前几天在看到一篇文章:价值百万的 MySQL 的隐式类型转换感觉写的很不错,再加上自己之前也对MySQL的隐式转化这边并不是很清楚,所以就顺势整理了一下。希望对大家有所帮助。
当我们对不同类型的值进行比较的时候,为了使得这些数值「可比较」(也可以称为类型的兼容性),MySQL会做一些隐式转化(Implicit type conversion)。
mysql> SELECT 1+'1'; -> 2mysql> SELECT CONCAT(2,' test'); -> '2 test' |
mysql> SELECT 38.8, CAST(38.8 AS CHAR); -> 38.8, '38.8'mysql> SELECT 38.8, CONCAT(38.8); -> 38.8, '38.8' |
If one or both arguments are NULL, the result of the comparison is NULL, except for the NULL-safe <=> equality comparison operator. For NULL <=> NULL, the result is true. No conversion is needed.
If both arguments in a comparison operation are strings, they are compared as strings. If both arguments are integers, they are compared as integers. Hexadecimal values are treated as binary strings if not compared to a number. If one of the arguments is a TIMESTAMP or DATETIME column and the other argument is a constant, the constant is converted to a timestamp before the comparison is performed. This is done to be more ODBC-friendly. Note that this is not done for the arguments to IN()! To be safe, always use complete datetime, date, or time strings when doing comparisons. For example, to achieve best results when using BETWEEN with date or time values, use CAST() to explicitly convert the values to the desired data type.翻译为中文就是: