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2024-08-26 00:14:45

  首先看 HTML 4.01 中的说明:
  EM: Indicates emphasis.
  STRONG: Indicates stronger emphasis.

  em 表示强调,strong 表示更强烈的强调。言简意赅,表明了 em 和 strong 的命名来历。并且在浏览器中,em 默认用斜体表示,strong 用粗体表示。这是第一个层次上的区别。
  em is for local emphasis. You see? Local emphasis. If you would emphasize a word in speech, use em.
strong is for global highlighting. When somebody looks at your document, at a glance, certain words and phrases should jump out. These are the words and phrases that make up the gist of the content ― the highlights.
  em 用来局部强调,strong 则是全局强调。从视觉上考虑,em 的强调是有顺序的,阅读到某处时,才会注意到。strong 的强调则是一种随意无顺序的,看见某文时,立刻就凸显出来的关键词句。斜体和粗体刚好满足了这两种视觉效果,因此也就成了 em 和 strong 的默认样式。
  感觉上面已经解释得很清楚了?我们再来看看第三个层次上的区别。HTML5 草案 中做了详尽解释:
  The em element represents stress emphasis of its contents. The placement of emphasis changes the meaning of the sentence.
  The strong element represents strong importance for its contents. Changing the importance of a piece of text with the strong element does not change the meaning of the sentence.
  em 表示内容的着重点(stress emphasis),strong 表示内容的重要性(strong importance),strong 不会改变所在句子的语意,em 则会改变所在句子的语义。并且举了一个非常好的例子:

示例代码 [www.CuoXIn.com]
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