表结构:create table blobdemo( col_1 ingeger, col_2 byte in blobdbs) in datadbs;
#include #include #include #include EXEC SQL INCLUDESQLCA; int main() { EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; int id; char msg[ 20 ]; loc_t photo; memset( msg, 0x00,sizeof( msg )); /* connect db */ EXEC SQL DATABASE pcsp; if( sqlca.sqlcode != 0 ) { fPRintf( stderr, "connect db with error [%d][%s]/n", sqlca.sqlcode, sqlca.sqlerrm ); return( -1 ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "connect db ok/n" ); } id = 0; strcpy( msg, "hello"); photo.loc_loctype = LOCMEMORY; photo.loc_bufsize = strlen( msg); photo.loc_buffer = msg; photo.loc_size = strlen( msg ); photo.loc_mflags = 0; EXEC SQL INSERT INTO BLOBDEMO( col_1, col_2 ) VALUES( :id, :photo ); if( sqlca.sqlcode != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "INSERT with failure [%d][%s]/n", sqlca.sqlcode, sqlca.sqlerrm ); return( -1 ); } /* disconnect db */ EXEC SQL CLOSE DATABASE; return( 0 ); )