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2024-07-24 12:54:47
mysql入门指南推荐:圆梦   发表日期:2000年10月10日   阅读次数:2039 miles tsai([email protected])
 [email protected] 2000.2
 create table table_name
 (column_name datatype {identity |null|not null},
 create table还有一些其他选项,如创建临时表和使用select子句从其他的表中读取某些字段组成新表等。还有,在创建表是可用primary key、key、index等标识符设定某些字段为主键或索引等。
 mysql> create table test (blob_col blob, index(blob_col(10)));
 create index index_name
 on table_name (col_name[(length)],... )
 mysql> create index part_of_name on customer (name(10));
 alter table table_name alter_spec [, alter_spec ...]
 mysql> alter table t1 change a b integer;
 drop object_name
 mysql> drop table tb1;
 select [straight_join] [sql_small_result] [sql_big_result] [high_priority]
  [distinct | distinctrow | all]
  [into {outfile | dumpfile} 'file_name' export_options]
  [from table_references
  [where where_definition]
  [group by col_name,...]
  [having where_definition]
  [order by {unsigned_integer | col_name | formula} [asc | desc] ,...]
  [limit [offset,] rows]
  [procedure procedure_name] ]
 = 检查是否相等
 != 检查是否不等
 > (或>=) 检查左边值是否大于(或大于等于)右边值
 < (或<=) 检查左边值是否小于(或小于等于)右边值
 [not] between 检查左边值是否在某个范围内
 [not] in 检查左边是否某个特定集的成员
 [not] like 检查左边是否为右边的子串
 is [not] null 检查左边是否为空值
 mysql> select t1.name, t2.salary from employee as t1, info as t2 where t1.name = t2.name;
 mysql> select college, region, seed from tournament
 order by region, seed;
 mysql> select col_name from tbl_name where col_name > 0;
 insert [into] table_name [(column(s))]
 values (expression(s))
 mysql> insert into tbl_name (col1,col2) values(15,col1*2);
 delete from table_name where search_condition
 update table_name
 set column1=expression1,
 where search_condition
 use database_name
 sum (exepression) 计算表达式的和
 avg (exepression) 计算表达式的平均值
 count (exepression) 对表达式进行简单的计数
 count (*) 统计记录数
 max (exepression) 求最大值
 min (exepression) 求最小值
 $>mysqladmin create database01
 database "database01" created.
 welcome to the mysql monitor. commands end with ; or g.
 your mysql connection id is 22 to server version: 3.21. 29a-gamma-debug
 type 'help' for help.
 mysql>use database01
 database changed.
 mysql>create table table01 (field01 integer, field02 char(10));
 query ok, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
 mysql>show tables;
 tables in database01
 mysql>show columns from table01;
 field type null key default extra
 field01 int(11) yes
 field02 char(10) yes
 mysql>insert into table01 (field01, field02) values (1, 'first');
 query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
 mysql>alter table table01 add column field03 char(20);
 query ok, l row affected (0.04 sec)
 records: 1 duplicates: 0 warnings: 0
 mysql>alter table table01 add column field04 date, add column field05 time;
 query ok, l row affected (0.04 sec)
 records: 1 duplicates: 0 warnings: 0
 注意:每一列都必须以"add column"重新开始。
 mysql>select * from table01;
 field01 field02 field03 field04 field05
 1 first null null null
 mysql>create table table33 (field01 integer, field02 char(30));
 mysql>create table table33
 mysql>create table table33
 ->( field01
 mysql>create table table33
 ->( field01 inte
 mysql>insert into table33 (field02)
 ->('who thought of foo?');
 mysql>insert into table33 (field02)
 ->('who thought
 ->of foo?');
 mysql>select * from table33;
 field01 field02
 null who thought of foo?
 null who thought
 of foo?
 mysql>insert into table01 (field01, field02, field03, field04, field05) values
 ->(2, 'second', 'another', '1999-10-23', '10:30:00');
 query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
 (3, 'a third', 'more', 19991024, 103004);
 mysql>select * from table01;
 field01 field02 field03 field04 field05
 1 first null null null
 2 second another 1999-10-23 10:30:00
 3 a third more 1999-10-24 10:30:04
 mysql>update table01 set field03='new info' where field01=1;
 query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
 mysql>update table01 set field04=19991022, field05=062218 where field01=1;
 query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
 mysql>update table01 set field05=152901 where field04>19990101;
 query ok, 3 rows affected (0.00 sec)
 mysql>delete from table01 where field01=3;
 query ok, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
 为了方便大家查询使用mysql手册, 我们将官方手册(manaul)做在光盘的/docs/manaul/mysql目录下.大家可以用浏览器浏览查询.
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