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mysql中You can’t specify target table for update in FROM clau

2024-07-24 12:46:26

mysql中You can't specify target table for update in FROM clause错误的意思是说,不能先select出同一表中的某些值,再update这个表(在同一语句中)。 例如下面这个sql:

复制代码 代码如下:

delete from tbl where id in
        select max(id) from tbl a where EXISTS
            select 1 from tbl b where a.tac=b.tac group by tac HAVING count(1)>1
        group by tac


复制代码 代码如下:

delete from tbl where id in
    select a.id from
        select max(id) id from tbl a where EXISTS
            select 1 from tbl b where a.tac=b.tac group by tac HAVING count(1)>1
        group by tac
    ) a



mysql中错误:1093-You can’t specify target table for update in FROM clause的解决方法mysql “ Every derived table must have its own alias”出现错误解决办法读取mysql一个库下面的所有的表tableMySQL无法重启报错Warning: World-writable config file ‘/etc/my.cnf’ is ignored的解决方法mysql Event Scheduler: Failed to open table mysql.event出现错误mysql Table ''performance_schema...解决办法
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