EVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* FROM 'username' @ 'localhost' ; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON wordpress.* TO 'username' @ 'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' ; 甚至还可以指定该用户只能执行 select 和 update 命令:
GRANT SELECT , UPDATE ON wordpress.* TO 'username' @ 'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' ; 这样一来,再次以username登陆 MySQL,只有wordpress数据库是对其可见的,并且如果你只授权它select权限,那么它就不能执行delete 语句。
DROP USER username@localhost; 仔细上面几个命令,可以发现不管是授权,还是撤销授权,都要指定响应的host(即 @ 符号后面的内容),因为以上及格命令实际上都是在操作mysql 数据库中的user表,可以用如下命令查看相应用户及对应的host:
SELECT User , Host FROM user ;
MySQL Study之--MySQL用户及权限管理 MySQL服务器通过MySQL权限表来控制用户对 数据库 的访问,MySQL权限表存放在my sql数据库 里,由 mysql _install_db脚本初始化。这些MySQL权限表分别user,db,table_priv,columns_priv和host。下面分别介绍一下这些表的结构和内容: user权限表 :记录允许连接到服务器的用户帐号信息,里面的权限是全局级的。 db权限表 :记录各个帐号在各个数据库上的操作权限。 table_priv权限表 :记录数据表级的操作权限。 columns_priv权限表 :记录数据列级的操作权限。 host权限表 :配合db权限表对给定主机上数据库级操作权限作更细致的控制。这个权限表不受GRANT和REVOKE语句的影响。
案例分析: 一、创建用户并授权(root用户) [root@mysrv ~]# mysql -u root -poracle
mysql> select version()/g +-------------------------------------------+ | version() | +-------------------------------------------+ | 5.6.25-enterprise-commercial-advanced-log | +-------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> show databases; +--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | information_schema | | mysql | | performance_schema | | prod | | test | +--------------------+ 5 rows in set (0.01 sec) 1、建立tom用户并授权(特权管理用户)
mysql> grant all on prod.* to 'tom'@'%' identified by 'tom' with grant option; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
查看用户创建是否成功: mysql> select user,host from user ;
+ -------+-----------+ | user | host | + -------+-----------+ | tom | % | | root | | | root | ::1 | | | localhost | | root | localhost | | scott | localhost | | | mysrv | | root | mysrv | + -------+-----------+ 8 rows in set (0.00 sec) 查看tom用户的授权: mysql> show grants for tom; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Grants for tom@% | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'tom'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '*71FF744436C7EA1B954F6276121DB5D2BF68FC07' | | GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `prod`.* TO 'tom'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
GRANT 语法 : GRANT privileges (columns) ON what TO user IDENTIFIED BY "password" WITH GRANT OPTION 权限列表: ALTER: 修改表和索引。 CREATE: 创建数据库和表。 DELETE: 删除表中已有的记录。 DROP: 抛弃(删除)数据库和表。 INDEX: 创建或抛弃索引。 INSERT: 向表中插入新行。 REFERENCE: 未用。 SELECT: 检索表中的记录。 UPDATE: 修改现存表记录。 FILE: 读或写服务器上的文件。 PROCESS: 查看服务器中执行的线程信息或杀死线程。 RELOAD: 重载授权表或清空日志、主机缓存或表缓存。 SHUTDOWN: 关闭服务器。 ALL: 所有权限,ALL PRIVILEGES同义词。 USAGE: 特殊的 "无权限" 权限。 用 户账户包括 "username" 和 "host" 两部分,后者表示该用户被允许从何地接入。tom@'%' 表示任何地址,默认可以省略。还可以是 "tom@192.168.1.%"、"tom@%.abc.com" 等。数据库格式为 db@table,可以是 "test.*" 或 "*.*",前者表示 test 数据库的所有表,后者表示所有数据库的所有表。 子句 "WITH GRANT OPTION" 表示该用户可以为其他用户分配权限。 2、我们用 root 再创建几个用户,然后由 test 数据库的管理员tom为他们分配权限。
mysql> create user 'tom1' identified by 'tom1' ,'tom2' identified by 'tom2'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
[root@mysrv ~]# mysql -u tom -ptom ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'tom'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
再对tom用户授权: mysql> grant all on prod.* to 'tom'@'localhost' identified by 'tom' with grant option;; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> show grants for tom; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Grants for tom@% | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'tom'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '*71FF744436C7EA1B954F6276121DB5D2BF68FC07' | | GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `prod`.* TO 'tom'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> use mysql; Database changed mysql> select user,host from user ;
+ -------+-----------+ | user | host | + -------+-----------+ | tom | % | | tom1 | % | | tom2 | % | | root | | | root | ::1 | | | localhost | | root | localhost | | scott | localhost | | tom | localhost | | | mysrv | | root | mysrv | + -------+-----------+ 11 rows in set (0.00 sec) tom登陆: [root@mysrv ~]# mysql -u tom -ptom prod mysql> select database(); +------------+ | database() | +------------+ | prod | +------------+ 1 row in set (0.01 sec)
mysql> select current_user(); +----------------+ | current_user() | +----------------+ | tom@localhost | +----------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> show tables; +----------------+ | Tables_in_prod | +----------------+ | t1 | +----------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from t2; +------+-------+ | id | name | +------+-------+ | 10 | tom | | 20 | jerry | | 30 | rose | +------+-------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
3、tom用户为tom1,tom2授权 mysql> grant select on prod.* to tom1; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> grant select on prod.* to tom2; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
mysql> grant insert,update on prod.* to tom2; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> select database(); +------------+ | database() | +------------+ | NULL | +------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> use prod; Database changed mysql> select database(); +------------+ | database() | +------------+ | prod | +------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select current_user(); +----------------+ | current_user() | +----------------+ | tom2@% | +----------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> show grants for tom2; +------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Grants for tom2@% | +------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'tom2'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD | | GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON `prod`.* TO 'tom2'@'%' | +------------------------------------------------------------------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> show tables; +----------------+ | Tables_in_prod | +----------------+ | t1 | | t2 | +----------------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from t1; +------+-------+ | id | name | +------+-------+ | 10 | tom | | 20 | jerry | | 30 | rose | +------+-------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from t2; +------+-------+ | id | name | +------+-------+ | 10 | tom | | 20 | jerry | | 30 | rose | +------+-------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from t1; +------+-------+ | id | name | +------+-------+ | 10 | tom | | 20 | jerry | | 30 | rose | | 40 | john | +------+-------+ 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from t1; +------+-------+ | id | name | +------+-------+ | 10 | tom | | 20 | jerry | | 30 | rose | | 40 | ellen | +------+-------+ 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> delete from t1; ERROR 1142 (42000): DELETE command denied to user 'tom2'@'' for tab le 't1' mysql> commit; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.05 sec)
mysql> select * from t1; +------+-------+ | id | name | +------+-------+ | 10 | tom | | 20 | jerry | | 30 | rose | | 40 | ellen | +------+-------+ 4 rows in set (0.00 sec) 4、回收tom2的update权限: mysql> revoke update on prod.* from tom2; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> use prod; Database changed mysql> update t1 set name='lily' where id=10; ERROR 1142 (42000): UPDATE command denied to user 'tom2'@'' for tab le 't1' ---update失败!
1、root用户修改普通用户口令 mysql> set password for tom1=password('oracle'); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
tom1重新登陆: C:/Users/Administrator>mysql -h -utom1 -ptom1 Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'tom1'@'' (using passwor d: YES) ---旧口令登陆失败!
+ -------+-----------+ | user | host | + -------+-----------+ | jerry | % | | rose | % | | tom | % | | tom1 | % | | root | | | root | ::1 | | | localhost | | jerry | localhost | | root | localhost | | rose | localhost | | scott | localhost | | tom | localhost | | | mysrv | | root | mysrv | + -------+-----------+ 14 rows in set (0.00 sec) ------- 摘要 --------------------------------------
创建用户: GRANT insert, update ON testdb.* TO user1@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' WITH GRANT OPTION; CREATE USER user2 IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; 分配权限: GRANT select ON testdb.* TO user2; 查看权限: SHOW GRANTS FOR user1; 修改密码: SET PASSWORD FOR user1 = PASSWORD('newpwd'); SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD('newpwd'); 移除权限: REVOKE all ON *.* FROM user1; 删除用户: DROP USER user1; 数据库列表: SHOW DATABASES; 数据表列表: SHOW TABLES; 当前数据库: SELECT DATABASE(); 当前用户: SELECT USER(); 数据表结构: DESCRIBE table1; 刷新权限: FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
grant和revoke可以在几个层次上控制访问权限 1,整个服务器,使用 grant ALL 和revoke ALL 2,整个数据库,使用on database.* 3,特点表,使用on database.table 4,特定的列 5,特定的存储过程
grant 普通数据用户,查询、插入、更新、删除 数据库中所有表数据的权利。 grant select on testdb.* to common_user@’%’ grant insert on testdb.* to common_user@’%’ grant update on testdb.* to common_user@’%’ grant delete on testdb.* to common_user@’%’ 或者,用一条 MySQL 命令来替代: grant select, insert, update, delete on testdb.* to common_user@’%’ grant 数据库开发人员,创建表、索引、视图、存储过程、函数。。。等权限。 grant 创建、修改、删除 MySQL 数据表结构权限。 grant create on testdb.* to developer@’192.168.0.%’; grant alter on testdb.* to developer@’192.168.0.%’; grant drop on testdb.* to developer@’192.168.0.%’; grant 操作 MySQL 外键权限。 grant references on testdb.* to developer@’192.168.0.%’; grant 操作 MySQL 临时表权限。 grant create temporary tables on testdb.* to developer@’192.168.0.%’; grant 操作 MySQL 索引权限。 grant index on testdb.* to developer@’192.168.0.%’; grant 操作 MySQL 视图、查看视图源代码 权限。 grant create view on testdb.* to developer@’192.168.0.%’; grant show view on testdb.* to developer@’192.168.0.%’; grant 操作 MySQL 存储过程、函数 权限。 grant create routine on testdb.* to developer@’192.168.0.%’; -- now, can show procedure status grant alter routine on testdb.* to developer@’192.168.0.%’; -- now, you can drop a procedure grant execute on testdb.* to developer@’192.168.0.%’; grant 普通 DBA 管理某个 MySQL 数据库的权限。 grant all privileges on testdb to dba@’localhost’ 其中,关键字 “privileges” 可以省略。 grant 高级 DBA 管理 MySQL 中所有数据库的权限。 grant all on *.* to dba@’localhost’
MySQL grant 权限,分别可以作用在多个层次上。 1. grant 作用在整个 MySQL 服务器上: grant select on *.* to dba@localhost; -- dba 可以查询 MySQL 中所有数据库中的表。 grant all on *.* to dba@localhost; -- dba 可以管理 MySQL 中的所有数据库 2. grant 作用在单个数据库上: grant select on testdb.* to dba@localhost; -- dba 可以查询 testdb 中的表。 3. grant 作用在单个数据表上: grant select, insert, update, delete on testdb.orders to dba@localhost; 4. grant 作用在表中的列上: grant select(id, se, rank) on testdb.apache_log to dba@localhost; 5. grant 作用在存储过程、函数上: grant execute on procedure testdb.pr_add to ’dba’@’localhost’ grant execute on function testdb.fn_add to ’dba’@’localhost’