请仔细阅读并修改相关数据。 1、打开有重复数据的Excel 2、Alt+F11 打开宏编辑器 3、左边双击:ThisWorkBook 4、贴入以下代码并运行即可: Sub 删除重复数据() '删除col列的重复数据 '本例是删除标题为sheet1的EXCEL表中A列(从A2单元格开始)的重复数据 application.ScreenUpdating = False '可根据实际情况修改下面三行的结尾值 Dim sheetsCaption As String: sheetsCaption = "Sheet1" Dim Col As String: Col = "A" Dim StartRow As Integer: StartRow = 2 '以下不需要修改 Dim EndRow As Integer: EndRow = Sheets(sheetsCaption).Range(Col & "65536").End(xlUp).Row Dim Count_1 As Integer: Count_1 = 0 Dim count_2 As Integer: count_2 = 0 Dim i As Integer: i = StartRow With Sheets(sheetsCaption) Do Count_1 = Count_1 + 1 For j = StartRow To i - 1 If .Range(Col & i) = .Range(Col & j) Then Count_1 = Count_1 - 1 .Range(Col & i).EntireRow.Delete EndRow = Sheets(sheetsCaption).Range(Col & "65536").End(xlUp).Row i = i - 1 count_2 = count_2 + 1 Exit For End If Next i = i + 1 Loop While i < EndRow + 1 End With MsgBox "共有" & Count_1 & "条不重复的数据" MsgBox "删除" & count_2 & "条重复的数据" Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub 5、按F5键运行即可