先说差别:union对两张表的操作是合并数据条数,等于是纵向的,要求是两张表字段必须是相同的(Schema of both sides of union should match.)。也就是说如果A表中有三条数据,B表中有两条数据,那么A union B就会有五条数据。说明一下union 和union all的差别,对于union如果存在相同的数据记录会被合并,而union all不会合并相同的数据记录,该有多少条记录就会有多少条记录。例如在mysql下执行以下语句:
select * from tmp_libingxue_a;name numberlibingxue 1001yuwen 1002select * from tmp_libingxue_b;name numberlibingxue 1001feiyao 1003select * from tmp_libingxue_a union select * from tmp_libingxue_b;libingxue 1001yuwen 1002feiyao 1003select * from tmp_libingxue_a union all select * from tmp_libingxue_b;libingxue 1001yuwen 1002libingxue 1001feiyao 1003 |
但是这样在hive里面是不能执行的,执行select * from tmp_libingxue_a union all select * from tmp_libingxue_b;会failed,hive中union必须在子查询中进行。如
select * from (select * from tmp_yuwen_a union all select * from tmp_yuwen_b) t1; |
注意,必须是union all,单独用union它会提示你缺少ALL,而且后面的t1必须写,你可以写成a或者b,但是一定要写,不写会出错。
select * from (select * from tmp_yuwen_a)t1 join (select * from tmp_yuwen_b) t2;select * from tmp_yuwen_a t1 join (select * from tmp_yuwen_b) t2; |
left outer join和right outer join用法类似,区别就是left outer join会把左边表的字段全部选择出来,右边表的字段把符合条件的也选择出来,不满足的全部置空,也就是说以左边表为参照。right outer join同理以右边表为参照。这三个join之间的差别说过很多次,网上也有更详细的解释,不再赘述。
相同点:在某些特定的情况下,可以用join实现union all的功能,这种情况是有条件的,当出现这种情况的时候选择union all还是group by就可以看情况或者看两者的消耗而决定。sql虽然就在那么几个关键词,但变化多端、功能强大,只要能实现想要的功能,怎么用随便你。需求情况sql简单重现如下
drop table tmp_libingxue_resource;create external table if not exists tmp_libingxue_resource( user_id string, shop_id string, auction_id string, search_time string)partitioned by (pt string)row format delimited fields terminated by '/t'lines terminated by '/n'stored as sequencefile;drop table tmp_libingxue_result;create external table if not exists tmp_libingxue_result( user_id string, shop_id string, auction_id string, search_time string)partitioned by (pt string)row format delimited fields terminated by '/t'lines terminated by '/n'stored as sequencefile;insert overwrite table tmp_libingxue_result where(pt=20041104) select * from tmp_libingxue_resource; |