首先创建一个与root用户权限一样的用户. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'x_admin'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'xxxx'; 删除默认的root用户. drop user root@''; drop user root@'localhost'; drop user root@'::1'; 用户账号:
格式为 user_name'@'host_name。
这里的user_name是用户名,host_name为主机名,即用户连接 MySQL 时所用主机的名字。
def load_config (self, file="finger.ini"): if not os.path.exists(file): print file,"is not exists, but is created, please fix it" temp_ini = '''[conn_db] login_pwd = exec_sql = ''' open(file, 'w').write(temp_ini) os.chmod(file, 0600) sys.exit() config = ConfigParser() config.read(file) if config.has_section('conn_db') is True: if config.has_option('conn_db', 'login_pwd') is True: login_pwd = config.get('conn_db', 'login_pwd') if config.has_option('conn_db', 'exec_sql') is True: exec_sql = config.get('conn_db', 'exec_sql') return (login_pwd, exec_sql)
def grant_user(self, login_pwd, exec_sql): if os.path.exists('/usr/local/bin/mysql'): mysql = '/usr/local/bin/mysql' elif os.path.exists('/usr/bin/mysql'): mysql = '/usr/bin/mysql' elif os.path.exists('/bin/mysql'): mysql = '/bin/mysql' else: print "command not fount of mysql" sys.exit()
user = 'xxxx' conn_port = [3306,3307,3308,3309,3310] for i in conn_port: ss = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) address = ('', int(i)) status = ss.connect_ex(address) ss.settimeout(3) ss.close() if status == 0: conn_mysql = '%s -u%s -p%s -h227.0.0.1 -P%d -N -s -e"%s"' % (mysql, user, login_pwd, i, exec_sql) p = subprocess.call(conn_mysql, shell=True, stdout=open("/dev/null")) if p == 0: print "---- checking port: %s is NORMAL" % i else: print "---- checking prot: %s is ERROR" % i