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2024-07-24 12:45:52


通常情况下,下列mysql软件包会被安装到 Debian 、Ubuntu中:

mysql-client - The latest version of MySQL database client(最新版的mysql数据库客户端). mysql-server - The latest version of MySQL database server.(最新版的mysql数据库服务端) mysql-common - MySQL database common files(mysql数据库命令文件)

只需要使用 apt-get 命令 即可,如下面的命令,同时卸载 ubuntu / Debian 中的 mysql server 和 mysql client :

sudo apt-get --purge remove mysql-client mysql-server mysql-commonsudo apt-get autoremove

解释: --purge 移除所给的软件包和配置文件

remove 表示卸载软件包

autoremove 表示自动卸载软件包,以及与该软件包的依赖(软件包)


Reading package lists... DoneBuilding dependency treeReading state information... DoneThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: linux-headers-3.2.0-31-virtual linux-headers-3.2.0-31Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.The following packages will be REMOVED: libdbd-mysql-perl* libmysqlclient18* mysql-client* mysql-client-5.5* mysql-common* mysql-server* mysql-server-5.5*0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 7 to remove and 0 not upgraded.After this operation, 67.5 MB disk space will be freed.Do you want to continue [Y/n]? y(Reading database ... 105097 files and directories currently installed.)Removing mysql-server ...Removing mysql-server-5.5 ...mysql stop/waitingPurging configuration files for mysql-server-5.5 ...Removing mysql-client ...Removing mysql-client-5.5 ...Removing libdbd-mysql-perl ...Removing libmysqlclient18 ...Purging configuration files for libmysqlclient18 ...Removing mysql-common ...Purging configuration files for mysql-common ...dpkg: warning: while removing mysql-common, directory '/etc/mysql' not empty so not removed.Processing triggers for ureadahead ...Processing triggers for man-db ...Processing triggers for libc-bin ...ldconfig deferred processing now taking place

删除 /etc/mysql 目录,使用如下命令:

sudo rm -rf /etc/mysql/

解释:-r 同时删除该目录下的所有子目录。 -f 表示强制删除


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