一、使用 mysqlsla -lt slow mysql-slow.log 或者 mysqlsla -lt slow mysql-slow.log -sf “+SELECT” -db dbName -top 10 -sort t_sum
lt:表示日志类型,有slow, general, binary, msl, udl。
sf:[+-][type],[TYPE]有SELECT, CREATE, DROP, UPDATE, INSERT,例如”+SELECT,INSERT”,不出现的默认是-,即不包括。
sort:按某种规则排序,t_sum按总时间排序, c_sum按总次数排序。
总查询次数(queries total),去重后的sql数量(unique),输出报表的内容排序(sorted by),最重大的慢sql统计信息,包括 平均执行时间,等待锁时间,结果行的总数,扫描的行总数.
Count,sql的执行次数及占总的slow log数量的百分比.
95% of Time,去除最快和最慢的sql,覆盖率占95%的sql的执行时间.
Lock Time,等待锁的时间.
95% of Lock,95%的慢sql等待锁时间.
Rows sent,结果行统计数量,包括平均,最小,最大数量.
Rows examined,扫描的行数量.
Query abstract,抽象后的sql语句
Query sample,sql语句
tar zxvf mysqlsla-2.03.tar.gz
cp mysqlsla-2.03/bin/mysqlsla /usr/local/bin
如果提示“Can’t locate”,执行以下命令:
yum install perl-DBI perl-DBD-MySQL -y
这时就可以使用mysqlsla了,用法如下:mysqlsla -lt slow slow.log
- wget
- # tar xzvf mysqlsla-2.03.tar.gz
- mysqlsla-2.03/
- mysqlsla-2.03/Changes
- mysqlsla-2.03/INSTALL
- mysqlsla-2.03/README
- mysqlsla-2.03/Makefile.PL
- mysqlsla-2.03/bin/
- mysqlsla-2.03/bin/mysqlsla
- mysqlsla-2.03/META.yml
- mysqlsla-2.03/lib/
- mysqlsla-2.03/lib/
- mysqlsla-2.03/MANIFEST
- # cd mysqlsla-2.03
- # ll
- 总计 68
- drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000 4096 2008-11-11 bin
- -rw-r–r– 1 1000 1000 5630 2008-11-11 Changes
- -rw-r–r– 1 1000 1000 394 2008-07-13 INSTALL
- drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000 4096 2008-11-11 lib
- -rw-r–r– 1 1000 1000 389 2008-07-13 Makefile.PL
- -rw-r–r– 1 1000 1000 152 2008-07-13 MANIFEST
- -rw-r–r– 1 1000 1000 303 2008-11-11 META.yml
- -rw-r–r– 1 1000 1000 1969 2008-11-11 README
- # less INSTALL
- Installing mysqlsla
- ===================
- perl Makefile.PL
- make
- make install
- Depending on your system, the mysqlsla script will be copied to some common bin
- directory (/usr/local/bin/ for example). Then you should be able to run it from
- the command line like: mysqlsla -lt slow LOG
- For quick help, man mysqlsla
- For all documentation and guides, visit
- # less Makefile.PL
- use 5.008004;
- use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
- WriteMakefile(
- NAME => ‘mysqlsla’,
- VERSION_FROM => ‘lib/’,
- PREREQ_PM => {},
- ($] >= 5.005 ?
- (ABSTRACT_FROM => ‘lib/’, # retrieve abstract from module
- AUTHOR => ‘Daniel Nichter (’) : ()),
- EXE_FILES => [ 'bin/mysqlsla' ],
- );
- # perl Makefile.PL
- Checking if your kit is complete…
- Looks good
- Writing Makefile for mysqlsla
- # ll
- 总计 96
- drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000 4096 2008-11-11 bin
- -rw-r–r– 1 1000 1000 5630 2008-11-11 Changes
- -rw-r–r– 1 1000 1000 394 2008-07-13 INSTALL
- drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000 4096 2008-11-11 lib
- -rw-r–r– 1 root root 22722 09-08 18:52 Makefile
- -rw-r–r– 1 1000 1000 389 2008-07-13 Makefile.PL
- -rw-r–r– 1 1000 1000 152 2008-07-13 MANIFEST
- -rw-r–r– 1 1000 1000 303 2008-11-11 META.yml
- -rw-r–r– 1 1000 1000 1969 2008-11-11 README
- # make
- cp lib/ blib/lib/
- cp bin/mysqlsla blib/script/mysqlsla
- /usr/bin/perl “-MExtUtils::MY” -e “MY->fixin(shift)” blib/script/mysqlsla
- Manifying blib/man3/mysqlsla.3pm
- # make install
- Installing /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/
- Installing /usr/share/man/man3/mysqlsla.3pm
- Installing /usr/bin/mysqlsla
- Writing /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/i386-Linux-thread-multi/auto/mysqlsla/.packlist
- Appending installation info to /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi/perllocal.pod
默认将命令mysqlsla安装到/usr/bin目录,执行mysqlsla –help时提示没有安装DBI模块,mysqlsla是用perl写的,第一次通过CPAN安装perl模块时,需要进行相关的配置,大部分配置采用默认值,一路回车即可.
#perl -MCPAN -e Shell
CPAN>reload index
CPAN>reload cpan
安装DBI模块:CPAN>install DBI
CPAN>o conf init
CPAN>reload index
CPAN>reload cpan
man mysqlsla可以看到mysqlsla的相关选项:
- # man mysqlsla
- XXX WARNING: old character encoding and/or character set
- mysqlsla(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation mysqlsla(3)
- mysqlsla – Parse, filter, analyze and sort MySQL slow, general and binary logs
- # Basic operation: parse a MySQL slow or general log
- mysqlsla –log-type slow LOG
- mysqlsla –log-type general LOG
- # Parse output from mysqlbinlog
- # mysqlsla cannot directly parse binary logs
- mysqlbinlog LOG │ mysqlsla –log-type binary -
- # Parse a microslow patched slow log
- mysqlsla –log-type msl LOG
- # Replay a replay file
- mysqlsla –replay FILE
- # Parse a user-defined log specify its format
- mysqlsla –log-type udl –udl-format FILE
- # Let mysqlsla automatically determine the log type
- mysqlsla LOG
- mysqlsla parses, filters, analyzes and sorts MySQL slow, general, binary and microslow patched slow logs.
- It also supports user-defined logs.
- This POD/man page is only a very brief outline of usage and command line options. For the full library of
- mysqlsla documentation visit
- # mysqlsla /tmp/mysqlslow.log | less
- Auto-detected logs as slow logs
- Report for slow logs: /tmp/mysqlslow.log
- 6 queries total, 6 unique
- Sorted by ‘t_sum’
- Grand Totals: Time 0 s, Lock 0 s, Rows sent 13, Rows Examined 13
- ______________________________________________________________________ 001 ___
- Count : 1 (16.67%)
- Time : 2.321 ms total, 2.321 ms avg, 2.321 ms to 2.321 ms max (47.20%)
- Lock Time (s) : 629 ?s total, 629 ?s avg, 629 ?s to 629 ?s max (77.75%)
- Rows sent : 8 avg, 8 to 8 max (61.54%)
- Rows examined : 8 avg, 8 to 8 max (61.54%)
- Database :
- Users :
- root@ : 100.00% (1) of query, 100.00% (6) of all users
- Query abstract:
- SET timestamp=N; SHOW variables LIKE ‘S’;
- Query sample:
- SET timestamp=1252395365;
- show variables like ‘%character%’;
- ……
总查询次数(queries total),去重后的sql数量(unique),输出报表的内容排序(sorted by),最重大的慢sql统计信息,包括平均执行时间,等待锁时间,结果行的总数,扫描的行总数.
Count,sql的执行次数及占总的slow log数量的百分比.
95% of Time,去除最快和最慢的sql,覆盖率占95%的sql的执行时间.
Lock Time,等待锁的时间.
95% of Lock,95%的慢sql等待锁时间.
Rows sent,结果行统计数量, 包括平均, 最小, 最大数量.
Rows examined,扫描的行数量.
Query abstract,抽象后的sql语句
Query sample,sql语句