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IP地址转化为数字,charindex ,SUBSTRING

2024-07-21 02:46:07
ip地址转化为数字,charindex ,SUBSTRING
  SET NOCOUNT ON;   declare  @I_PCity table    (     IPStart  nvarchar(255),       Area   nvarchar(255),       CityID int,        IPID  int            )      declare @IPStart nvarchar(255),       @diana int,   --存放点       @dianb int,       @dianc int,              @liea bigint,    -- 存放列            @lieb  bigint,       @liec bigint,       @lied bigint,              @intlon bigint   --存放化为的整数     insert into  @I_PCity(IPStart, Area, CityID, IPID ) select  IPStart,  Area, CityID, IPID   from I_IPCity (nolock)  where IPID>= 430000   and IPStart is not null and IP3 is null    --      while( exists(select top 1 * from @I_PCity))     begin         set @IPStart= (select top 1 IPStart from @I_PCity  );    set @diana= charindex('.',@IPStart)       --第一个点的下标    set @dianb= charindex('.',@IPStart, @diana +1 )  --第二个点的下标    set @dianc= charindex('.',@IPStart, @dianb  +1 )  --第三个点的下标      set @liea  =  SUBSTRING(@IPStart,1,@diana-1)    --第一列的值        set @lieb  =SUBSTRING(@IPStart,@diana+1,@dianb-@diana-1 )--第二列的值           set @liec  =SUBSTRING(@IPStart,@dianb+1,@dianc-@dianb-1 )--第三列的值    set @lied  =SUBSTRING(@IPStart,@dianc+1, LEN(@IPStart))--第四列的值    set @intlon=  @lied+(@liec*1000)+(@lieb*1000000)+(@liea*1000000000)  --拼为整数        update I_IPCity set IP3 =@intlon   where IPID=  (select top 1 IPID from @I_PCity)         delete top(1) from @I_PCity     end


USE [91hurong]GO/****** Object:  StoredPRocedure [dbo].[ProIP]    Script Date: 08/13/2015 08:40:16 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER PROCEDURE  [dbo].[ProIP]    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here   @str  varchar(50)ASBEGIN     declare @IPStart nvarchar(255), --存放传入的数据       @diana int,   --存放点       @dianb int,       @dianc int,              @liea bigint,    -- 存放列            @lieb  bigint,       @liec bigint,       @lied bigint,              @intlon bigint   --存放化为的整数    set @IPStart= @str;               --传入的IP''     -- set @IPStart= '';      set @diana= charindex('.',@IPStart)       --第一个点的下标    set @dianb= charindex('.',@IPStart, @diana +1 )  --第二个点的下标    set @dianc= charindex('.',@IPStart, @dianb  +1 )  --第三个点的下标      set @liea  =  SUBSTRING(@IPStart,1,@diana-1)    --第一列的值        set @lieb  =SUBSTRING(@IPStart,@diana+1,@dianb-@diana-1 )--第二列的值           set @liec  =SUBSTRING(@IPStart,@dianb+1,@dianc-@dianb-1 )--第三列的值    set @lied  =SUBSTRING(@IPStart,@dianc+1, LEN(@IPStart))--第四列的值    set @intlon=  @lied+(@liec*1000)+(@lieb*1000000)+(@liea*1000000000)  --拼为整数            declare @inta  bigint      set @inta=(select top 1  IP3   from I_IPCity  where IP3>@intlon  and IPStart is not null and IPID is not null and IP3 is not null order by IP3 asc)      select top 1 * from I_IPCity where IP3<@inta and IPStart is not null and IPID is not null and IP3 is not null  order by IP3 desc    --返回''在表中对应的数据 END exec ProIP ''


 'Arg.ea'  对应位置:1 2 3 4 5 6 charindex('.','Arg.ea') >0   --如果大于零,则表示字符串Area中含有字符串CityName; 此例为true charindex('.','Arg.ea',2 )  -- 从第二个位置后,也就是从 字母'r'后开始找,先判断 ‘g’是否为‘.’ ,为否;继续判断‘.’是否为‘.’,此表达式为true SUBSTRING('Arg.ea',1,2)  --截取 字符串 'Arg.ea'中 第一个位置到第二个位置 ;也就是‘Ar’

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