ind = this.index - 1;            } else if (changeX != 0) {                if (this.move_left) { //手指向左滑动                    ind = this.index + 1;                } else { //手指向右滑动                    ind = this.index - 1;                }            } else {                ind = this.index;            }            this.point_x = this.point_y = null;            this.go_index(ind);        },        /*            获取动画样式,要兼容更多浏览器,可以扩展该方法            @int fig : 1 动画 2  没动画        */        get_style: function(fig) {            var x = this.now_left,            time = fig == 1 ? this.scroll_time: 0;            return {                '-webkit-transition': '-webkit-transform ' + time + 'ms',                '-webkit-transform': 'translate3d(' + x + 'px,0,0)',                '-webkit-backface-visibility': 'hidden',                'transition': 'transform ' + time + 'ms',                'transform': 'translate3d(' + x + 'px,0,0)'            };        }               });    /*        这里对外提供调用接口,对外提供接口方法        next :下一页        prev :上一页        go :滚动到指定页    */    $.mggScrollImg = function(box, config) {        var scrollImg = new mggScrollImg(box, config);        return { //对外提供接口            next: function() {                scrollImg.next();            },            prev: function() {                scrollImg.prev();            },            go: function(ind) {                scrollImg.go_index(parseInt(ind) || 0);            }        }    }})(jQuery)


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