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2024-07-21 02:50:28



首先,我假设有个表叫Configuration,里面就3个字段,Id, Key, Value,就是一个简单的数据表,定义如下:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Configuration](    [Id] int NOT NULL IDENTITY (1,1),     [Key] varchar(20) NOT NULL UNIQUE,    [Value] nvarchar(max) NULL)


/*PROCEDURE:    [dbo].[sp_r_p_configuration]OperaTION:    READFEATURES:        PaginatePURPOSE:        provide a paginated list from the configuration tableCREATOR:        Jerry WengCREATETIME:    2014-4-9UPDATETIME:    2014-4-9VERSION:        1.0*/CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_r_p_configuration]    @pageIndex int = 1,                    /*which page of the total page*/    @pageSize int=10,                    /*how many records show in one page*/    @recordCount int OUTPUT,        /*output: return the count of the total records in all pages*/    @pageCount int OUTPUT            /*output: return the count of the total pages*/AS    declare @startRow int;                -- the row number of the first record in the page    declare @endRow int;                -- the row number of the last record in the page    set @startRow = (@pageIndex - 1) * @pageSize + 1;    set @endRow= @startRow + @pageSize - 1;    ;with tmp as     (select (ROW_NUMBER() over(order by Id)) as row_id, [Id], [Key], [Value]     from dbo.Configuration)    select [Id], [Key], [Value] from tmp    where row_id between @startRow and @endRow        -- calculate the record count in all pages    select @recordCount=COUNT(*) from dbo.Configuration    -- calculate the page count    set @pageCount = CEILING(@recordCount/CAST(@pageSize as float))RETURN 0



为了实现这个期望,我需要先定义怎么传入过滤规则,我最终决定用的是xml数据类型而不是普通字符串,因为普通字符串有长度限制(如果你说可以用text,那我只能说太奢侈,小弟用不起),定短了可能被截断出现错误输出,定长了,最多也就8000个字符,也浪费,我不喜欢不确定因素,然而xml不一样,既是结构化数据,又有索引支持,可长可短,客户端也可直接序列化成字符串传入,非常方便。于是剩下的是,约定一个规则,确定过滤规则的数据结构,在这里我专门写了一个function来将xml转换成table已被后用。P.S. 如果想传一个数组到存储过程,也可以用xml类型,比字符串加分隔符更安全。

/*FUNCTION:        [dbo].[fun_xmlfilter_parse]OPERATION:    READFEATURES:        PURPOSE:        parse a table from a xml with the specific column nameCREATOR:        Jerry WengCREATETIME:    2014-4-9UPDATETIME:    2014-4-9VERSION:        1.0*/CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fun_xmlfilter_parse](    @filter xml,                    /*    The format should be:                                        <filter>                                            <rule                                                 column="COLUMN_NAME"    -- the column name which the rule should be applied                                                match="xxx"                    -- the key which the rule defines to filter and the result should match                                                required="0|1"                    -- if 1, the result collection has to meet this rule or return nothing                                             />                                             <rule ....                                        </filter>                                    */    @column varchar(100))RETURNS @returntable TABLE (    [Match] nvarchar(100),    [Required] bit)ASBEGIN    ;with tmp as    (    select            [T].[RULE].value('@column','varchar(100)') as [Column],            [T].[RULE].value('@match','nvarchar(100)') as [Match],            [T].[RULE].value('@required','bit') as [Required]    from @filter.nodes('filter//rule') [T]([RULE])    )    INSERT @returntable    select [Match],[Required] from tmp where [Column] = @column            RETURN END

xml的结构由一个根节点<filter>开始,里面是多个<rule>节点,具体的规则定义在rule的属性列表中。column表示具体要过滤哪列的数据,match表示要匹配的数据值,比如我想要过滤列"Value"下,值为"sample"的数据,这样的话我只需要把xml写成<filter><rule column="value" match="sample"required="1"/></filter>,最后的哪个required就是来实现AND和OR的操作的,如果是1表示必须匹配,类似AND,0的话可选匹配,类似OR,输出的表示由COLUMN的值过滤过的,因为比较是以COLUMN为维度的。


/*PROCEDURE:    [dbo].[sp_r_fp_configuration]OPERATION:    READFEATURES:        Paginate, FilterPURPOSE:        provide a paginated & filterable list from the configuration tableCREATOR:        Jerry WengCREATETIME:    2014-4-9UPDATETIME:    2014-4-9VERSION:        1.0*/CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_r_fp_configuration]    @pageIndex    int = 1,                /*which page of the total page*/    @pageSize        int=10,                /*how many records show in one page*/    @filter            xml,                    /*filter string for the records*/    @recordCount int OUTPUT,        /*output: return the count of the total records in all pages*/    @pageCount    int OUTPUT            /*output: return the count of the total pages*/AS    if(@filter is null)    begin        exec dbo.sp_r_p_configuration                 @pageIndex,                @pageSize,                @pageCount=@pageCount OUTPUT,                 @recordCount=@recordCount OUTPUT    end    else    begin                declare @tmptbl table (row_id int, Id int, [Key] varchar(100), [Value] varchar(200))            declare @startRow int;                -- the row number of the first record in the page        declare @endRow int;                -- the row number of the last record in the page        set @startRow = (@pageIndex - 1) * @pageSize + 1;        set @endRow= @startRow + @pageSize - 1;        insert into @tmptbl            select (ROW_NUMBER() over (order by m.Id)) as row_id, m.[Id], m.[Key], m.[Value]             from dbo.Configuration as m            outer apply fun_xmlfilter_parse(@filter,'key') as k            outer apply fun_xmlfilter_parse(@filter,'value') as v            where             (                not (isnull(k.[Required],0)=0 and isnull(v.[Required],0)=0) and                (isnull(k.[Required],0)=0 or (k.[Required] = 1 and isnull(m.[Key],'') = isnull(k.[Match],''))) and                (isnull(v.[Required],0)=0 or (v.[Required] = 1 and isnull(m.[Value],'') = isnull(v.[Match],'')))            ) or            k.[Required] = 0 and isnull(m.[Key],'') = isnull(k.[Match],'') or            v.[Required] = 0 and isnull(m.[Value],'') = isnull(v.[Match],'')                select [Id], [Key], [Value] from @tmptbl        where row_id between @startRow and @endRow            -- calculate the record count in all pages        select @recordCount=COUNT(*) from @tmptbl        -- calculate the page count        set @pageCount = CEILING(@recordCount/CAST(@pageSize as float))    endRETURN 0

这里用了一个表变量,注意表变量是可被缓存的,临时表没有哦,用表变量不用with...as是因为后面在计算过滤后的总记录数的时候,还需用一次过滤后的集合。这里我希望列Key和列Value都可以被过滤,于是用了两个outer apply来将刚才那个函数的输出表附加到每行上,在where比较的地方,先比较Required是1的必要条件,当然如果针对某个column没有rule的话,也就是required is null的情况,是需要排除的,最后再附加连个required=0的可选条件,这样的话,一个select就可以把各种条件过滤出来了。不过,有个问题是,如果需要过滤的列比较多,那比较语句也要一条条加上去。



SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Configuration] ONINSERT [dbo].[Configuration] ([Id], [Key], [Value]) VALUES (1, N'test1', N'123')INSERT [dbo].[Configuration] ([Id], [Key], [Value]) VALUES (2, N'test2', N'123')INSERT [dbo].[Configuration] ([Id], [Key], [Value]) VALUES (3, N'test3', N'567')INSERT [dbo].[Configuration] ([Id], [Key], [Value]) VALUES (4, N'test4', NULL)INSERT [dbo].[Configuration] ([Id], [Key], [Value]) VALUES (5, N'test5', NULL)INSERT [dbo].[Configuration] ([Id], [Key], [Value]) VALUES (6, N'test6', NULL)INSERT [dbo].[Configuration] ([Id], [Key], [Value]) VALUES (7, N'test7', NULL)INSERT [dbo].[Configuration] ([Id], [Key], [Value]) VALUES (8, N'test8', NULL)INSERT [dbo].[Configuration] ([Id], [Key], [Value]) VALUES (9, N'test9', NULL)INSERT [dbo].[Configur
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